Questions tagged [ajp]

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ClosedChannelException due to apache AJP

I am getting errors in prod splunk(not able to reproduce error in lower regions) which my senior believe is due to Apache AJP. Below are the errors - [31m10:53:39,465 ERROR [io.undertow.request] (...
ereh's user avatar
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Tomcat connector for Internet Information Server not working

I am trying to configure a Internet Information Server to work with Tomcat and after following the steps in the website it's does not work. What is worst, no way to document or to realize where the ...
Raul Luna's user avatar
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How can I test an ajp worker (tomcat10, apache 2.4.6)?

I have a simple server setup: Apache 2.4.6 JK Worker for talking with Tomcat, where a REST service is living Tomcat 10 Virtual Host In my virtual host file I have this configuration (snippet in <...
BairDev's user avatar
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SSL offloading with IIS and Ajp (isapi) Tomcat

I have java web application running on tomcat on a Windows 2019 server. It runs fine on port 8180. I have a IIS (10.0) running on the same server with isapi_redirector 1.2.48 configured. Now I can ...
alci's user avatar
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Can not access Tomcat servlet using httpd ajp proxy in Docker

Docker, httpd and tomcat is new to me. What I want to do: Access tomcat servlet through httpd ajp reverse proxy. I am making two containers under same bridge network, one runs httpd, another tomcat. ...
Mirza Prangon's user avatar
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Apache mod_proxy_hcheck with AJP?

I have BalancerMembers using AJP with the mod_proxy_hcheck module; however, the health check requests are HTTP. The documentation doesn't seem to specify it only works with HTTP and the source does ...
CrackerJack9's user avatar
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Application slowness due to Tomcat waiting for readLatch

we are getting issues reported by our clients that the application is slow at times, while checking the slow requests (using Glowroot) we could find quite a lot of threads getting stuck in org.apache....
msmani's user avatar
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How to pass secret in rewriterule to AJP protocol

I have a Apache server running 2.4.6, Tomcat 8.5.33 running lucee. We have rewrite rules that proxy to AJP on port 8009. ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/ timeout=3600 RewriteEngine On # ...
Grant Griffith's user avatar
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How to use httpd (https/ssl) as proxy server for tomcat

I have installed httpd and tomcat on my server but somehow I'm not able to connect them. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias ...
harshrathod50's user avatar
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tomcat 7.0.100 AJP connector with mod_jk on another host

After upgrading tomcat7 to 7.0.100, the AJP connector was only listening on Initially I edited the wrong server.xml in /etc/tomcat7/server.xml which was not used. The right one is /var/lib/...
Thomas's user avatar
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Getting error 403 with Tomcat 7.0.100 and Apache server 2.4 when using "secret" with AJP

Because of the bug CVE-2020-1938 we want to use the latest Tomcat 7.0.100. See also CVE-2020-1938 We also use an Apache server in version 2.4, which connects to the Tomcat via AJP. The latest Tomcat ...
egmontr's user avatar
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setting up AJP secret between Apache and Tomcat

I'm having trouble setting up a secret between Apache (2.4.41) and Tomcat (7.0.99). I think I have it setup correctly in Tomcat (server.xml): <Connector ... secretRequired="true" secret="123" />...
Matt's user avatar
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Apache Tomcat communication problems. Performance is exteme slow

Apache Version 2.4.34 (Win64) Apache Tomcat 6.0.44 Windows Server 2016 Standard Version 1607 After a certain period (1-2 hours). Application Performance becomes extremely poor and some time leads to ...
lesnar's user avatar
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Why tomcat AJP connector need to send GET_BODY_CHUNK message to Apache mod_jk

Why tomcat AJP connector need to send GET_BODY_CHUNK message to Apache mod_jk while reading request body. Why doesn’t it make use of Request Content-Length header already sent to it to decide how much ...
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Connection reset by peer: ajp_ilink_receive() can't receive header

I am seeing this in Liferay 6 (a Tomcat-based clustered webapp)'s log: APR does not understand this error code: proxy: read response failed from [::1]:8009 (localhost) The timeout specified has ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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AJP monitoring in Apache 2.2 and Wildfly

I need to monitor the AJP connections Apache 2.2 has with Wildfly 8.2.1, but it seems that jboss-cli does not have this metric and I don't know if this is possible in Apache. Any ideas?
Hernán's user avatar
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Apache Cluster + Tomcat websocket

We've recently configured a new Cluster with the following configuration: | APACHE + MOD_JK (AJP) Load Balancer / \ Tomcat1 ...
Medioman92's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 set ProxyTimeout only for ONE URL

I have an issue with Apache proxies. I was asked to let the connection between Apache and the web client opened, because we are working on SSE. The problem is that by default the timeout is 60secs. I ...
IsKor's user avatar
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What should be configured in AJP proxy configuration?

I have Apache HTTPD server in our product and I need to add the AJP proxy to some specific application. The Tomcat AJP port is 8009 and the Tomcat HTTP port is 8080 (the SSL termination is in Apache)....
Michael's user avatar
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Redirecting from PHP-based web servers to ELB and tomcat applications

I have an AWS deployment where I have a web-server (serving a PHP-based website) and an application server (serving JSP/Tomcat based applications). The redirection from the webserver to the ...
Sriram's user avatar
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Unable to Get Remote-User value

Fronting tomcat with Apache Ldap authentication . I can see through TCP DUMP that my http header sending remote_user:..RICHARD to tomcat. I have tried Both mod_AJP and mod_HTTP but can't print the ...
Dan's user avatar
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Unable to retrieve login information using AJP

We are using Apache for LDAP Authentication for webservices defined in tomcat. Using AJP Connector for proxypass, proxyserverpass. The problem we are facing is that we are unable to retrieve User ...
Dan's user avatar
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Why is my ProxyTimeout setting not working in my Apache/AJP configuration?

I’m using Apache 2.2 and JBoss 7.1.3.Final. I’m connected to JBoss from Apache via AJP. Below is my configuration … ProxyPass /cloudfront/ ajp://localhost:8009/cloudfront/ ProxyPass /app1/...
Dave's user avatar
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Apache + MOD_JK: Rewriting URLs + ProxyPassing thorugh AJP

I've a frontal server with Apache 2.4.23 deployed + OpenSSL 1.0.2j. Then I've another server with Tomcat 7 installed. The idea is that Apache has a VHOST on *:443, which uses ProxyPass to send the ...
Lightworker's user avatar
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IIS and Tomcat: mixed content

I'm trying to setup a site in IIS that is serving a webapp running in Tomcat, as well as content in HTML, PHP and JS. I'd like to have all content available under one domain. I was following this ...
DCH's user avatar
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apache 2.4 ajp and virtual host not working

I have Centos 7 , Httpd Apache 2.4 and Tomcat 8 my goal is to connect to my which is on tomcat throw 80 port. Now if I go to I am redirected to which is on httpd apache ...
Edgaras Karka's user avatar
11 votes
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Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

Since I started using an application behind a reverse proxy (Apache2's mod_jk), I've noticed some pages would not load; but do load, without the reverse proxy settings. The error in Google Chrome: ...
Mohamed Ennahdi El Idrissi's user avatar
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Using Tomcat behind Apache2 Http with different context paths

On our Ubuntu webserver we have a Apache2 HTTP server in conjunction with an JSF application running on an Tomcat8 application server using AJP 1.3 connector and HTTPS/SSL. I want my app which runs on ...
Raphael Roth's user avatar
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AJP Connector not working? (404 error)

I'm trying to connect the Apache WebServer (2.4.10) to Tomcat 7, both located in two different VMs. It's my first time using those tools. From what I understood a method to check if the connection is ...
RVKS's user avatar
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How to Configure Apache mod_proxy to proxy Glassfish 4.1 on Fedora 21?

i have glassfish 4.1 running and checked the JK-Listener option on http-listener-2: also i already installed apache (sudo yum install httpd) and created the following file on /etc/httpd/conf.d: /...
Sombriks's user avatar
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Configure HA Proxy between Apache and Tomcat servers

Want to configure HA Proxy with my existing structure. Currently I have Apache->Tomcat server. This I want to change to Apache->HA Proxy->Tomcat Server. HA I have configured for Http request. But my ...
Navnath's user avatar
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Configure Jira & Confluence together with Boncode

I have Jira set up on MyServer:8080/Jira and Confluence on MyServer:8090/Wiki I'm trying to achieve the folowing MyServer/Jira -> forward to Jira and MyServer/Wiki -> forward to Confluence For ...
Marty's user avatar
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Communication between HTTPD and Glassfish server [duplicate]

Currently, Glassfish Server sits behind a Apache HTTPD server. Glassfish server provides business applications along with static content. The idea is to allow Apache HTTPD server to provide static ...
TheMonkWhoSoldHisCode's user avatar
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Apache problems in performance test with mod_reqtimeout

We have 2 Apache webserver behind a load balancer wich are connected to 2 (JBoss) application servers via mod ajp. To those webservers, mobile devices connect via a REST API. In our performance ...
Michael Niemand's user avatar
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Apache mod_jk LB synchronization server startup + application startup time

after a long search I can´t found a solution or path to solve my problem with synchronization startup of Apache and Backend servers. I have a Apache2 using a LoadBalancer with mod_jk that balance ...
Carlos Lacerda's user avatar
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Apache and JBoss mod_cluster speed up reload

As an alternative to this question, is it possible to decrease the amount of time that it takes for the Apache (httpd) server to pick up the JBoss servers after the Apache server reloads? As of right ...
user1207177's user avatar
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What is causing Apache httpd (+mod_proxy_ajp) to drop connections

I have the following VirtualHost configured (Apache 2.2.22) <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ************ ProxyRequests Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from ...
jlb's user avatar
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JBoss application behind apache ajp proxy with subdomain - duplicated context

In my application, I'm making some standard scenario where Java web app is deployed on JBoss with apache proxy upfront. The webapp is accessible from /esp context so direct url would be (but I've ...
kamil's user avatar
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Stale Network connections to Tomcat AJP port

I have Tomcat Application server connected with Apache server using mod_jk connector. Both are running on different servers. Apache ----->------ Firewall ----->------ Tomcat For the last couple of ...
ArunS's user avatar
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Log Outgoing Apache Port on AJP Connection

I have Tomcat 7 set up to work with mod_jk and AJP. I'm wondering if, on the Tomcat side, I can log the mod_jk (Apache side) outgoing port with the Tomcat request handler thread name in order to track ...
Andy's user avatar
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404 in Tomcat manager with AJP connector

I'm trying to configure Tomcat 7 on CentOS 6 with Apache mod_jk, SSL, and an AJP connector. The JK module is installed under Apache: $ sudo httpd -M | grep jk jk_module (shared) Syntax OK Tomcat is ...
Jon W's user avatar
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Apache / Tomcat AJP DNS failures when tunneling

I have a situation where I can access a private NAT-ed apache2.4 / tomcat7.0 railo4.2 server directly from the host or local network but when tunneling in through an SSH remote port forward the ...
SpliFF's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy and requested URL aware tomcat

I've configured an infrastructre setup where an apache reverse proxy terminates SSL requests. Then the requests are proxied to another frontend apache webserver and then again this one is connected ...
user218594's user avatar
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resolving two tomcat instances to two different directories with httpd.conf and mod_proxy_ajp [closed]

Please excuse my ignorance on this topic. I've read and read, searched and searched and I'm still struggling with my setup. I'm trying to setup my httpd.conf to allow one domain, with two directories ...
Fred's user avatar
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How to throttle AJP

On Windows i connect Apache2 to Tomcat7 via AJP. Is there any configuration that can throttle the communication? This is my worker.list=node1 worker.node1.port=8009 worker.node1....
Grim's user avatar
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How to Configure TimeOut For AJP connector

I am using ajp connector to connect to J BOSS nodes from Apache, ajp is configured to accept 400 concurrent connections by setting max Threads to 400, but few my connections are getting timeout. Where ...
user1614862's user avatar
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Two tomcat 7 instance running on same machine not accepting requests on AJP connector

I have setup a tomcat cluster with session replication running on same machine. I have modified the connector and shutdown ports as node1 --http 8080 --ajp 8009 --shutdown 8005 node2 --...
Prasenjit Purohit's user avatar
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"ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_receive failed"

We have Apache 2.2.24 in front of Tomcat 7.0.33. We're using AJP connectors with APR/native configured. I recently noticed a number of 500 errors in the Apache access logs for a small proportion (0....
scarba05's user avatar
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Apache frontend for Tomcat, proxy security

I have a server that hosts Tomcat for apps and Apache2 for it's frontend. They communicate to each other through ajp protocol over mod_moxy and proxy_ajp modules. Am I really safe using apache ...
user1492810's user avatar
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No generated when compiling tomcat connector

When I try to compile the tomcat connector from source, everything appears fine except that no file gets created. Software versions: RHEL6 x86_64 httpd-2.4.3 tomcat-connector 1.2.37 ...
user1171848's user avatar