Questions tagged [google-app-engine]

Google App Engine is a cloud computing technology for hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers.

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How to deploy docker container and do port mapping/forward using kubernetes YAML manifest

Please help me to convert the below docker Command to Kubernetes YAML file along with port mapping/forwarding to the docker container # docker run -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -...
anupjohari9211's user avatar
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Create load balancer on GCP (GAE). SSL cert domains stuck in FAILED state

I'm new to this topic. We're using GCP (App Engine, standard) to host one nodejs application. However, for different reasons we decided to create two services - stage and default (think as the same ...
Alexander B.'s user avatar
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ERROR: gcloud crashed (ModuleNotFoundError): No module named 'distutils.spawn'

When I am going to deploy app.yaml in GCP, suddenly getting error i.e. "ERROR: gcloud crashed (ModuleNotFoundError): No module named 'distutils.spawn'". Please suggest me the solution. I am ...
Sanchita Dey's user avatar
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I am getting a Bitbucket Pipeline error when deploying to Google App Engine Your deployment has succeeded, but promoting the new version to default failed. You may not have permissions to change traffic splits. ...
WallyKaye's user avatar
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Move an app on Compute Engine to App Engine

I have an app running on Compute Engine. Now it's time, to move this app to App Engine. Is there a checklist on what needs to be done regarding DNS and other configurations? Thanks
Bill's user avatar
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How many custom domains be hosted per GCP account?

I have GCP account (masked) for which i also have google workspace account. In this GCP account, i have multiple projects, each would have their web domain. e.g. project 1 will have www....
user3657180's user avatar
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Find Bandwidth usage on app engine subdomains mappend on the same service

I have sole problem find bandwidth usage logs about different domains. This is the infrastructure: Domains mapped: ... and every subdomain with ...
tidpe's user avatar
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Wordpress Plugin on App Engine

I'm actually trying to setup a wordpress environment on App Engine standard. I'm facing a problem with a Wordpress plugin, Visual Composer : It looks ...
TheoB's user avatar
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Find out which GCP project is hosting which appengine or which GCS bucket

We have many projects inside our Organization GCP account. We have many legacy GCS buckets and many legacy AppEngines hosted inside our various projects. All these buckets and AppEngines are served ...
Rakib's user avatar
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App engine Instances placement

Whenever we provision an app in app engine flexible, where does google place these instances? In the documentation it only mentions that google manages these instances, but there is no mention of ...
Balaji Chippada's user avatar
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How to only allow internal access between two AppEngine projects

I have two backend projects in GCP - And I want to to have a firewall on both of these such that the only thing that can access either of them is an IP and the backends themselves. It is ...
user1511956's user avatar
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I want to increase the number of files that can be GCP deployed to 10,000 or more

After adding a new library in my local environment and deploying to GCP I got the following error. $ gcloud app deploy ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: This deployment has too many files. ...
imori's user avatar
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Request Whitelisting for Java 7 Deployment

I just took over a project last month.When I tried to deploy the project, it popped up a message told me to migrate to Java 8 application or add to whitelist. I have tried the steps on the document of ...
BMIS's user avatar
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Load balancer and serverless NEG isn't working

I configured Google Cloud load balancer and serverless NEG to make my app engine work in static IP, but it's not working anyway. Here are the commands I used for configuration. gcloud beta compute ...
songxunzhao's user avatar
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Choosing Google App Engine Standard vs Flexible Environment for Laravel Application?

I am deploying a Laravel app (content management system) on GCP App Engine but I am not sure what are the advantages or disadvantages of standard vs flexible environment and how it would impact a ...
Coola's user avatar
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Google App Engine Fetch Slow Speeds

I'm running a NodeJS Google App Engine service that retrieves a large file and sends it to a Virtual Private Server hosted on Digital Ocean or AWS. The file is about 5MB and takes up to a minute to ...
Josh's user avatar
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How to run a java jar that writes records periodically on firestore database, on google cloud?

I have created a java jar executable. The project is a maven project. It is running a task every 5 minutes and using this library ( it adds some records to ...
skiabox's user avatar
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gcloud app deploy source-context.json SHA mismatch

I have a Python 3 project which I am hosting on Google AppEngine Standard. Until a couple of days ago I was able to deploy normally (right since I did the initial setup in July 2019). Now I'm getting ...
Navid's user avatar
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Google Cloud Platform - App Engine - System Environment

I am using Gitlab, Spring Boot and Google Cloud App Engine, Google Cloud mySql. I have resource bundle files like application-{environment}.yaml for my Spring Boot application. I don't want to keep ...
Tim Tuckle's user avatar
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How to update from Windows Server 2019 Desktop 1809 to 1903 or 1909 on Google Cloud Compute Engine?

I've made a Virtual Machine using Google Cloud Compute Engine. I've searched how to install Windows 10 and figured out that it is way more difficult that I expected. Google Cloud only gives the ...
Aymene B's user avatar
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Need help understanding the relationship of custom domain names and services in App Engine

I will freely admit that I am a newbie to GCP App Engine. I am the inheritor of a complex configuration that seems to have grown organically with multiple chefs and no code to back it up and ...
Kevin Buchs's user avatar
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Guarantee one and only one instance of Google App Engine possible?

Once an App Engine instance is spun up, you are billed 15 minutes. If it goes idle, it'll shutdown and Google will spin up a new instance, billed, again, for 15 minutes. You can easily rack up 4.5 ...
pairwiseseq's user avatar
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App Engine health check not working

This is my app.yaml runtime: go112 instance_class: B1 manual_scaling: instances: 1 liveness_check: path: "/health" check_interval_sec: 5 timeout_sec: 1 failure_threshold: 1 ...
Jonas's user avatar
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'gcloud app deploy app.yaml' not deploying most recent version from Cloud Source Repositories

So I am very new to using GCP. As of right now, I'm using it strictly for my personal website. My website source is currently on Github and I've connected the repository with Cloud Source ...
the_mackster's user avatar
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Google App Engine tomcat error with Spring Boot

First of all, I am a real newbie using any cloud services, and this is the first time that I have asked something here, therefore I am apologizing in advance if anything I may say is wrong. I'm ...
Nick Fabrizzi's user avatar
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Using Google App Engine with internal IP

I have an API hosted on Google App Engine. The main application consuming the API is hosted on compute engine vm's. Currently the main application makes REST calls using the public domain of the App ...
jrenk's user avatar
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Google App Engine and SAML (Okta)

We're trying to setup a web app (django) in Google App Engine connected via SAML to our idP, Okta. It has to be done as a Custom Flexible App because of a binary requirement, making it basically a ...
ModMed SysAdmin's user avatar
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How to finetune a App Engine based on CPU and memory usage

So we just got started using GCP App Engine and fired up two instances with flexible environment. We are hitting this app constantly on a 24x7 basis, when I check the CPU and memory usage, I see they ...
Frank's user avatar
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How to inform Google Cloud security that external network traffic is expected?

My platform has a function that sends traffic out, crawls for data and retrieve them back into my platform. Google cloud informed me that they suspect that platform was compromised etc but that was ...
Knapshot's user avatar
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Should I expect Google App Engine to randomly restart instances?

I had one instance of the app (shame on me), running in the australia-southeast1 region yesterday. Last night was a critical time for the app; people were relying on it working flawlessly, and then ...
aidan's user avatar
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ERROR: ( - python script

I am trying to deploy a python application and I am receiving the following error message: ERROR: ( Error Response: [4] Your deployment has failed to become healthy in the ...
Lucas Guerreiro's user avatar
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unable to execute php files in google cloud service

Here is my site link and when i try to login then in network the response i get is the whole login.php code instead of the response after executing the php file. My app.yaml file is correct i have ...
Syed Ali Raza's user avatar
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404 error in google app engine with PHP Yii2 framework

My application contain Angular and Php Yii2 framework. I hosted my application on to the app engine of the google cloud platform. Here is the screenshot of my code and app.yaml file code. ...
Ketan Modi's user avatar
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How to block port 80 in Google AppEngine

I want to block port 80 in Google AppEngine For example, when I run: sudo nmap -O <project-id> It shows: Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2018-02-06 16:36 EST Nmap scan ...
npd's user avatar
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Google Cloud, is it normal for Wordpress(click to deploy) install running more than 30 min?

I have problem previously with my WordPress, so I delete that one and re-install another one using the same "Click to deploy Wordpress". But the installing time is longer than before and still running ...
Bai's user avatar
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The App Engine app associated with this project has been deleted

The message displays on dashboard: The App Engine app associated with this project has been deleted. App Engine services malfunction in project number 502019044490
Lance Cheng's user avatar
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See if page has been server over https or not in app engine

As Google App Engine rolled out the inclusion of Let's Encrypt certificate, I am now able to serve my site over https. I did not find how to make a proper redirect from http to https, so I made it at ...
solsTiCe's user avatar
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How to reduce server response time for Google AppEngine?

I have a Rails 5 app running on AppEngine. Everything works, except it's responding slowly according to PageSpeed Insights. Running on my own server I achieved a PageSpeed score of 100/100 for mobile ...
BiggeekTX's user avatar
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google app engine nodejs deployment error

re-deploying to app engine a project that requires node:"7.6.0" yields this error: gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found console output And deploying with node:"7.8.0" succeeds but with ...
Jaime Echegaray Zipper's user avatar
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No idea why I am getting Over Quota errors on GAE (Java)

I am getting over quota errors on my live GAE Standard Environment (Java) site and there's no information given on what has gone over quota. I checked the Quota Details page under App Engine, and ...
markvgti's user avatar
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GAE configuration & Billing

Google App Engine: Few weeks back I have developed an RoR application in GAE with aditional resources as CloudSQL and Storage Bucket. Our application is very simple CMS site. Here the app size ...
Anandha Kumar's user avatar
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Google App Engine - Suddenly started getting Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/base/php_runtime/modules/'

Suddenly started getting this warning in GAE without making any changes to app, it has been continuously occurring ever since, although the app is working fine. PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic ...
Abhinav Pathak's user avatar
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How to monitor success or failure of attempts to modify security settings or permissions in GAE?

In AWS I can use CloudTrail to monitor API calls that may impact IAM groups and roles. In Google App Engine, is there any similar offering like CloudTrail? In Google Cloud Platform, as far as I can ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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Error in google app engine deployment

I have a Laravel web application for which I have added a app.yaml file, but I receive the following error whenever I try to deploy the app using gcloud app deploy: Details: [ [ { [enter ...
Adeel Ahmad's user avatar
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Configuring nginx on Google App Engine Flexible Environment with Gunicorn

I'm working on a Django app and I was deploying it to App Engine Standard environment until now, but then I started using Google Cloud Vision Python library and due to some restrictions I ad to switch ...
Furkanzmc's user avatar
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Error when trying to migrate old app engine projects into a new organization on GCP

We have several older projects (2-3 years old) written with App Engine in our Google Apps domain. We now are trying to "migrate" these to be listed under our organization in the GCP console. The error ...
Scott Lawrence Lawson's user avatar
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Allow only Object Change Notification in App Engine app

There is a Google App Engine application that processes Object Change Notifications. How to secure it properly, so it can receive notifications only and not to be exposed for anything else?
Ivan Balashov's user avatar
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How to safely migrate www domain name of my google app engine instance to a compute engine vm instance?

I have a need to reconfigure the custom domain name of my google app engine instance and I would like to have the SF community to review the plan. The issue When my project first starts as a google ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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HTTPS/SSL on Google Cloud Platform instance

I've been tasked to move one domain/subdomains to HTTPS. We already have a Wildcard SSL certificate from RapidSSL, but I'm a bit confused on the overall process. I can get the Intermediate CA .cer ...
codnor's user avatar
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Gcloud app deploy error - Required Alpha Access for computer API Forbidden

I'm new to Google App Engine and I'm getting a really odd error out of the deployment of my Django App that appears to be related to a lack of permissions for Alpha Access. The error says: Updating ...
Matthew Bellringer's user avatar

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