Questions tagged [google-app-engine]

Google App Engine is a cloud computing technology for hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers.

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How to write an image in App engine

I am trying to write an image file in google app engine but getting an error "filesystem is read only". I checked for other option including "temp" folder and storage bucket. I cannot use temp folder ...
Ravi's user avatar
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User SSH into folder but can nano into any upper folder?

I did useradd -s /bin/rbash -d /var/www/html/directory USRNAME and on ssh login with USRNAME (including ssh key), it goes to directory and cd doesnt go back. So that works... but if they use nano /...
CanadianLoonie's user avatar
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GCP AppEngine Permissions

I need to grant a GCP project user permissions so he is able to run cron tasks from the app engine console. I've been looking around and could not find suitable permissions for that. Any tip??
Luciano César Natale's user avatar
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GAE automatic scaling does not scale down to 0

I have this "issue", that I don't really know if it is the supposed behaviour or not. I'm running some services in Google AppEnginge cloud platform. I apply this app.yaml config for automatic scaling: ...
Luciano César Natale's user avatar
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"Report-To" HTTP header implementation for GAE Standard

I'm attempting to add a "Report-To:" HTTP header to our App Engine's app.yaml configuration file for integration with (based on the Reporting API here, here, and here) but when ...
Jason Poirier Lavoie's user avatar
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Google-appengine-standard - routing via vpc_access_connector

We're trying to get our GAE standard app connected through one of our VPC's which is being used to connect to our VPN clients. VPC (rsvpn) runs openvpn as a client, connecting to our OpenVPN subnet. ...
user2217258's user avatar
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GAE stackdriver debugger "The debugger could not find a debug target for the application" error

I have deployed a flex aspcore app on GAE and now want to debug it. Unfortunately the stackdriver debugger page is not letting me go further with the following error "The debugger could not find a ...
Adrian Goudard's user avatar
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Strange reverse proxy behavior

My goal is to setup http/https proxy for redirectinspector. Google App Engine has some geo zones so I'm using this. I created server used nodejs and deployed used standard environment. As I saw in ...
Bohdan Skochko's user avatar
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gcloud no space left on device

My deployment was not successful with gcloud error log as. error building image: error building stage: write /kaniko/888833023: no space left on device Finished Step #1 Do I need to increase ...
fernandus's user avatar
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AppEngine - Client closed keepalive connection

I have deployed my Symfony 4 app to Google App Engine (Flexible environment). The build seems to have worked, but loading the app on in Chrome results in error: Oops! An Error Occurred The server ...
TimothyAURA's user avatar
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Modify running GAE flex node app

We wanted to make a quick change to a running GAE application to enable logging of queries to trace a bug. SSH'ing into a running instance it can be hard to find where the app code is stored due to ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
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app.yaml isn't updated when I deploy (Google App engine/Google Cloud Platform)

This is my default app.yaml file: runtime: custom env: flex service: api runtime_config: jdk: openjdk8 handlers: - url: /.* script: this field is required, but ignored automatic_scaling: ...
djokerndthief's user avatar
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Deploy several Java applications on Google App Engine

Google Cloud Platform new user here. I'd like to deploy several Java web applications (Spring Boot apps actually) to Google App Engine while remaining Always Free compatible. My question is about ...
Florian Beaufumé's user avatar
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Stuck auto-renewing the new managed SSL on Google Cloud Platform

I've tried switching to the new Managed SSL on my Google App Engine app, and it's been stuck at auto-renewing for over 24 hours. Anyone know an estimate of how long does this take?
rebelliard's user avatar
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502 Connection refused while connecting to upstream : modify Nginx upstream on Google App Engine

I'm literally struggling with Google App Engine to deploy my Node JS API as I always have a 502 error. I have seen many answers on this topic but none did it for me. I've found in the log the ...
t3__rry's user avatar
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"over quota" error, how to find quota name or logs

App engine all apps are failing in 2 hours of work after quota reset on Midnight. App version redirected to 503 "Over Quota This application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try again ...
marykiselova's user avatar
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Google Cloud Shell is temporarily unavailable

I am new to google app engine. Recently I have been using the google cloud console to develop my own blog for a while. However, since last Sunday, I cannot connect to the google cloud shell. Whenever ...
Kai's user avatar
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Java Servlet not found on Google App Engine deploy

I am working on an Apache Maven dynamic web project on eclipse. It uses static files (html, css, js) and a Java servlet. When I deploy my project to the google app engine, the Java servlet does not ...
Alec's user avatar
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Google App Engine Flexible Environment custom domain redirects to

I have setup a custom domain with a SSL certificate like it is indicated in this page, but when I go to "mycustomdomain".com I get redirected to * In that page there is a section ...
Fernando Gonzalez's user avatar
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Google app engine with custom domain shows redirected URLs

I'm using Google App Engine with custom domain. (Flexible type with nodejs) When I completed settings it with ...
Yongsun Choi's user avatar
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Stackdriver log quota warning - 5GB limit

We recently noticed this in our log viewer for our app-engine flexible apps. You have 12 days left in your Stackdriver Premium trial. Your logs usage is 5.96 GB month to date for this project. An ...
user1528493's user avatar
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Changing to env:flex in app.yaml introduces a redirect

After receiving an email from google reporting that the vm: true configuration in appengine flexible environments should be replaced by env: flex, apps that use custom domains are now responding with ...
Pedro Ribeiro's user avatar
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GAE Flexible Environment automatic scaling spins up way too many instances for observed load

I'm running a Docker container in the GAE Flexible Environment beta and have my auto-scaling configured like so: automatic_scaling: min_num_instances: 2 max_num_instances: 10 ...
Piotr's user avatar
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Loss of service in GAE's deployment method using Traffic Migrate?

I want to know if there is any possible downtime in GAE's method of "silent" deployments. I'm using inbound_services: - warmup and deploying apps with -no-promote --no-stop-previous-version flags ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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GCP Cloud Console throws a 500 error while loading the custom domains tab

After setting up a wildcard mapping on one of my app's custom domains (following the instructions in the docs here, the "custom domains" tab under app engine >> settings in the cloud console won't ...
ACEGL's user avatar
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GAE Front-end instance hours are increasing without the app being used (python-backend)

My GAE Front-end instance hours keep increasing even though the application is no being used and there are no instances running (because i manually shut them down!!). My question has several sub-...
Jeury Mejia's user avatar
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How can I control GCE LB to create max N TCP connections with my backend instance?

For each request that a client makes through a load balancer, the load balancer maintains two TCP connections. One connection is with the client and the other connection is to a back-end instance. GCE ...
Hitesh Katariya's user avatar
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Google Cloud App Engine hosted page title extractor returns 403 Forbidden in cases

I have a URL shortener/traffic analysis service hosted in a Google App Engine (GAE) project on Google Cloud (GC). When a URL is submitted for shortening, it performs a Python urllib2.urlopen to ...
B Lowery's user avatar
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Internal DNS Resolution in Java AppEngine System

As many organizations do, we have a large footprint of internal infrastructure that is mapped behind internal DNS names ( This DNS namespace is configured in a split DNS ...
Stan's user avatar
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Google App Engine: This operation is not possible because no App Engine application was found for this project

I'm trying to help a friend deploy a simple python app in google app engine (the free account). It seems as if his project could be corrupt? The project is: Project ID sgvfr-riprunner When I ...
SofCoder's user avatar
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App Engine monitoring dashboard for multiple apps

I run a number of webapps on Google App Engine. I'm looking for a monitoring dashboard that shows me basic health metrics (HTTP response codes, latency, etc.) from multiple App Engine apps at the same ...
ryan's user avatar
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App engine - Naked domain redirect to "www"

I set up my domain with SSL certificate on Google Appengine: Everything is working fine for the www subdomain. Now I want to get the naked domain to work as well. So if someone ...
jan's user avatar
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App Engine, OpenSSL and Heartbleed

Has GAE ever used OpenSSL for its frontend servers? It’s quite interesting in the context of the Heartbleed security hole. It would be nice to get a confirmation from Google that no risks are present.
user3515350's user avatar
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Google App Engine and SSL Payment Page

I have an app hosted on Google App Engine and I need to have a payment page that uses SSL. GAE only allows you to use SSL on their appspot domain but I want to keep it on my custom domain. Is it ...
Scott Bartell's user avatar
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Custom Domain Name - Server not found Google App Engine and Google Apps

I have integrated my domain at Google Apps with Google App Engine. I added to google app,it was working correctly and pointing to my application at appEngine, but now it doesn't ...
metdos's user avatar
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Why cname appengine app always redirect to

I have a appengine app and google app account. I have CNAME the domain name to the appengine app successful two months ago. I find that CNAME fail to direct to the appengine app now, but the ...
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How to recover If you lost administrator rights of Google Apps?

I tried of Google Apps Premier Edition, but I got rid of administrator rights of the administrative account by mistake and was not able to access Control Panel. How to recover If you lost ...
freddiefujiwra's user avatar
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Can the same Serverless VPC Connector be used for two different App Engine standard instances?

I'm working with a cost-conscious client, trying to avoid having to spin up more Serverless VPC Connector-machines just to handle the dev environment. We are using static IPs for outbound traffic, ...
Mattis's user avatar
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Google AppEngine - 502 Bad Gateway

I'm running a Python Flask endpoint locally and it all works fine, but when I deploy it in GCP AppEngine, I get a 502 Bad Gateway. It seems to fail at about 200 reads of 2290 bytes each. I've ...
Irfaan Sulaiman's user avatar
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Place different applications in Google Cloud under the same domain assigning subdomains for each one

I'm asking an opinion or some guide for this problem. I have a couple of applications in Google Cloud Platform that I need to place under the same domain (let's call it, using a ...
Renan Baggio's user avatar
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Google Cloud Load Balancer with wildcard

For example, there are the following applications deployed as App Engine and Cloud Run services. A) app-1-api as Cloud Run service B) app-2-api as App Engine service C) app-1-frontend a NextJS app as ...
jz22's user avatar
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Mount docker volume on app engine docker image

I have a docker image that I deployed to app engine. I want to mount a volume to replace a file originally written when the image was built. I need the file to be mounted when the docker image is ...
Samuel Navarro's user avatar
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Best way to connect to L2TP VPN from container running in GCP

I've built an ubuntu container locally that uses OpenConnect to establish a connection to a customer's AnyConnect VPN server. They also have an L2TP connection available as well. After OpenConnect ...
FaultyJuggler's user avatar
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Why doesn't CORS apply? in gcp app-engine

I am trying to post marvin JS on the site. There is no problem with the iframe and the function itself, but a problem occurs when using additional functions. When the current page is executed, the ...
조형식's user avatar
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Google app engine redirect based on http header

In app engine app.yaml in the handlers section, I would like to specify a redirect based on http header. so if a request comes with this header route it elsewhere. is this possible at all ?
Kravitz's user avatar
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Whenever create project and deploy application it goes on asia region bucket

I remove the bucket manually but whever deploy it create automatically bucket in asia region, I want to change te region location because i am getting error [8] quota. i have modify location but ...
QAST CO's user avatar
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Google cloud platform/App Engine - Error: certificate has expired - where is this coming from?

I have a two services hosted on App Engine. They've been working fine for a couple of years. About 40 minutes ago both services suddenly started logging this error over and over: Error: certificate ...
DaveW's user avatar
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Issue with image import process using VHD

I am having issue with importing vhd imagaes and getting the below error in logs - can someone pleas advise on the exact issue and steps to be taken. starting build "32b9fa2e-5b24-4f92-bc0b-...
Baldeep Singh Suri's user avatar
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Connecting Google Cloud Functions across Projects

I am using Google Cloud Functions and have multiple projects with cloud functions, that need to communicate with each other. My problem is that functions can only communicate with each other if they ...
WallyKaye's user avatar
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Using App Engine Standard with PHP7.4

I have Problems using php 7.4 with App Engine Standard. The Documentation states there is an beta Version (php74), but it does not work. I get the following error: ERROR: ( ...
jonasm's user avatar
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