Questions tagged [google-app-engine]

Google App Engine is a cloud computing technology for hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers.

120 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to disable TLS 1.0 for Google App Engine

I've heard it is possible to disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 with google app engine and custom domain. How can that be done? Mike
Mike Dee's user avatar
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ERROR: gcloud crashed (ConnectionError): HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443):

I have been using gcloud cli for last 3months on my system, but now I start facing this error while authenticating with gcloud auth login or gcloud init --console-only. After debugging it, I see some ...
shaishaw's user avatar
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App Engine Flex restart signal

I have a long running process in Go on an App Engine flex instance, deployed via docker image. Most of the time when I deploy to the live version it sends a SIGTERM to the app. I can catch this and ...
rcarver's user avatar
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Inconsistent memcache lookups from different Google AppEngine modules of the same app

We have come across a sporadic inconsistency when doing memcache lookups from different modules (aka "services") within a single AppEngine app (Python). The scenario is as such: Module "portal" ...
Soeren's user avatar
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Google App Engine periodic failures

We have recently noticed that our Google App Engine project was experiencing failures periodically every 25 hours and 10 minutes (1510 mins) for three consecutive days for no apparent reason. During ...
robert's user avatar
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Trouble restricting access to app engine flexible service using VPC

I am trying to restrict access to a specific App Engine Flex service in a project with multiple services using VPC firewall rules. I created a VPC network called "vpc" using automatic subnet creation ...
Jmori's user avatar
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Can the same Serverless VPC Connector be used for two different App Engine standard instances?

I'm working with a cost-conscious client, trying to avoid having to spin up more Serverless VPC Connector-machines just to handle the dev environment. We are using static IPs for outbound traffic, ...
Mattis's user avatar
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Google AppEngine - 502 Bad Gateway

I'm running a Python Flask endpoint locally and it all works fine, but when I deploy it in GCP AppEngine, I get a 502 Bad Gateway. It seems to fail at about 200 reads of 2290 bytes each. I've ...
Irfaan Sulaiman's user avatar
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Place different applications in Google Cloud under the same domain assigning subdomains for each one

I'm asking an opinion or some guide for this problem. I have a couple of applications in Google Cloud Platform that I need to place under the same domain (let's call it, using a ...
Renan Baggio's user avatar
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Google Cloud Load Balancer with wildcard

For example, there are the following applications deployed as App Engine and Cloud Run services. A) app-1-api as Cloud Run service B) app-2-api as App Engine service C) app-1-frontend a NextJS app as ...
jz22's user avatar
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Mount docker volume on app engine docker image

I have a docker image that I deployed to app engine. I want to mount a volume to replace a file originally written when the image was built. I need the file to be mounted when the docker image is ...
Samuel Navarro's user avatar
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Best way to connect to L2TP VPN from container running in GCP

I've built an ubuntu container locally that uses OpenConnect to establish a connection to a customer's AnyConnect VPN server. They also have an L2TP connection available as well. After OpenConnect ...
FaultyJuggler's user avatar
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Why doesn't CORS apply? in gcp app-engine

I am trying to post marvin JS on the site. There is no problem with the iframe and the function itself, but a problem occurs when using additional functions. When the current page is executed, the ...
조형식's user avatar
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Google app engine redirect based on http header

In app engine app.yaml in the handlers section, I would like to specify a redirect based on http header. so if a request comes with this header route it elsewhere. is this possible at all ?
Kravitz's user avatar
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Whenever create project and deploy application it goes on asia region bucket

I remove the bucket manually but whever deploy it create automatically bucket in asia region, I want to change te region location because i am getting error [8] quota. i have modify location but ...
QAST CO's user avatar
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Google cloud platform/App Engine - Error: certificate has expired - where is this coming from?

I have a two services hosted on App Engine. They've been working fine for a couple of years. About 40 minutes ago both services suddenly started logging this error over and over: Error: certificate ...
DaveW's user avatar
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Connecting Google Cloud Functions across Projects

I am using Google Cloud Functions and have multiple projects with cloud functions, that need to communicate with each other. My problem is that functions can only communicate with each other if they ...
WallyKaye's user avatar
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Using App Engine Standard with PHP7.4

I have Problems using php 7.4 with App Engine Standard. The Documentation states there is an beta Version (php74), but it does not work. I get the following error: ERROR: ( ...
jonasm's user avatar
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Datastore issue with objectify - running localy

Google app engine version 1.9.76 when running locally , it shows an error, any idea pls Error: c.l.m.c.ExceptionHandlerController : Error ==Missing or insufficient permissions. [INFO] com....
taxideals's user avatar
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Does Google App Engine Support Custom Certificate Authorities (CA)? "The certificate data is invalid."

I'm trying to upload and use a custom SSL certificate and private key which I've generated using my own personal CA I've created. I've gone through all the steps in their guide to doing so: https://...
Matthew 'mandatory' Bryant's user avatar
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Google App Engine keeps restarting Spring Boot application all the time for no apparent reason

I have a very simple Java 11 Spring Boot application running on Google's App Engine. The problem is that the instance running the app keeps restarting very very often. Sometimes as often as 70 times ...
Robert Gruber's user avatar
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gcloud deploy not making dist folder

Admittedly, I'm a novice at GCloud. I "inherited" a project abandoned by the previous developer. I'm trying to deploy a node app on the app engine. The app won't start because it can't find the ...
Mike Hogan's user avatar
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ERROR: ( UNAVAILABLE: The service is currently unavailable

Since last night App Engine has been throwing 503 errors for deploy, delete, and traffic migration requests. This is happening from both the CLI and the console. App Engine is still serving traffic, ...
Sandeep Dinesh's user avatar
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Go running on App Engine terminated by container exit (1)

I have a Go app running on Google App Engine. From the logs, I find this error container exit (1). Occasionally, you will see the upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header ...
user2054002's user avatar
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I have an error in my core 2.1 app and would like to set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT setting to Development so that I can better debug. There are samples for the appsettings.json file, but the ...
Nick's user avatar
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App Engine Flexible and VPNs

Can an App Engine Flexible app use a Cloud VPN connection set up in another project and, if so, is that implemented with a shared VPC or peered VPCs? App Engine Flex app in Project 1 | \- [...
drumboots's user avatar
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GAE instances sometimes unavailable (502). Console says, “VM restarting”

I have several services which have very little load (several requests per week sometimes). During periods of constant use there appears to be no problems. But after a period of being idle instances ...
beyondcompute's user avatar
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gcsfuse in Google App Engine flexible custom runtime

I'm trying to use gcsfuse to mount GCS buckets in a docker container deployed in a GAE flexible custom runtime instance. This is part of the Dockerfile: FROM RUN apt-...
dablak's user avatar
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Why does app engine return a 404 error on my wildcard subdomain?

I have set up a wildcard subdomain for our project custom domain in app engine. The DNS CNAME has also been updated with the wildcard record. Our nameservers are with Cloudflare which supports ...
bosst's user avatar
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FAILED_RETRYING_INTERNAL when setting up managed security

I'm trying to get a google managed certificate for my app engine project, I've verified the domain on the web master's toolbox, I've got DNS set up and pointing correctly, but the spinner never stops ...
Calvin's user avatar
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Appengine - How to allow request only coming from my domain?

I see some requests in the logs coming from unknown sources. So how I could prevent all requests except the ones coming from my appspot domain? Note: This is on appengine, which there is no server ...
Marwan's user avatar
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GAE TaskQueue error “taskqueue.BulkAdd failed”

Following the documenation here I decided to do a little testing of TaskQueues within my laravel application. Here is my ...
McGreeb's user avatar
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Appengine Serving Urls log

we're using Google Appengine image manipulation api ( and serving urls to produce urls that our clients can use to display images. ...
user2191666's user avatar
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google cluster giving authentication scope error

I have a free tier account but whenever i try to create a container cluster i am getting below error from one of the script (gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Request ...
Gaurav Chatrath's user avatar
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Why does Google App Engine 2nd generation is slower than the 1st generation?

We had an App Engine's standard environment application running in Python 2.7, and we upgraded it to Python 3.11. Services/frameworks used by old app: Shared Memcache Task Queue Google's Discovery ...
Rafael Peralta's user avatar
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`gcloud app deploy` Error: "( The project [aireview-390315] already contains an App Engine application

I have a python 3.9 Projekt that I want to deploy on a app engine. But when I create a new app engine with gcloud app create I get following error: ERROR: ( The project [aireview-...
andarek42's user avatar
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Frontend instance time in App Engine

I've deployed my API in App Engine with this configuration: instance_class: F4 automatic_scaling: max_instances: 1 Why in total hours of instance I have like 90h if there is only one instance running?
John Doe's user avatar
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App Engine - fail to navigate to other pages

app.yaml runtime: php81 entrypoint: serve role.php env: standard handlers: - url: /logo.png static_files: logo.png upload: logo.png role.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title&...
user19343105's user avatar
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App Engine > Subdomain > Add A, AAAA and CNAME record

I'm trying to add a subdomain to App Engine. It asks to add the following DNS records But it's impossible to add a A record and a CNAME record with the same name subdomain.domain....
Robert Sinclair's user avatar
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Tenant with name projects/**/tenants/** not found using Google Cloud talent solution API

Description: Code: String projectId = "*****"; String tenantId = "***-ay7tp"; try (JobServiceClient jobServiceClient = JobServiceClient.create()) { // Construct ...
khushbu shah's user avatar
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how to resolve error like io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: PERMISSION_DENIED when Implementing google Cloud talent solution api?

Description : Language: Java 8, Framework: Spring Boot Build type: maven Tool: Sring Tool Suite Here I implemented this Google Cloud talent solution API for job search below code : Code : ...
khushbu shah's user avatar
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GCP Cloud Build installation of composer fails because checksums don't match

The build of my Laravel 9 app is broken. During the deploy the build stage always fails because the installation of composer fails due to unmathing checksums. Build logs: === PHP - Composer - Install (...
Antonin Welvart's user avatar
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188 views 401 Unauthorized when I try to create a google people contact

Good day. I'm developing a java servlet that allow to add or update a contact on Google Contact. I've created a Google application having Google People service active. Before to use the Google People ...
stefano errani's user avatar
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Guard Authenticator hits

we have our codebase installed and rolling our from Google App Engine, using Compute Engine as well. When looking back at the logs for a particular VM, I'm see a LOT of "Checking support on guard ...
Adam's user avatar
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Google Cloud App Engine for Django

I'm wondering which should i choose and how to configure this........ I will be running a django web app of "Hello World" no db no any other requirements than the "django" and &...
devfemibadmus's user avatar
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App engine console unable to map to custom domain

I have tried to map the custom domain to my App Engine app snd it has been in failed status for weeks. Message shows Google will auto retry to generate SSL but seems it is not succeeding. The exact ...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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Understanding GCP AppEngine dispatch.yaml 20 rule limit

Background I am working on a GCP project where apps are deployed in AppEngine Standard Environment for Java8 and routing is done by dispatch.yaml. Also, we are using custom domain. We have around 30 ...
raidensan's user avatar
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DNS records could not be found. Certificate activation will retry automatically

Our website is down and it is showing certificate is expired. When I check the custom domain settings section in GCP, I am getting the following warning. We have removed the records and re-added them, ...
Sulagna Nandi's user avatar
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I have multiple services on my Google Console. how can i check the same which logs are enabled for individual service level

I would like to know which all Logs are enabled under my project Environments from Google Console at Service Level, I have multiple services on my Google Console. how can i check the same which logs ...
Chethan R's user avatar
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Google is presenting different certificates for the same Gmail API call

We are using Google's Gmail API ({userId}/history) in our application and the API is returning Certificate with different CNs: sometimes the CN is “google....
Nikhil's user avatar
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