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APACHE SetEnv directive (from .htaccess) not send to CGI process

I don't understand Apache2 mecanism in this scenario : 1/ In this location : var/www/cgi-bin/ (user's group rights : www-data) i've a CGI script (php-cgi) who will execute PHP app + VAR environement ...
gmini's user avatar
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Mod Rewrite for cgi-bin

So i want to rewrite the following url structure to I have this as a rule and it works, but it doesn't force the url to print in the ...
user156466's user avatar
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cgi script served as plain text when called from .htaccess

I'm Running Apache 2.2 on the RackSpace CloudSites. I have a Perl CGI script that works fine if called directly via URL. I want to use the script as a custom ErrorDocument, but instead of being parsed ...
joatis's user avatar
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Local .htaccess strangely allowed running PHP in CGI/FastCGI mode in Apache under shared hosting environment

I am using a shared web hosting service. Running phpinfo, I can see the Server API shows CGI/FastCGI rather than Apache 2 Handler. In this article:
bobo's user avatar
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.htaccess RewriteEngine on breaks CGI Application

My .htaccess file is in the root directory of my website, and I narrowed down a problem to the single line of code RewriteEngine on. How do I know it's this piece of code? Because I deleted the entire ...
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You don’t have permission to access / on this server

I am setting up a simple test page in Python. I only have two files: .htaccess and (Permissions for both set to 755) I get a 403 Forbidden error when trying to view the page - how can I fix ...
Yongho's user avatar
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htaccess redirect / to cgi-bin/cgiscript.cgi not working

1st of all the disclaimer: this is my very first "meeting" with .htaccess, and I'm not a sysadm, never was, but the guy in the neighborhood, who used to set up the machine. So now I have to set up ...
Zsolt Botykai's user avatar