Questions tagged [dns-server]

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36 votes
4 answers

How to push my own DNS server to OpenVPN?

I have defined an unbound DNS server on my VPS and it appears to work. I need to use the DNS server instead of public DNS servers because some ISPs have blocked public DNS IPs. My openvpn.conf file is:...
hbp's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

How to configure email autoconfiguration for a domain?

Outlook and a number of other email clients now feature autodiscovery of mail server settings and it bugs me that I don't have this set up for our domains, but I'm not sure how to do it and a quick ...
Whisk's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

How is a single IP address load balanced?

I'm aware of "round robin DNS" load balancing, but how can a single IP address be load balanced? Google's DNS servers for example, and Wikipedia's load balancing article states: ...
Torvero's user avatar
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15 votes
15 answers

Will SRV records ever become useful?

In DNS an SRV record really is a pretty generic form of telling a remote client where a specific service is hosted. At this moment I use it for allowing people to call me using a SIP client over the ...
Niels Basjes's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Openvpn client, force DNS server

Our Linux Ubuntu configuration does have a DNS server (Bind 9). And resolv.conf has its nameserver When using openvpn client on that Linux, the nameserver is not changed (by the VPN ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why send authoritative nameserver in DNS?

Out of curiosity, I'm checking the Wireshark DNS packets. I can see that there's a DNS query from the host, and then DNS response from the DNS server. Everything is just as expected. However, if you ...
AhmedWas's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Small issue with the Domain Name System (DNS) Server Cmdlets

I'm wondering if I need to clear some cache or something with the issue I'm having. I'm trying to remove A records from a DNS Zone and replacing them with a CName record that has the same host name. ...
Elfar Alfreðsson's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Can I have my DNS server and my web server on the same IP? [closed]

I just bought a raspberry pi and made it a web server. I have a network with 1 IP. I created a DMZ and I am able to access my raspberry pi web server from the internet. I bought a domain that I intend ...
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8 votes
1 answer

Windows DNS Server register a non **DHCP** client (server) into 2008R2

We have Linux boxes with static IP, some using Centos and other Debian, using IP ranges reserved for development and testing. We need this boxes to 'publish' their DNS into DNS Server 2008R2, ...
fcm's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

The DNS server machine currently has no DNS domain name

I found the following message inside the DNS Server Event logs. What I should do has been explained inside the message but not sure what exactly it means. Log Name: DNS Server Source: ...
tugberk's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

bind9 configure forward zone for local domain without DNSSEC for this zone only

I have a working DNS server for local domain mydomain.local. I am trying to configure bind9 to work in default configuration, except for this zone, for which I want to forward queries to local DNS ...
galets's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Windows 2012 DNS server phase out

I've got a network with 3 AD servers that also run the DNS service. We've got a project on to migrate from Windows DNS to a new turnkey DDI solution. I'm going through everything I can think of ...
Tom O'Connor's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Can I create a DC without a DNS Server?

So as the title says, I need to promote a standalone Win2008R2 server to a Domain Controller, and I don't a DNS Server (I think), as there will be no clients connected to the domain, it will be only ...
onik's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to implement secondary DNS server with BIND

I have one DNS server that installed on centOS and based on BIND DNS server. What i want to do is to make a secondary DNS server that will replicate with the master server and will hold all my zones ...
user184600's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Setting up authorative DNS nameserver with PfSense?

I am trying to run point a domain at my pfsense server and have it run a DNS server which is authorative. So I installed TinyDNS. Ok, so I setup a rule in pf. The rule is TCP/UDP. Source interface is ...
Earlz's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

DNS server with scripting [closed]

I would like to know if there's any way of having a DNS server on Linux that runs a script and reply a different IP list depending on the script data returned. I've searched Google for 'DNS server ...
Jorge Fuentes González's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Redirect XMPP with DNS

Is it possible to redirect XMPP using DNS records? I have a domain hosted on a shared host that does not have Jabber support. If possible, I'd like to still have XMPP on this domain, but have it ...
Jess's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

How to repopulate DNS from Active Directory?

In some point of time (I don't know when...) the DNS on a Windows 2003 Server gets populated with all computers on Active Directory. There is any way to repopulate it again? For instance, when ...
FerranB's user avatar
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BIND Zone Transfer with two views

I have a simple lab/testing Master/Slave configuration (showed below) and I would like to transfer both views to the slave. Unfortunately after the zone transfer both views in slave have records from ...
daniel_p's user avatar
3 votes
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Simple standalone Windows 2019 Server - DNS Manager shows 2 DNS servers, is this normal?

recently set up a Windows 2019 Essentials machine, standalone server, simple local area network with a handful of Win10 workstations The server is the Domain Controller and runs Active Directory Now, ...
ZX Spectrum 48K's user avatar
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Centos bind DNS server configuration with ipv6

in order to APPLE , after 1 June all applications must support the ipv6 so i need to reconfigure my ios app. So i create a local network with ipv6. My topology is below. i configured bind 9.8 on ...
Yasin Caner's user avatar
3 votes
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NERR_DCNotFound when attempting to join Windows Server 2010 domain using PBIS

I have a RHEL 6.3 Amazon Web Service instance I'm trying to join to a Windows Server 2012 AD domain through PowerBroker Identity Services Open (ie: not enterprise). The Server 2012 instance is in the ...
KingsRook's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Where can I find a really good guide for BIND9?

Hey there, I have installed a BIND9 server on my Linux server. But I was struggling to get it working as I searched for various websites to explain the different settings for BIND. Does anyone know ...
AtomicPorkchop's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Localhost or real hostname (real IP)

Lets suppose that I need to send data from one services to other on the same host. For this I can use localhost:port or (lets think that it cached or can be resolved by local dns)...
ipeacocks's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Keep the same IP and host name for new domain controller as crashed one

Because of some disaster I have lost my primary domain controller and thanks god that I had secondary domain controller so I could provide the service to the computer and save my data. After that I ...
kunal's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't Remote Desktop To Windows Server 2012 R2

I have just demoted our Windows Server 2012 Domain Controller. Removed all services, and then did a fresh install of Windows Server 2012 R2. I gave the server the same IP address and host name that it ...
dschuett's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Nameserver record keeps getting added to DNS zone in Windows Server DNS

I have a public DNS server running on a Windows server with the hostname dc01. A nameserver for this hostname (dc01) keeps getting added to the DNS zone: If I try to delete it, then reload the zone ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

BIND session key

When I restart or start my BIND DNS server, I'm getting the following in the /var/log/messages log file. Jan 26 07:50:30 dev named[306]: could not create /jail/bind-9.9.4-P2/var/run/named/session.key ...
user192702's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

DNS: Zone TrustAnchors secondary servers must respond to queries for the zone

I'm trying to clear out every last error (and hopefully warnings as well) mentioned by BPA (Best Practices Analyzer) about my DNS server on Windows Server 2019 server. Currently I have 1 error left: ...
Evert's user avatar
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0 answers

DNS doesn't resolve some domains on huge amount of requests

I need to check 200kk (200,000,000) domains for availability and CMS information. I'm using php 7.1 and simulating multi-thread check. Hardware and config The server hardware: Multicore CPU, 64GB ...
Jekis's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Initializing windows server 2019 for hosting multiple website multiple domain names and single IP

I want to set up a virtual machine to host windows server 2019 to host multiple websites in IIS 10. Each website can be reached with a domain name for example: ...
QMaster's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Static IP but DNS server from DHCP (Can't use a reservation)

I need to assign the DNS servers to a Virtual Machine via DHCP, but I want the machine to have a static IP address. I cannot use a reservation and go through the usual DHCP process because the VM gets ...
garph0's user avatar
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3 answers

Order of external DNS servers on Router OS DNS Server

We have DNS server on our Mikrotik (RouterOS 6.36). [admin@xxx] /ip dns> print servers:, dynamic-servers: allow-remote-requests: yes max-udp-packet-...
pagep's user avatar
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2 answers

unable to start the bind dns service in linux

observed following errors when try to start the dns service in virtual linux pc [root@mininat ~]# service named status Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status named.service named.service - Berkeley ...
user274374's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Host does not support SRV records, what are my options?

I need to use SRV records for multiple game servers that uses different ports in one machine. I read about SRV Records and it seems like it's what I need. I asked the website host I am using and they ...
devs's user avatar
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3 answers

Creating new TLDs (top level domains)?

This is gonna sound too weird 'cause my basics arent set right... I did read the wikipedia entries, but would appreciate if someone could help my understanind abit... What really prevents me from ...
user36981's user avatar
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2 answers

How do nameservers "failover"?

How do nameservers do failover? What decides the order in which nameservers are queried when the primary nameserver is not reachable? To illustrate, here's part of my zonefile: $TTL 3m; ...
Joel G Mathew's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How does a router with DHCP and a custom DNS set deal with client DNS settings?

I have a custom DNS server in my network that I want all clients to use (it has ad-filters etc, similar to PiHole). I have set my router (LinkSys Velop) to use this DNS server. However, on the DNS ...
uncovery's user avatar
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1 answer

Google Cloud A record issue with setting up CWP web panel [closed]

I have a VM deployed at google cloud. Here is the google cloud setup. A 300 NS 21600 ns-cloud-d2....
grant1842's user avatar
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Is it possible for a Windows server to have 2 (or possibly more) network names (or aliases)?

I have a temporary need to consolidate 2 currently separate servers onto a single machine. I am considering using VMs, but it would be far less work if I could just have 2 different server names point ...
Scott Trotter's user avatar
1 vote
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Local dns server acts unreliably

In our local subnetwork we have a domain server. It's a Windows Server 2008 R2. It was configured by following this guide I think. My main domain is wm.local. My server is domainserver.wm.local. My ...
vinczemarton's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What happens to DNS cache server when the zone DNS server fails?

I have DNS server running which caches for records from a main DNS server. What would happen when the main DNS server is down? Will the cache DNS server still serve the records it has or will all the ...
ravikishore's user avatar
1 vote
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How to set up a "public" DNS server on linux server?

I need to set up a DNS server to be used with OpenVPN. I can not use conventional public DNS IPs (Like Google public DNS ones) because all of them are blocked in the ISPs where the OpenVPN clients are ...
hbp's user avatar
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Process to migrate DNS and DHCP from on-premise, Windows domain controller

Our organization has an on-premise, Windows, domain controller that we'd like eliminate in favor of a local DHCP/DNS server on either our Unify switch (first choice) or FortiGate VPN appliance (second ...
craibuc's user avatar
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Missing SRV record at DNS server

Server 2008R2. 2003 functional level. One of my branch DCs, which we will call BranchDC1, is not registering SRV records in The DC is marked as a Global Catalog in ...
Fersty's user avatar
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DNS architecture sanity check

I'm designing DNS service for a network and had a few architecture questions. The O'Reilly/ Cricket Liu DNS book and the NIST DNS security guide don't address these questions except in a very general ...
user8162's user avatar
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PowerDNS does not resolve TXT records

My PowerDNS DNS server 3.3 does not resolve TXT records. Database looks like this: PowerDNS database When I try to dig my server for TXT entry they are not being shown: [root@nowosci powerdns]# ...
Spacedust's user avatar
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Resolving DNS name queries to local computer - Authoritative Parent Zone not found

I'm trying to set up Remote Desktop Host Server in Windows Server 2012. When I am configuring the domain controller I get the following warning: I'm reading through microsoft documentation of this ...
Vazgen's user avatar
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2 answers

DNS Server (2008 r2) MMC The server DC01 could not be contacted. The error was: Access was denied

I've just migrated the AD with the whole nine yards, FSMO, PDC, RID, Schema, etc, from an SBS 2003 to a Win 2008 R2 Std. I have managed to have no error in the dcdiag before I demoted the SBS 2003 ...
Silviu-Ionut Radu's user avatar
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Manage DNS server on Server 2019 from Server 2012

I have a non-AD Windows Server 2012 machine ( that has the DNS Server role installed, and it is the primary server for a number of zones. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with this server being ...
Greg Smid's user avatar