Questions tagged [autoscaling]

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DynamoDB Auto-Scaling, Application Auto-Scaling

I'm trying to setup a set of boto3 python AWS scripts which can create new users and dynamoDB tables, so that the web app I'm working on can add new users with properly scoped permissions. I'm having ...
Devin Ceartas's user avatar
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How to handle kubernetes workload crash-loop under load

Here is what I consider a quite generic situation for which I'm not sure what the best solution is. Consider you have a k8s workload where pods need 10-30seconds to be Ready. If at some point you get ...
mveroone's user avatar
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AWS EC2 auto-scaling Windows server: how to set the hostname ("computername")?

I have an elaborate framework for autoscaling UNIX servers to configure their hostname with a script on launch (startup) using an NFS (EFS) where they look up what their hostname should be, then set ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
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Unable to change "on host maintenance" option for an instance template on GCP

I've been using instance templates for Instance Groups, and I never had to go to "Advanced Options" because everything was working as expected. But today, while creating a new instance group ...
Hasnain's user avatar
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How to fix HPA deprecation warning on GKE?

Observed output kubectl describe hpa Warning: autoscaling/v2beta2 HorizontalPodAutoscaler is deprecated in v1.23+, unavailable in v1.26+; use autoscaling/v2 HorizontalPodAutoscaler Attempted fix ...
Jared Beck's user avatar
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Scaling up a client vpn

We are setting up an ikev2 client vpn using strongswan. So far we have managed to setup a single server using letsencrypt certificate with eap-radius authentication method. We are able to connect to ...
Hamza Khalid's user avatar
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GCP: How do I set up alerting failed autoscaling for a load balancer

We had an issue with autoscaling in our prd env, where the autoscaler was not able create new VMs due to an error in the template. We want to be pro-active on this, and set up alert whenever there is ...
ibrahiminui's user avatar
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Can multiple EC2 Auto Scaling Group policies be defined for a single environment?

Given an Auto Scaling Group with a single EC2 environment, am I able to create a scheduled scaling policy and a CPU target tracking policy for the ASG? For example, I would like to define a scheduled ...
Xamuel's user avatar
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How do I define Suspended Processes in an Autoscaling Group in AWS CloudFormation?

We have a cluster of servers that need specific Elastic IPs, so we don't want the Autoscaling Group to automatically replace them when they fail healthchecks. We have accomplished this by disabling ...
Helios's user avatar
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Warmup GKE Horizontal Autoscaler

I have an application hosted on Google Kubernetes Engine that utilizes a Horizontal Autoscaler to scale automatically to the current demand (e.g. 30% CPU). In general, this works very well and allows ...
schoendorfer.m's user avatar
-3 votes
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Can Auto-Scaling be considered an advanced concept of Clustering?

Since using auto-scaling, it seemed to be no different from clustering except that the scale is automatically changed. I think what they have in common is that both increase availability by ...
john_smith's user avatar
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AWS Autoscaling instance group refresh without downtime?

How is it possible to perform an instance refresh within an autoscaling group without any downtime? Running two ec2 instances with 3 public facing services running 2 tasks each. The services have an ...
BillPull's user avatar
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How can I make sure that AWS does not kill tasks before auto scaling kicks in?

I work on an AWS Fargate service which has a health check configured as well as an autoscaling policy set. The application needs about 30 - 45 seconds to start. The application does receive traffic ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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Can ecs services communicate with AWS AutoScalingGroup without NAT Gateway

Initially asked this question on StackOverflow but this should be the right place... I have an architecture similar to I would like to know if ...
user2134216's user avatar
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How do I schedule Pods so that every cluster Node has the same set of services?

I want every Kubernetes node to have the same set of pods on it. If I scale up a deployment, I want the new pods to go on new cluster nodes that I scaled up. Do I use required node affinity for this?
Samuel Squire's user avatar
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Autoscaling images with EBS attached

We have an AWS EC2 instance that has an EBS gp3 SSD mounted with around 70GB. Sometimes, we do some scp orders to copy new files to this EBS, but for the rest of the time, the instance will only do ...
Learning from masters's user avatar
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Meaning of: supplementalGroups: [ 65534 ]?

I am looking at this yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: kube-dns-autoscaler namespace: kube-system labels: k8s-app: kube-dns-autoscaler
guettli's user avatar
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AWS AutoScaling - Combining Dynamic and Predictive Scaling

I'm working on setting up scaling policies for an ASG application. I'm wondering if it is possible (or advisable) to combine Predictive and Dynamic scaling policies for a single ASG. The peaks for the ...
user1751825's user avatar
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Istio - Prometheus - HPA Stack not communicating [ HPA could not calculate the number of replicas ]

I have cluster with 1 control panel and 2 nodes. Istio is installed as Service Mesh. I do request management via istio ingress. I want it to automatically scale by sharing metrics between Kubernetes ...
Orgenus's user avatar
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Google cloud Auto scaling - how to create vm using existing vms image

Hi I am new to google cloud. I want to use autoscaling. My question is that is it possible to use the image of my current vm as template? Or do I have to create a fresh vm instance and create script ...
Bishwadeep KC's user avatar
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Run Github actions workflow ec2 auto scaled servers

Our application is hosted on AWS EC2, we add code updates & fix bugs every few weeks. Our code is on github and github actions does the deployment with automated & manual workflows. We have a ...
MD Nasirul Islam's user avatar
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AWS RDS: Invalid max storage size for engine name postgres and storage type gp2: 198

I'm getting this error while modifying DB instance. Invalid max storage size for engine name postgres and storage type gp2: 198 for schedule autoscaling. This only happened yesterday, it's weird. Here ...
JamesBowery's user avatar
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Scaling based on number of processes running on ec2 instance

I have a use case where multiple python scripts will run in parallel on ec2. They read an SQS queue and perform operations such as download from S3, parse files, split, process, and update database. ...
Rohini's user avatar
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Terraform ECS Capacity Provider not resulting in new ECS instances on demand

From what I read here ECS capacity providers should (generally) prevent tasks immediately failing on resource limits by putting them in a "Provisioning" state and spinning up a new EC2 ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
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How to configure VPC and subnet for EC2 Database accessible privately

I have an EC2 Postgres Database (not standard AWS RDS, but based on my own configured AMI) I have a load balancer, auto scaling group with 4 max servers in each AZ (us-west-2) My load balancer is ...
Nirav Bhatt's user avatar
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Autoscaling Groups: what happens during scale-in if all ec2 are termination protected?

Suppose I create an ec2 autoscaling group where each instance is protect terminated. Suppose a min of 2 and a maximum of 4, I was wondering what happens if, in presence of a step policy: There is a ...
Phate's user avatar
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How to minimize ecs autoscaling reaction time from terraform?

When you create an ECS autoscaling policy, two alarms tag along with it: one for scaling up ("out"), one for scaling down ("in"). The scale-out ones I see created appear to sample ...
Jonas Kölker's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the best metric for auto-scaling GPU instances for machine learning inference in the cloud?

We have an API in AWS with a GPU instance that does inference. We have an auto-scaler setup with the minimum and maximum number of instances, but aren’t sure which metric (GPU/CPU usage, RAM usage, ...
elwray14's user avatar
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Limit max number of simulataneous connections from NLB to a specific instance

I am trying to restrict maximal number of TCP connections from amazon NLB to a target group. Example of a desired scenario: We have 2 instances and NLB. The first 100 users with 100 TCP connections ...
rlib's user avatar
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Updating Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set

I have hosted a website in azure virtual machine scale set by following the below steps Create a VM and do the necessary changes/installations in iis. Create a snapshot of the VM. This ensure that ...
Vishnu Babu's user avatar
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EBS target response time increasing before CPU utilization

I'm in a company where we have an elastic beanstalk configuration and it works fine with our CICD. The only issue is that earlier today i ran a stress test (basically just disabled AWS shield and went ...
Lukas Mittun Alexander Guldstv's user avatar
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Connect instances in auto-scaling group to EC2 instance (coordinator node) without using elastic IP?

I have a setup where I do batch computation using spot instances in an auto-scaling group. The batch computation is coordinated by a "coordinator node", which is just an EC2 instance. I use ...
Foobar's user avatar
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Autoscaling - lifecylehook implementation

I'm trying to implement my first ASG with a lifecycle hook and I am having this issue: LifecycleHandlerFunction: Encountered unsupported property Role The following resource(s) failed to create: [...
serialp's user avatar
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AWS auto scaling, "scale in" controls

I'm trying to move off a monolithic big server, that ran many jobs, into a design that uses auto scaling to build out more servers as more jobs are run. The issue I found in testing is that when the ...
RunThor's user avatar
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Why is Code Deploy not running in new instances generated from an Auto Scale Group?

I've setup a Code Pipeline where code is being successfully pulled from Github after every commit and then a Build phase runs specs and then a Deploy phase creates a Deployment pointing to amy ...
Erik Escobedo's user avatar
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GCE autoscaling based on custom metrics provided by the running instances?

I have a managed instance group with autoscaling. Each instance runs a program that polls a remote site asking "do you have any work for me?" If the answer is "no", it goes to ...
JayEye's user avatar
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What is the best way to attach instance to auto scaling?

This is my first post so hope I will get the answer. I want to create auto scaling on my existing EC2 instance, so I found this approach so hope someone will tell me is it good ( or suggest me how to ...
mawerick_1's user avatar
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Configure a new kubernetes node automatically

I configured a Kubernetes cluster with GPU in AWS, and one of the steps is configuring the nodes to enable Nvidia runtime by default. So when I configured cluster auto scaler, the cluster scales up ...
Sadmi's user avatar
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Why are pods failing to schedule due to resources when node has plenty available?

The pods in my application scale with 1 pod per user (each user gets their own pod). I have the limits for the application container set up like so: resources: limits: cpu: 250m ...
Ben Davis's user avatar
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How can I autoscale my Azure Kubernetes nodepool before resources run out

I did some testing today with my autoscaling setup on Azure Kubernetes. I noticed that when an autoscale was triggered, it took a while for the next node to spin up, so the last pod had to wait a long ...
Ben Davis's user avatar
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Autoscaling with Google Compute Engine with Static IP pointing to domain name

I am looking to add autoscaling to my Google Compute Engine via the instructions I have found here: My original Compute Engine instance has a static ip ...
Chrono's user avatar
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Targeting specific google cloud run instance through HTTP

I'm using cloud run to run a node.js app with lru-cache and auto scaling. I have created a route to allow external services to reset the application's cache. I am now looking for a way to target every ...
J Dubuis's user avatar
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Google Run Managed - how keep a minimum number of instances and not have 0

We have a set of services deployed on google run platform managed for a web application and whenever there is no traffic, it seems the services go to sleep and then it takes a long time to wake them ...
Gregory's user avatar
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powershell user data script run on restart of the Windows instance

We have windows servers that do application initialization which takes almost 3-4 hours for servers to be online. So to avoid downtime we use autoscaling group lifecycle hooks. Now we want to shut ...
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
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Setting up autoscaling based on network throughput

I need help in setting up autoscaling based on network throughput. Our front instances are placed inside an autoscaling group. We want the number of instances to increase as a function of network ...
Marcus Stein's user avatar
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google cloud Stackdriver Metrics to scale an Manage instance group - Regional

What are the Stackdriver Metrics we can use to autoscale Regional Manage instance groups ? When i check the docs it says Regional managed instance groups do not support filtering for per-instance ...
Thulasya's user avatar
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autoscaling php-fpm in AWS ECS

I have a t3.medium instance managed by ASG and used by ECS. My application requires approximately 25% of the capacity of this instance to operate at a minimum. will work in the standard nginx + ...
Julio's user avatar
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Production level Auto-scaling in AWS

I have completely understood the concept of Auto-Scaling in AWS. My only question is, what AMI will the launch configuration use while in production environment? According to my understanding Image ...
Subramanian Lakshmanan's user avatar
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CloudWatch / Autoscaling - Remove Capacity Metric Alarm always shows in Alarm, how can I make it not

using the example from I created an alarm to trigger pruning any unused auto-scaled instances. I'm a big fan of not ...
Chris Whittle's user avatar
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Terraform waits for ASG removal while doing graceful shutdown of EC2 instances

I use Terraform to set up ASG for my worker servers running sidekiq. On deploy when AMI image_id changes the instances require long graceful shutdown before terminating to finish job processing (max. ...
ahes's user avatar
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