Questions tagged [godaddy]

Domain registrar and web hosting company based in Scottsdale, Arizona

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First attempt at connecting to any TCP service fails

Symptom: The first attempt at connecting to a TCP service (https, ftp, or ssh) fails. The second attempt succeeds Subsequent connections will work until there is a 15 minute period of inactivity, in ...
Randall Embry's user avatar
3 votes
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DNS settings not saving or propagating

As of last week I am struggling connecting my squarespace site to my domain managed by godaddy. I Have various other sites for which this process went just well. My new domain: is ...
thecast's user avatar
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Files lost during upgrade from VPS3 to VPS4 in GoDaddy: Unable to locate files on VPS4 server

I recently experienced an automatic upgrade from VPS3 to VPS4 on GoDaddy after the expiration of my VPS3 server. However, I am facing difficulties in locating my website files on the new VPS4 server. ...
Shibiliya Ismail's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I set up a godaddy hosting server

A client has contacted me, requesting to deploy a custom solution (python API and a react application) to his GoDaddy server. I successfully established SSH connection (which was hell, I had to enable ...
Dimitar Veljanovski's user avatar
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DKIM on GoDaddy shared hosting [closed]

I'd like to setup a DKIM record on GoDaddy shared hosting with cPanel (I don't want to move the DNS server). Normally cPanel makes creating DKIM records trivial, but in cPanel on GoDaddy shared plan ...
Nick's user avatar
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NS not propagating after about 9 days

About 9 days ago I migrated my Cloudflare hosted site to StablePoint's cPanel cloud hosting. The last step I took was removing my CloudFlare's NS records and adding StablePoint's in GoDaddy's ...
Charles Yiu's user avatar
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Point a wildcard subdomain in go daddy to a heroku app

So I have purchased a domain on go daddy by the name let's say Now I want to direct all * to a nextjs app hosted on heroku. I followed the standard process to point any ...
AnxiousConcert's user avatar
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How to forward https subdomain using Godaddy

I am trying to forward https subdomains using DNS records For http subdomain I succeeded using the following CNAME and A records on GoDaddy CNAME gc1 TXT _redirect.gc1 ...
yaniv nuriel's user avatar
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SSL cert questions - PFX to .key , .crt, and. csr for ACM

I'm a long time lurker but I can't figure something out and wondered if someone can offer guidance. I am following AWS's tutorial on how to convert pfx to .crt and .key but I have a question. When ...
SrNewbieEngineer's user avatar
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Win-Acme - Renew a Certificate: No TXT Records found

This post is for a newbie, sorry for the stupid question, but quick long history, we have a dameware server proxy and the application have the certificate but its about to expire, we want to renew the ...
LeonardoHM's user avatar
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openssl PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:707:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY

Very new to SSL installation in Tomcat 8.5. OS: CentOS 7 I have SSL certificates from GoDaddy and have the private key used to generate the certificates. This private key was shared in a .txt file and ...
Vishnu's user avatar
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GoDaddy subdomain limit reached trigger

Is there a way to know beforehand, like a trigger per se, that you are about to reach the subdomain limit or that you have reached the subdomain limit for goDaddy?
rishita potluri's user avatar
2 votes
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Remove RRSIG record from GoDaddy subdomain

I added 4 NS entries for a subdomain for a SalesForce email campaign. SalesForce has since complained they see an "RRSIG entry for the subdomain" and they "do not support (add to NS) ...
Steve's user avatar
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Nginx Forward All Traffic on All Ports Except Port 80

I have a domain name, let's say registered in Dynadot. I'm having it, along with subdomains and point to my IP address via A records. I have set up some ...
Denes Garda's user avatar
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host vs name for domain information

Is there a difference in the terms "host" vs "name" when talking about records for routing? I have an account with GoDaddy but but all my DNS management onto Route 53. Then I just ...
pbuzz007's user avatar
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Unable to install Godaddy SSL on openlitespeed webserver

I'm trying to install Godaddy Ssl to openLitespeed server but it's not working. I added .key .crt files to /usr/local/lsws/conf/cert/ then added the path to ssl listener as: $SERVER_ROOT/conf/cert/...
Hamodea Net's user avatar
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How to create Cloud Run mapping to wildcard subdomain

I host my app with cloud run and use domain from GoDaddy. It is work perfectly. Now I want to make possible have url address for every users account like, How can I do ...
Aleksey Pecheritsa's user avatar
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DNS - GoDaddy for mail and AWS for rest

I have a GoDaddy hosting account but for some of my websites I would like to host them in AWS S3. My question is how to set DNS entries in Route 53 so that I keep web traffic served from S3 but I ...
cebucul's user avatar
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Server changes Domain Name to IP in address bar

I'm no server guru so looking for some assistance. I am hosting a laravel project on a digital ocean droplet, and pointing a subdomain registered at godaddy to said droplet. The address bar is ...
Kyle R's user avatar
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Install godaddy ssl certificate on nginx, pem, bundle, crt

It's a bit unclear, by available instructions and forum posts, how to deal with the three files you'll get from Godaddy when purchasing a SSL Certificate from them. Godaddy isn't very forthright ...
Jaco's user avatar
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AWS/S3/Cloudfront/GoDadday and subdomains

I am wondering and hoping this is possible. On AWS I have two s3 buckets to separate a client facing application and an administrative application mysite-app mysite-admin I have a cloudfront ...
pbuzz007's user avatar
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ubuntu upgrade went wrong: SSH connection closes after login - no access to terminal

After an upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 on my VPS done through SSH, SSH broke. do-release-upgrade always ended up with some package error, so I left it as it was. Client was left open, after ~12 ...
Gardenee's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can I assign domain name to an ec2 instance? [closed]

I have a domain at GoDaddy and my web app running at amazon ec2 instance at port 80. I wanted to use the domain name for the web app. Is it possible to map domain name to ec2 instance?
Betacoder's user avatar
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Hitting dead end installing GoDaddy SSL cert into IIS 10 Windows 2016

Battling this all morning. Our server has an existing GoDaddy SSL cert set to expire. We renewed the cert at godaddy, received the requisite download and proceeded to install. Fastidiously following ...
LANimation Big Bad Apps's user avatar
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How to configure DNS records correctly?

I've got app on GCP up and running. I can view the app after typing its external IP so I know the app works fine. Now I'm trying to point domain purchased on Godaddy to it. After following a tutorial ...
Mark's user avatar
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is the erratic behaviour and the following related? entering "www.mydomain" instead of "mydomain" sends me to my other site under same IP

The purpose of this question is to mention two things that I cant understand. I want to ask if they are related, in order to know if I should contact the domain vendor or not. I currently have one IP ...
Gaston's user avatar
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Route53 configuration for subdomains for different environments in 123 reg

I have a main domain lets call it In aws I have created a hosted zone via pipeline for and added 4 NS records to and its working perfectly. Now I am trying to ...
Eric's user avatar
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Thunderbird 'wrong site' error for SSL certificate in port 465

I started to use Thunderbird. While sending emails, it gives an error saying that Sending of the message failed. Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the ...
seeker's user avatar
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Bad Request from RewriteRule after putting <If> Directive

I am building .htaccess for both localhost and godaddy when I stumbled upon this issue. RewriteEngine on SetEnvIf HOST ^localhost$ LOCAL=/company SetEnvIf HOST ^((?!localhost).)+ LOCAL=/ <If &...
NewWeiNern's user avatar
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2 answers

Email to an email account with a subdomain is not being delivered from outside the private network

I am trying to set up a mailbox that can receive email directed to any whateverxyz(at) address (i.e. foo(at) and bar(at) should both be ...
Everett Staley's user avatar
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DNS is not propagating even after 48 hours on GoDaddy

I have a domain name called which was on another provider. I transferred to GoDaddy and they set up all DNS records and said it would take 24 to 48 hr. However, my site is still not ...
Prince Saini's user avatar
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How to automatically update an SSL certificate on Nginx as it gets renewed?

I have a website hosted on an EC2 instance with Ubuntu and nginx installed. My domain is managed through GoDaddy which is where I also issue the SSL certificate for the domain. Recently I got service ...
Microtribute's user avatar
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CNAME in Domain Verification

I am trying to get a domain validated by a registrar for SSL purchase. Example - Registrar asked to put a TXT record with a certain value. There is already a CNAME record for abc....
Traveller's user avatar
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Install SSL certificate on AWS

I bought a SSL cert from Go Daddy and I'm hosting my website on a linux instance running nginx on AWS. I am trying to install a SSL certificate on to an instance I have on AWS This is my understanding ...
hamsolo474 - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Can't login with email after joining Windows 10 device to Azure Active Directory

I'm trying to join my company's Windows 10 devices to our Azure Active Directory. I go through the setup wizard detailed here and I don't run into any issues until I attempt to log in to Windows with ...
Dillon Miller's user avatar
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Server serving old SSL certificate

About 20 days ago, we have renewed our SSL certificate for from GoDaddy. But we are still getting old certificate. But GoDaddy says it is installed properly. We have tested ...
iamsumesh's user avatar
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Setup and use GoDaddy's email service from AWS Route53

Domain is registered in GoDaddy, nameservers are managed in AWS Route53, I want to use GoDaddy's email service. Per the suggestion here, In Route53, I added an MX record with these entries: 0 smtp....
Daniel Birowsky Popeski's user avatar
-2 votes
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dig shows SERVFAIL , while pointing at nameserver works fine

somewhat similar to this thread, I faced with a problem where dig (for the sake of simplicity let's call it returns status: SERVFAIL This DNS zone is hosted on route53, and I use ...
Mahyar's user avatar
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SSL Certification- secures subdomain on AWS s3 using Godaddy Wild Card SSL

I need to get secured. Its currently living on Amazon CloudFront S3. It's being used to host files. I the main domain is from godaddy, which is secured. I ...
Lexi Awesomes's user avatar
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Replacing GoDaddy Office 365 accounts with Exchange mailboxes

I'm currently working for a company that had an inefficient setup for their "department" mailboxes (i.e. mailboxes like [email protected], querie[email protected], etc). I quickly realised that I ...
Olivia Weston's user avatar
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Cannot Install SSL Certificate. Certificate keeps disappearing in IIS

I am trying to install godaddy's SSL certificate on Windows Server 2016. I did everything on the MMC console and everything looks right. I followed all the steps from this website
abas10101's user avatar
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How to migrate the business Gmail DNS record from GoDaddy to AWS Route53?

the title of this question might be confusing. So my issue is I have registered a domain in Godaddy, and setup the business gmail using that domain. Recently I decided to migrate the DNS from Godaddy ...
billcyz's user avatar
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Appengine app.yaml HTTPS redirect with secure flag isn't working

My application is deployed in Google AppEngine and my DNS is in GoDaddy. My app.yaml is like such: handlers: - url: /.* http_headers: X-Forwarded-Proto: https script: auto secure:...
Sonal's user avatar
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dmarc is failing for alias domain hosted in AWS’s DNS-Route 53

We have a problem with _dmarc record for our alias domain. We use AWS’s DNS-Route 53 and Google Apps. When sending an email from the primary domain, _dmarc passes validation. But when sending from the ...
Caroline Oliva's user avatar
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Need to find the downtime for DNS migration from Godaddy to Route53

I have the domain registered in Godaddy. I also have a lot of subdomains and other values in my Godaddy DNS management console. But now, I need to point my domain to an application that is under AWS ...
Neron Joseph's user avatar
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Transfer a domain name hosted on Godaddy to Google DNS

Our client has bought a domain name, let's call it, with GoDaddy, but the infrastructure we're building is on Google Cloud. Is it possible to transfer the domain to the Google DNS ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
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When I type into the browser, why does it show up as not secure? Heroku SSL ACM

My situation: If I type or the site shows up as secure with the lock. However, if I type the address it shows up as not secure. What is wrong with ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Who is responsible to set up reverse DNS (PTR) for a domain, the DNS host or the MX host?

I have the dns for a domain on GoDaddy and the MX configured for Gmail. All set up ok with spf, dkim and dmarc, and all passes all online tests, beside: reports this error for the domain ...
jamacoe's user avatar
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My domain is not working in my server even when the DNS are correct

My domain is not working and show this when i visit it: My domain should work even with ssl and is: And my DNS are configure like this: My primary DNS pointing ...
Fernando Torres's user avatar
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How to refresh domain to open http rather than https?

We had a website working with a Godaddy SSL certificate for couple of years, few days ago we decided to use this certificate for another domain and keep the current website work just with HTTP. We ...
Amr Elgarhy's user avatar

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