I am deploying my Django project on google cloud app engine with my virtual environment I get the error ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [9] Application startup error! Code: APP_CONTAINER_CRASHED /bin/sh: 1: exec: gunicorn: not found i already install gunicorn and my app.yaml

runtime: python
env: flex
  entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT tiwari.wsgi
  min_num_instances: 1
  max_num_instances: 2

1 Answer 1


When you say you "installed gunicorn" do you mean pip install gunicorn? If so, that won't work. This installs it locally (or on a virtual env if you're using one). However when you come to deploy your app [using gcloud app deploy] GAE configures a new docker image and install dependancies listed in your requirements.txt file. So unless gunicorn is listed in there it will not be installed in your docker image and therefore won't be accessible to your code.

So, in your requirements.txt you need to specify: gunicorn==19.3.0

Hope that helps

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