Questions tagged [google-app-engine]

Google App Engine is a cloud computing technology for hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers.

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Datastore issue with objectify - running localy

Google app engine version 1.9.76 when running locally , it shows an error, any idea pls Error: c.l.m.c.ExceptionHandlerController : Error ==Missing or insufficient permissions. [INFO] com....
taxideals's user avatar
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Does Google App Engine Support Custom Certificate Authorities (CA)? "The certificate data is invalid."

I'm trying to upload and use a custom SSL certificate and private key which I've generated using my own personal CA I've created. I've gone through all the steps in their guide to doing so: https://...
Matthew 'mandatory' Bryant's user avatar
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Google App Engine keeps restarting Spring Boot application all the time for no apparent reason

I have a very simple Java 11 Spring Boot application running on Google's App Engine. The problem is that the instance running the app keeps restarting very very often. Sometimes as often as 70 times ...
Robert Gruber's user avatar
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gcloud deploy not making dist folder

Admittedly, I'm a novice at GCloud. I "inherited" a project abandoned by the previous developer. I'm trying to deploy a node app on the app engine. The app won't start because it can't find the ...
Mike Hogan's user avatar
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ERROR: ( UNAVAILABLE: The service is currently unavailable

Since last night App Engine has been throwing 503 errors for deploy, delete, and traffic migration requests. This is happening from both the CLI and the console. App Engine is still serving traffic, ...
Sandeep Dinesh's user avatar
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Go running on App Engine terminated by container exit (1)

I have a Go app running on Google App Engine. From the logs, I find this error container exit (1). Occasionally, you will see the upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header ...
user2054002's user avatar
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I have an error in my core 2.1 app and would like to set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT setting to Development so that I can better debug. There are samples for the appsettings.json file, but the ...
Nick's user avatar
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App Engine Flexible and VPNs

Can an App Engine Flexible app use a Cloud VPN connection set up in another project and, if so, is that implemented with a shared VPC or peered VPCs? App Engine Flex app in Project 1 | \- [...
drumboots's user avatar
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GAE instances sometimes unavailable (502). Console says, “VM restarting”

I have several services which have very little load (several requests per week sometimes). During periods of constant use there appears to be no problems. But after a period of being idle instances ...
beyondcompute's user avatar
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gcsfuse in Google App Engine flexible custom runtime

I'm trying to use gcsfuse to mount GCS buckets in a docker container deployed in a GAE flexible custom runtime instance. This is part of the Dockerfile: FROM RUN apt-...
dablak's user avatar
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Why does app engine return a 404 error on my wildcard subdomain?

I have set up a wildcard subdomain for our project custom domain in app engine. The DNS CNAME has also been updated with the wildcard record. Our nameservers are with Cloudflare which supports ...
bosst's user avatar
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FAILED_RETRYING_INTERNAL when setting up managed security

I'm trying to get a google managed certificate for my app engine project, I've verified the domain on the web master's toolbox, I've got DNS set up and pointing correctly, but the spinner never stops ...
Calvin's user avatar
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Appengine - How to allow request only coming from my domain?

I see some requests in the logs coming from unknown sources. So how I could prevent all requests except the ones coming from my appspot domain? Note: This is on appengine, which there is no server ...
Marwan's user avatar
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GAE TaskQueue error “taskqueue.BulkAdd failed”

Following the documenation here I decided to do a little testing of TaskQueues within my laravel application. Here is my ...
McGreeb's user avatar
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Appengine Serving Urls log

we're using Google Appengine image manipulation api ( and serving urls to produce urls that our clients can use to display images. ...
user2191666's user avatar
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PHP-FPM socket reuse causes errors

I have a webserver container running in App Engine which serves a REST API. I've tried to go for a relatively standard implementation - nginx + PHP-FPM using TCP sockets (I haven't gotten a unix ...
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how SNI works with google app engine?

i found that google app engine support multiple custom domain in single google app engine application. possibly it can be done using multi-tenancy domain/namespace. and i want to use ssl for those ...
Al Amin's user avatar
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Google App Engine as part of a load balanced service

I have a set of servers that are currently using a single domain name with multiple DNS A records to round robin load balance. I have ported my service to run on the Google App Engine and I would like ...
bhspencer's user avatar
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Disallowing POST requests from different origins GAE

Is it possible to stop requests (POSTs) from different origins on Google App Engine? I understand that IP spoofing is "easy", is there another solution, maybe sessions? Suggestions are welcome.
Ahmed Nuaman's user avatar
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google cluster giving authentication scope error

I have a free tier account but whenever i try to create a container cluster i am getting below error from one of the script (gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Request ...
Gaurav Chatrath's user avatar
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Is it necessary to perform backup data and stored them in non Google server

I'm developer and have 0 sys admin knowledge. Currently, I had built several apps on the top of Google App Engine. I'm pretty happy with it, as it requires 0 sys admin effort, to achieve such scale. ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
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Google App Engine with custom domain from Google Domains with SSL

I am trying to get a custom domain linked to my Google App Engine project and am completely stuck - it will just not work. I am trying to do everything through Google - I have no third-party domain ...
BenTaylor's user avatar
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Run website on Google Cloud with more than 6.5GB per vCPU

I'm running a website that has high memory requirements because it implements a machine learning model. I suspect 8GB will be enough, but could need a little more. Google App Engine standard and ...
new name's user avatar
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Being abused by Google Server?

I got a lot of POST requests from google's server to my website. It requests time to time, never stops. - - [18/Nov/2019:04:39:21 -0700] "POST /?wc-ajax=get_variation HTTP/1.1" 200 689 ...
Kevin Nguyen's user avatar
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Install third-party C++ involved python library on google cloud app engine

I have a python web app deploying on GCP App engine. The App engine installs required python packages from pip, and it can install pure python source codes according to
Long's user avatar
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Mongo DB on Google Cloud VM

I have an Ubuntu VM in Google cloud which is having my Mongo Instance running. I have enabled authentication Mongo config is configured to bind for the and the internal IP of the server. In ...
Aneef's user avatar
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View module configuration in App Engine developer's console

I'm struggling to understand Google's various administration interfaces regarding the configuration of modules in App Engine. I have this code in my app.yaml application: s~myapp module: default ...
Chris's user avatar
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calling a different python interpreter from bash command line

I have python 2.7 installed [user@localhost google_appengine]$ python Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Sep 16 2010, 18:03:06) [GCC 4.5.1 20100907 (Red Hat 4.5.1-3)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", ...
Dennis Daniels's user avatar
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Mount Google AppEngine as Windows Drive

The plan is to use Google AppEngine as closed cloud datastore, not for content delivery, for our cloud based Windows Server 2003 machines. How could Google AppEngine be mounted as a drive with a ...
mit's user avatar
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Ubuntu 10.10: Python 2.5 for App Engine and pygtk

I need Python 2.5 for Google App Engine. I downloaded and compiled Python 2.5.5 from sources, set it as default python, but now when I try to run Ubuntu Software Center I get: ImportError: No module ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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App Engine Restarts

I know that the App Engine restarts to apply fixes etc. If there is more than one instance of your App Engine, does it restart those at the same time, so will that allow a more "100%" uptime ...
NIck's user avatar
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Strange traffic to Google Cloud VPS

I have one small project running on Google Cloud. And during last couple of weeks I notice serious unexpected traffic to it and (a bit surprisingly in 2020-ths) additional bills for it. The volume of ...
Mikhail  M's user avatar
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CORS Error in Google App Engine on java server

I have two apps. Frontend(Angular) running on Firebase Backend Spring Boot (Java11) running on App Engine Got this error while trying to reach any endpoints in app engine "Access has been blocked ...
RtiOne Kkarkov's user avatar
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App engine --ignore-file not working

Depending on the env I deploy to I want to ignore diffrent files but using --ignore-file option does not work. I have tried: gcloud app deploy --project ...
Code Spirit's user avatar
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ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Cloud build bfe8bf5b-8368-4db6-a64e-8272d269ed76 status: FAILURE

Hi I am trying to do a deploy, but I am always receiving this follow error: gcloud app deploy --promote File upload done. Updating service [default]...failed. ERROR: ( Error ...
Davi Amaral's user avatar
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gcloud app deploy error --> ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] An internal error occurred

I am new on gcloud apps, need help on deployment web apps. I created an App Engine and a Cloud SQL for MYSQL, it is in a different project. Let's call App Engine as web1 and sql as mysql1. When I ...
andi wirawan's user avatar
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How to set dynamic environment variables in a Laravel App on AppEngine

I’m trying to deploy a Laravel application on GAE. As mentioned in the docs, the environment variables are supposed to be added on app.yaml file. But as the source code is in GitHub and few people are ...
Tareq's user avatar
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Change Google App Engine default service runtime

So, I was trying to learn how to use GAE, so I used an app template from Github to make a test app. That worked fine, but now when I want to start working on my real app... I get this error after ...
Caleb H.'s user avatar
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App Engine Flex failed to configure resources

During last 2 days we stuck with deployment problem. App deployed perfectly before. We have not introduced any change to app.yaml. Doing usual stuff like gcloud app deploy app.yaml service: ...
antono's user avatar
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google cloud sdk cloudsql proxy error after deploy

I am having issues after deploying my app. I can connect properly via local setup using cloudsql proxy and here is the recent connection log : 2016/10/31 12:15:49 Listening on cloudsql/santex-1101:...
user383844's user avatar
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Google app cloud - Redirect to naked domain

I have google app engine application working on my naked domain but I can't find any tutorials on how to redirect the non naked (www) sub domain to the naked domain. It seems only like they build in ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Identifying Google company resources versus App Engine resources

We are experiencing a problem with scraping on our e-commerce platform. It's not the scraping that is the problem per se, it's that whoever is doing it is spoofing a stale referrer full of our ...
Edwardr's user avatar
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How to use AppScale

There are some wiki which explain how to install and setup AppScale. But I didn't find anything related to the extensive use of AppScale. I mean, what to do in case of major outage ? If the node ...
will's user avatar
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Getting started with a blacklist

I blacklisted "" and wonder if you can recommend how to proceed? Should I do this on an ad-hoc basis just following the instructions and blacklist bad hosts as we go along or take ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
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Massive Crawling requests from Google Apps Engine useragent

I'm badly affected with 'Google AppEngine-Google' UserAgent.. receiving 5/6 requests per second on http server. This bot is crawling my site just like GoogleBot does. Following is the sample of url ...
Email geek's user avatar
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Google App Engine SDK is open source. Would anyone from the cloud try to catch it to break the vendor lockin?

Would it be possible/feasible/desirable that any "cloud" provider grab the source code of the Google App Engine SDK in order to break the "vendor lock in" it imposes?
OscarRyz's user avatar
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App Engine dispatch.yaml to external server

I have a VueJS site on app engine, I would like to use wordpress for a blog placing it on the same domain at the same level at the /blog/ directory. I can probably do this with dispatch.yaml and ...
Kravitz's user avatar
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How do I delete a project in Google Cloud?

I got an email notifying me that Google will activate the service on my Google Cloud project, called My Project. Which is a surprise to me because I have never ...
CAB's user avatar
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How to update Windows server 2019 desktop 1809 to 2004 on Google cloud compute engine?

I have created one virtual machine using Google cloud compute engine. I have researched on how to install windows 10 and I got to know that it is way more difficult to install. Google cloud only gives ...
John Cena's user avatar
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Poor disk throughput on Google App Engine

Is there any way to manually provision IOPS for the disk used by the instances on Google App Engine? The default throughput I get with a 256GB disk is terrible (60MiB/s burst, after which is settles ...
Kedar's user avatar
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