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Return 404 after configure the https on Apache 2.4

I am trying to deploy a new Angular app with apache 2.4 + ubuntu 16. Angular app is the frontend app, it would call the api from backend servers. I can visit the home page, but failed with error "...
Lambert's user avatar
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Deploy MEAN stack app in a subdirectory

I'm trying to host a node app on I've already got website hosted on apache server. I've created a reverse proxy in apache configuration. ProxyPass /nodeapp http:...
Vipin Yadav's user avatar
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How to serve wordpress (LAMP) and Angular (Node/Express) app on same server/domain

I'm currently running a web server with Ubuntu 16.04, serving up a Wordpress site, using LAMP stack and LetsEncrypt SSL to encrypt the website. I'd like to be able to run an Angular app with the MEAN ...
blb1981's user avatar