Questions tagged [datastax-enterprise]

An enterprise distribution of the open-source Apache Cassandra project with Apache Spark and Apache Solr.

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Cassandra ReadTimeout: code=1200 - Coordinator node timed out waiting for replica nodes

I've got 3 node cluster on DSE 4.8.8 with replication factor = 2 and consistency on write quorum and on read one. When I'm trying to select some of the data I get this error: cqlsh:production> ...
Paweł Ufnalewski's user avatar
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Adding cluster to Opscenter fails intermittently due to Enterprise functionality: False

I am working with a OpsCenter 5.1.1 installation, while trying to add an existing DSE 4.6.5 cluster containing 5 nodes via the API. The options passed set the storage_cassandra variables for storing ...
Shawn's user avatar
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3 answers

DataStax OpsCenter agent fails to start when Cassandra requires authentication

Problem I can not get OpsCenter get to connect to datastax-agent. It seems that datastax-agent starts and tries to connect to cassandra, fails because it does not know the correct credentials, but it ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Cassandra nodetool repair failure - broken pipe

we're trying to check our Cassandra cluster data integrity with: nodetool repair but after several minutes (~2-10min), we got strange connection resets / broken pipe stack trace on a first node: ...
Greg M.'s user avatar
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2 answers

cassandra data migration from regular drive to SSD on production server

we want migrate our data from regular drives on production server to new SSD drives. how we can do that without taking down the node no longer than 4 hours(hinted hand-off is 4 hours) our data is in ...
user6288321's user avatar
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Issue with snapshot creation

I am running into an issue when I try to repair a keyspace: myuser@host-1:~$ nodetool repair -pr mykeyspace [2014-11-07 13:33:10,132] Starting repair command #13, repairing 1 ranges for keyspace ...
Ztyx's user avatar
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Cannot add an existing Cassandra cluster to OpsCenter ('ascii' codec can't encode character)

While trying to add an existing Cassandra cluster to OpsCenter I encountered the following error: Error creating cluster: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u03a7' in position 0: ordinal not ...
Gene's user avatar
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Datastax OpsCenter 5.1 fails to backup 'All Keyspaces'

We recently upgraded our company servers (Datastax Enterprise 4.5.3) to DSE 4.6.0. The only problem we face with that is the new Backup Service, in which we are unable to create a backup for "All ...
Arribah's user avatar
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Risks of adding Cassandra 3.11 nodes to a 2.1 cluster

We're running DSE v4.8.5 (which uses Cassandra 2.1.13), and we need to migrate to the community edition of Cassandra v3.11 and then retire the old DSE servers. Someone (it might have been me) ...
Rich's user avatar
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Changing network interface will cause cassandra node fail?

I have a dse-cassandra cluster for use in production. I would like to attach an network-interface to every node. If I add the ip address of that interface on each cassandra config; would it break the ...
Sachin PK's user avatar
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LDAP Cassandra OpsCenter Configuration With AD

I have an OpsCenter that I need to connect to AD. The relevant configuration below: [authentication] enabled = True authentication_method = LDAP audit_pattern = ldaplog [ldap] server_host = ldap....
user3081519's user avatar
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datastax opscenter Unable to find a matching cluster for node with IP

I'm trying to configure a new OpsCenter 5.2.2 manually to a newly launched and running Cassandra Cluster 2.0.17, so I add a cluster conf file, start the OpsCenter, which then creates the CF OpsCenter, ...
Steffen Winther Sørensen's user avatar
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Using external IP with DataStax Enterprise

We are in a situation where we need Cassandra nodes to be accessible from an external IP, but there is no interface with that IP; traffic to that IP is NATted to the node. Per DataStax's documentation,...
E. Arvidson's user avatar
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OpsCenter - DSE Cassandra - Cannot achieve consistency level LOCAL_ONE

I am running into this error on a OpsCenter node with DSE Cassandra installed locally. It is in it's own DC and part of a cluster with three other nodes in another DC. Authentication is enabled on ...
krafts's user avatar
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Repairing OpsCenter rollups60 Results in Snapshot Errors

I am running a 6 node cluster using Apache Cassandra 2.1.2 with DataStax OpsCenter 5.0.2 from the AWS EC2 AMI "DataStax Auto-Clustering AMI 2.5.1-hvm" (DataStax Community AMI). When I try to run a ...
pgn674's user avatar
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OpsCenter 5.0.1 - xhrstream HTTP Get request cancelled - 0 of 0 agents connected

Connecting to OpsCenter 5.0.1 on OSX Yosemite on the latest Google Chrome 39.0.2171.99 (64-bit) results in these tcp xhrstreams requests being cancelled and i get a message stating 0 of 0 agents ...
benlaplanche's user avatar
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Which direction does `nodetool repair` go?

Let's say I log into a Cassandra node X and issue nodetool repair. Will I only repair the data residing on X? Or will I also automatically repair all other nodes that have replicas of what X holds (...
Ztyx's user avatar
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Opscenter 5.2 missing data for 1day and 1week graph scale

I recently update Opscenter from 5.1 to 5.2, and yesterday just discovered that if I select different 1day or 1week graph scales no data will be shown in the graph. I checked the logs and the chrome ...
Luigi's user avatar
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Spark-Cassandra-Connector Issue Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/datastax/spark/connector/rdd/reader/RowReaderFactory

What is going wrong with the Spark Cassandra Connector could you please help to solve this? Scala File: import com.datastax.spark.connector._ import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache....
Subhrangshu Adhikary's user avatar
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Where is solr.xml on datastax 5 (dse)?

I have dse 5.0 setup with solr and I can't find solr.xml file in solr/home or solr web home. Where it stores solr.xml on dse ?
Ankush T's user avatar
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How to install old version of datastax-agent for opscenter in cassandra

when i am trying to manually install agents through yum latest version of agent is getting installed rather than the version i am currently using, how can i install the version of agent i want do i ...
user6288321's user avatar
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how to read statistics.db and summary.db file in cassandra

i am trying to read the Statistics.db file and summary.db file but i couldn't read I want to know what is the data that will be stored in it, any specific format. if so what is the format and what ...
user6288321's user avatar
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Why can't I create nodes on EC2 default network with OpsCenter 5.2.1?

I've had to update our DataStax OpsCenter service from 5.1.3 to 5.2.1 because when I tried to add a new node to our Cassandra Cluster (DSE 4.6.6 on Amazon EC2) it said that "No nodes were available to ...
kuteninja's user avatar
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Datastax Agent 5.1.3 Short os-stats collector failed

after starting datastax agent 5.1.3 on our new servers we are getting following error in the agent.log. ERROR [os-metrics-6] 2015-08-05 13:49:41,565 Short os-stats collector failed java.lang....
Olqs's user avatar
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OpsCenter shows no data metrics

I have a simple two node cluster setup that has been working fine for the last couple of weeks. I haven't made any changes on my nodes, but a few days ago data metrics stopped showing up. By all ...
KingOfHypocrites's user avatar
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OpsCenter 5.1.2 fails to start with SSL enabled on CentOS 5

This applies to OpsCenter 5.1.0 and 5.1.1 as well. I got the following error when trying to run OpsCenter 5.1.2 on a CentOS 5 server: Unhandled Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/...
Gene's user avatar
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Datastax repair service questions

So we had a node go down two nights ago, and it took the better part of a day to get it back up. I'm still learning so I'm not familiar with the repair options, but based on the article here: http://...
zoo_live_crew's user avatar
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DSE Shark worker Jetty port

I just read that the random Shark worker Jetty port can't be fixated. The previous link states: Jetty-based. Each of these services starts on a random port that cannot be configured However, ...
Ztyx's user avatar
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How to test to observe Latency Differences when running Cassandra on HDD vs SSD

We had a 3 node cluster running on HDDs. After migrating to SSDs, we ran a load test but haven't seen any latency difference. So we are thinking about running a stress test. Is there any threshold or ...
user6288321's user avatar