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3 answers

CGI scripts: when can you return a document, instead of an HTTP response?

Script 1 below is bash, and is at It produces the output 'Under construction' when fetched. It echos Status and Content-type headers, and some HTML. If I instead try ...
QF0's user avatar
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How to Enable Immediate CGI Line Outputs With Nginx, Without Waiting for a CGI Script to Finish?

I have a perl and shell script that process a bunch of data and output results as they happen, like: 5 processed in 0.58 seconds. 10 processed in 0.79 seconds. ... 150 processed in 0.65 seconds. DONE! ...
Crash Override's user avatar
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nginx site shows blank page. No errors

Background I'm trying to get an nginx /php-fpm7 site up and running on an alpine linux server. Problem No errors appear when i navigate to it. Cert is good. And the in the /var/log/access.log ...
dot's user avatar
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1 answer

SELinux, Nginx and fcgiWrap: how to allow access to fcgiWrap socket?

I am under Fedora 31 (linux kernel 5.4.13, Nginx 1.16.1, fcgiwrap 1.1.0) running with SELinux in enforcing mode (policy: targeted 3.14.4-44.fc31). My box hosts a server driven by Nginx. Part of it ...
ajlittoz's user avatar
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1 answer

Loading css from cgit on nginx in a subdirectory

before I start I should note that I have absolutely no experience with nginx or networking, so what I have done was thanks to searching and trying different solutions. I have a problem I struggle ...
lyna's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between a proxy server and a gateway server?

From Proxy server on Wikipedia: A proxy server may reside on the user's local computer, or at any point between the user's computer and destination servers on the Internet. A proxy server that passes ...
Tim's user avatar
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What can be a FastCGI client?

fcgiweb is a server based on FastCGI protocol. What can be a FastCGI client? Is a CGI script a FastCGI client, or is a web server (e.g. Nginx) a FastCGI client? Thanks.
Tim's user avatar
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How can I configure Nginx to use PHP in CGI-mode?

The Nginx tutorial shows PHP 5 being used in FastCGI mode on Windows, but PHP 4 doesn't support php-cgi.exe so it must be run in traditional cgi mode, There are two ways to set up PHP to work with ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx and fcgiwrap, incremental output problems

When I run a cgi script under Apache any output is rapidly sent to the client. However when I run it under nginx with fcgiwrap it seems nothing is sent to the client until the script either finishes ...
Peter Green's user avatar
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1 answer

CGI stopped working on setting Nginx as reverse proxy for apache

So I am running a site Initially, I was using apache and any hit to my site would be redirected to Now this redirection is defined in my httpd.conf like: ...
Prakarsh Upmanyu's user avatar
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Nginx serving C++ cgi script: response is binary format

I am trying to run C++ CGI script on nginx. I am using FCGIWrap with script from nginx website. The program code is like this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout &...
Junchao Gu's user avatar
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1 answer

uwsgi configuration with Nginx, with python scripts as cgi - 502 Bad Gateway

This is my .ini file to run the uwsgi "" [uwsgi] plugins = cgi socket = cgi = /=/usr/share/test/ cgi-allowed-ext = .py cgi-helper = .py=python i have a file "" at ...
Archer's user avatar
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3 votes
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cgit only works on command line, but not with nginx

Like many times, I used a virtual machine to test something. This is the reason why the configuration is maybe a bit dirty. I just try to get cgit running with nginx. I created a directory /git (...
Kevin Meier's user avatar
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nginx can't find cgi two levels deep

Typically, I want to serve an index.html file when and any other directory is requested. The following, in nginx.conf, does that for /test: location /test { try_files $uri.html ...
Rob's user avatar
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how is it possible to configure uwsgi in emperor-mode with cgi-plugin + heartbeat in combination with nginx

After having the migration from fcgiwrap to uWSGI (which also brings plenty of other benefits that I'm planning to use) on my ToDo-list for some time I finally managed to setup a debian-wheezy test-...
antiplex's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to debug CGI over fcgiwrap/nginx

I serve executable scripts (mainly in C) through fcgiwrap connected with nginx. Since the scripts are complied, I can get the coding errors during compilation, but sometimes I receive CGI errors ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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nginx + fcgiwrap: how come order of fastcgi_param matters?

I'm running Debian 6.0.3 (squeeze), nginx-0.7.67, fcgiwrap-1.0-1+squeeze1. Here is the test script: #!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010; use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; print "Content-Type: text/...
x-yuri's user avatar
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2 votes
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CGI permissions with NGINX & FastCGI

I'm running GitWeb (which is essentially a CGI script) on a server which also runs GitLab. My aim is to provide reaad-only access to GitLab repositories without registering people. I've pointed ...
bayindirh's user avatar
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NGINX and CGit configuration

I?m trying to setup CGit and NGINX. I'm almost there but I have a problem with the rewrite rule in my NGINX's conf file. Currently I have this: server { listen 80; server_name cgit....
alexandernst's user avatar
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Chrooted nginx, fastcgi, and cgit

I'm running a Debian server with nginx chrooted in /var/chroot/nginx. It works wonderfully, but I'd like to be able to run cgit and host my gitolite repositories. When it was out of the chroot it ...
jibcage's user avatar
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Webserver Nginx + PHP FPM Access Denied error with .cgi scripts

Webserver with Nginx 1.1.19 and PHP 5 FPM work great with serving PHP and showing output of mysql data. I want to embed nagios in my application and so I needed .cgi scripts for the first time on ...
Jona Koudijs's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx + fastcgi to run PHP script , but it kept telling me "File not found"

Here's part of config in the server block: I was unable to execute any php script , I placed a file named test.php under /var/html , but when I point to http://localhost/test.php , I got a result: ...
daisy's user avatar
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Compiling FastCGIWrap fails on slackware (nginx cgi support)

I'm currently trying to get nginx to work with cgit which uses cgi. I know nginx doesn't support cgi directly but it appears you can support it indirectly via FastCGIWrap. The link above is pretty ...
tftd's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any equivalent to php5-cgi for python?

nginx doesn't allow to directly execute external programs, so to run CGIs you need to run an standalone fcgi backend and connect to it with the fastcgi_pass directive. For php it's easy, e.g. using ...
Jaime Soriano's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Can advanced web servers be faster than basic web servers?

A bsic web server such as python SimpleHTTPServer or THTTPD reads static files with least process; thus is quite fast. Normally, adding more features to create an advanced web server (but still ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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2 answers

how to spawn php-cgi automatically when it exits?

I am using php-cgi on ubuntu(with nginx), and the command to start it is: spawn-fcgi -a -p 9100 -f /usr/bin/php-cgi -P /var/run/ but sometimes the php-cgi process will exit ...
Bin Chen's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How does nginx support cgi?

With apache ,I just put my binary under cgi-bin,how about nginx? Does it support cgi at all?
kernel's user avatar
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4 answers

How to add a pool to FPM (nginx) without reload/restart fpm itself?

Im building an environment (on a ubuntu 10.04.02 machine) to handle a website with many (should support at least 1000) subdomains, each of them served by a different FPM pool, with a different user. ...
Strae's user avatar
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