I whant to limit bandwith of clients from network behind my linux based NAT gateway. My clints is connected via wifi or directly via ethernet to router and receiving their IP address from DHCP. I want to limit bandwith near 3Mb per Client IP. Now I has setup tc qdisc limiter for network interface and this summury bandwith limit for all clients. How to limit per IP? Create class and filter for each IP? Total 254 classes for network ( Looking like not good way...

  • Why? Isn't it more important that bandwidth is shared fairly? Unused BW is usually not something worth preserving.
    – vidarlo
    Mar 24 at 12:02
  • This is guest network with internal rules.
    – Spider
    Mar 24 at 14:00
  • Yes, but usually it's either more interesting to limit total use, or ensure fair sharing so everyone get a good expirience...
    – vidarlo
    Mar 24 at 15:18
  • So. Any ways to make my case?
    – Spider
    Mar 25 at 3:58


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