Questions tagged [google-app-engine-standard]

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Google Cloud App Engine for Django

I'm wondering which should i choose and how to configure this........ I will be running a django web app of "Hello World" no db no any other requirements than the "django" and &...
devfemibadmus's user avatar
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Understanding GCP AppEngine dispatch.yaml 20 rule limit

Background I am working on a GCP project where apps are deployed in AppEngine Standard Environment for Java8 and routing is done by dispatch.yaml. Also, we are using custom domain. We have around 30 ...
raidensan's user avatar
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Increased cost for unknown reason

I am running an app/website with at max 200 visitors per day. It was running for a monthly cost around 5€. It is a python 3 flask app in standard env. But since the 17th of june, I began to get billed ...
solsTiCe's user avatar
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Minimum TLS version for google cloud standard app engine projects

We have multiple standard app engine projects that needs restriction on the tls version (>= 1.2), is there a setting to change that through the console?
I-SF's user avatar
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Create load balancer on GCP (GAE). SSL cert domains stuck in FAILED state

I'm new to this topic. We're using GCP (App Engine, standard) to host one nodejs application. However, for different reasons we decided to create two services - stage and default (think as the same ...
Alexander B.'s user avatar
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Cloud build of an App engine golang deployment timeout because of the go cache layer taking too long

We are deploying services written in Golang on the App engine standard environment. We did not have issues for years with this, with deployment taking 2 to 5 minutes to complete. Since January we have ...
Franck Durand's user avatar
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How to stop app engine instance with API?

According to the documentation we should be able to stop an app engine instance by changing the ...
Rage's user avatar
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How can I simulate “serverless” on demand Cloud SQL?

Problem: Cloud SQL instances run indefinitely and are monetarily expensive to host. Goal: Save money while not compromising on database availability. It has been almost four years and Google Cloud has ...
Rage's user avatar
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Can't deploy to Google Cloud Platform on Laravel

I got the following error while deploying laravel on GCP with "gcloud app deploy". ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Cloud build ID~~~ status: FAILURE Error ID: 5888fcc4 Error ...
imori's user avatar
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Does deleting App Engine standard environment instances have any effect on billing?

We have an App Engine standard environment with automatic scaling. When we release a new version we allocate traffic to it and manually delete instances on the old version to save money. This seems a ...
Daniel Metcalfe's user avatar
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Using App Engine Standard with PHP7.4

I have Problems using php 7.4 with App Engine Standard. The Documentation states there is an beta Version (php74), but it does not work. I get the following error: ERROR: ( ...
jonasm's user avatar
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ERROR: ( UNAVAILABLE: The service is currently unavailable

Since last night App Engine has been throwing 503 errors for deploy, delete, and traffic migration requests. This is happening from both the CLI and the console. App Engine is still serving traffic, ...
Sandeep Dinesh's user avatar
6 votes
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App Engine Standard Auto Scaling - How to stop previous version on deployment?

Problem: I am deploying an appengine standard service - nodejsv10. However after the traffic is migrated to the new version, the old version is still left running with the instance count being listed ...
Micah Thomas's user avatar
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Google App Engine error “Upstream sent too big header”

I am running a Laravel app with Google App Engine Standard PHP 7.2, with Elfinder package. Today, I receive 502 error while trying to access Elfinder. Upon analyzing the log, I found this particular ...
Unknown's user avatar
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How to properly manage GCP Appengine standard environment instances?

I have an Appengine standard environment with an application that exposes a series of REST services to consume, everything works alright but the response times are a bit high. The first request takes ...
Josue Gramajo's user avatar
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"Report-To" HTTP header implementation for GAE Standard

I'm attempting to add a "Report-To:" HTTP header to our App Engine's app.yaml configuration file for integration with (based on the Reporting API here, here, and here) but when ...
Jason Poirier Lavoie's user avatar
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GAE Standard: In what cases would I actually require a single instance to run permanently vs. spinning up only when there's user activity?

I'm looking to create a website on GAE utilizing the Node.js Standard environment. The website will be a two-sided marketplace (similar to Fiverr, Uber, Airbnb, etc.) where I'd be performing back-end ...
osrojas's user avatar
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How to store database credentials in Google App Engine Standard?

I'm experimenting with hosting a Django application on Google App Engine Standard and to do that I followed the tutorial Running Django on App Engine Standard Environment. That tutorial completely ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar