Questions tagged [google-app-engine]

Google App Engine is a cloud computing technology for hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers.

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Google App Engine vertical scaling

I know Google Cloud (Google App Engine) can autoscale instances horizontally: you have 1 server with certain parameters, when it's overloaded autoscaler launches new server and balances load between ...
pp_1's user avatar
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Can't Connect from GCP AppEngine to GCP Cloud SQL

I have a simple Java servlet app, deployed to the GCP AppEngine. Under the same GCP, I have created a MySQL instance of GCP Cloud SQL. I would like to save the value on MySQL server when someone ...
Creed's user avatar
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Google app engine disable external IP addresses

I have a question concerning Google app Engine yaml files and Quotas. For a new client of ours we are setting up a new app in Frankfurt (Europe-west-3) and started using app engine there. Immediately ...
mitchken's user avatar
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Permissions for creating OAuth credentials in Google Cloud

Using IAM, I am trying to allow certain users to access API's and allow them to create OAuth client credentials. Is there a predefined role for allowing this? I don't want to use the role of project ...
Bryce's user avatar
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Google Cloud SQL / App Engine concurrency limits

I've been using Google App Engine to host my APIs and keep banging up against the limitation of concurrent database connections. The docs say that you can only have up to 12 concurrent connections per ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to Protect an App Engine application from BEAST attack

I have a app engine application (standard environment) running on a custom domain with an SSL certificate. I'm trying to make sure it is protected against a BEAST attack. A SSLyze scan shows that my ...
MMA's user avatar
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App Engine Ruby flex environment app.yaml is ignoring env_variables RAILS_ENV

We are using GAE with Ruby flexible environment, and we're trying to deploy a rails app with staging configurations (i.e. RAILS_ENV=staging). According to
Vasco Andrade Silva's user avatar
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Is it possible to mange AWS on Google App Engine?

Say I want to schedule EC2 instant start up, or something like this. I did some reading on the Google App Engine document, find that scheduler is supported, however I am not familiar with Google API, ...
Keep Thinking's user avatar
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GAE dev server behind Apache proxy sometimes slow

As the Google App Engine development server only serves one file at a time, I decided to have static resources served instead by: Apache 2.2.17 / XAMPP 1.7.4 / WinXP32. Requests for dynamically ...
feklee's user avatar
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Google App Engine HTTPS listening ports 8443 or 3443

I am testing an application in the App Engine Flexible Environment, and at some point I will need to process some WebHooks sent on TCP ports 8443 or 3443. As long as I could test, App Engine load ...
Antonio Guglielmi's user avatar
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App Engine Flexible Deployment Issue: 403 Resource Error

we have been trying to deploy our nodejs code to app engine flexible but unable to as it shows a Resource Error. We have GSuite Organization account and are using it for deployments. This is the error:...
Shaurya Chauhan's user avatar
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App Engine Updating service default Error

I'm trying to deploy a simple flask app to Google App Engine. When I run the command gcloud app deploy, it finish all the task, but then it get stack on the "update service". At first I got this error:...
Nicola's user avatar
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Renaming the index.html on Google App Engine

Ok, let me 1st come clean. I mistakenly added a 365d expiration date to my index.html file. I've now made a change to a JS file, which changed the name of the import in my index.html and now it's ...
MindlessRouse's user avatar
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What is causing Google App Engine 504 Gateway Timeout Every 10 minutes or so?

I just migrated our production website over to Google App Engine last night, and now the app starts giving a 504 Gateway Timeout after about 10-15 minutes of inactivity. But I've been running a test ...
Kenny Wyland's user avatar
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GAE custom dns what does "update your dns records to enable security" mean?

We're using Google App Engine for a service of our app. We've set up the service on a custom sub-domain (eg, while doing so, Google prompted us to Update your DNS records to enable ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
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How to deploy app engine codes and storage objects from test to production projects

We separate test and production into different projects. The test project has some codes in app engine and objects in cloud storage. What's the best way to port these from test project to production ...
Kim's user avatar
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All data gone Google Cloud Instance Group

I was running a Google Cloud Managed Instance Group (Ubuntu) to run a web server, and this morning the server went offline. I checked on the server status and it appeared that all data went missing. ...
Dxx's user avatar
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google load balancing external ip

I am trying to setup Google Compute Load Balancer to HTTP content route between my Google Compute Machines and my appEngine application, depending on the URL. I can get everything setup but it ...
ANDREW DENT's user avatar
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Setup Amazon EC2 instance to forward Appengine urlfetch requests

I currently have an appengine app and need to make calls to an API that requires IP whitelisting. I can't whitelist the entire appengine IP blocks (as outlined here) because the range is too big. So ...
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Google App Engine periodic failures

We have recently noticed that our Google App Engine project was experiencing failures periodically every 25 hours and 10 minutes (1510 mins) for three consecutive days for no apparent reason. During ...
robert's user avatar
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Trouble restricting access to app engine flexible service using VPC

I am trying to restrict access to a specific App Engine Flex service in a project with multiple services using VPC firewall rules. I created a VPC network called "vpc" using automatic subnet creation ...
Jmori's user avatar
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App-engine instance hours seem way too high [closed]

I have a small app hosted on GAE with 2 modules. The default module, frontend is alotted 28 instance hours. The backend is using basic_scaling: so only has 8 instance hours available. I noticed that ...
borring's user avatar
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can two cloud infrastructures connect

I want to use app engine but unfortunately they are not supporting with their DB spatial queries, so I was wondering if there is a way to create my DB on one cloud either AWS or Azure and my backend ...
liv a's user avatar
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Using VPN Google APP Engine

I have a VPN with my company through Google Compute Engine. Is it possible to use that VPN with Google APP Engine? How can I connect the app with the VPN? Thanks!
1 vote
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Using multiple PaaS Vendors

I am developing a SaaS App, and I want to decide for a PaaS Vendor. Since one of my biggest concerns is uptime, is there an application or service, that allows me to use several PaaS Vendors (like ...
jpabluz's user avatar
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Map, Point or Redirect to Google App Engine Email

What is the best way to map to
Daniel's user avatar
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joomla in Google appengine

I was wondering if I can transfer my existing site based on joomla! in Google appengine. How can I do that? Will it be easy if I start from scratch (modifying joomla! for Google appengine). Please ...
fireball003's user avatar
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How to stop app engine instance with API?

According to the documentation we should be able to stop an app engine instance by changing the ...
Rage's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'main'

I have tried to deploy flask app on Google App Engine Flexible environment. While deploying the app, I got following error. raceback (most recent call last): File "/env/lib/python3.7/site-...
Yasir Shahzad's user avatar
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Upload large online files to google cloud

I would like to upload large image files to google cloud for machine learning purpose on RStudio. Each image zip is around 4.7gb and it takes longer to unzip than to download. I would like to know ...
lydias's user avatar
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Google Cloud: Shared VPC and App Engine

I'm using Google Cloud with the following setup: Shared VPC Host Project: has a network called 'production' with a subnet called 'app1', is shared among all other projects. App1 Project: has a VM ...
John White's user avatar
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Laravel deployment using Google App Engine: No such file or directory

I have followed this tutorial and created a database under the name zoho_portal. My app.yaml contents are: runtime: php env: flex runtime_config: document_root: public # required on some ...
Adeel Ahmad's user avatar
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How to config app.yaml file for appengine using sanic framework with python 3.5+

I'm new to GCP, we had chosen sanic framework to make things run smoother. Sanic supports python 3.5+ so we are going with flexible environment on appengine. Currently I'm trying to deploy "Sanic" ...
cutiehulk2329's user avatar
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Memory available in Google App Engine flexible environment

GAE flexible environment lets you specify the resources your container needs. For example: resources: cpu: 0.5 memory_gb: 1.3 disk_size_gb: 10 This will allocate g1-small instances with 1.7GB ...
Piotr's user avatar
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Sign up for Google AppEngine without SMS?

I would like to use Google AppEngine, but it appears to require a cellphone to receive SMS for verification. Is there any way around this, or any other option I can take?
Unknown's user avatar
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Best region for AppEngine setup for Thailand

I am looking for a least latency and max throughput region for Google AppEngine for users in Thailand. According to Cloud locations closest are Jakarta and Hong Kong. Tried to make sense of an ...
Oleksandr Iegorov's user avatar
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IP address blocked in Google App Engine firewall rules but still seeing it in logs

I run a Google App Engine app that has a honeypot admin page to distract from the real admin login page. A while ago I started getting repeated emails saying that someone was trying to log in on the ...
alstr's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory, google cloud app engine flexible

I am trying to connect cloud sql with google cloud app engine flexible. My code is as bellow: $dsn = getenv('MYSQL_DSN'); $user = getenv('MYSQL_USER'); $password = getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD'); try { ...
parth's user avatar
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Google App Engine The SSL certificate provided could not be inserted. xn- domain

I try installing Comodo Certificate that I ordered in on Google App Engine Custom Domain. But I have error: The SSL certificate provided could not be inserted. I checked that my key is ...
Aleksey Popryadukhin's user avatar
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Google Datastore Backup causes errors

We are performing backups for our Google Datastore documents through a cron as describere here. The database is about 55GB including indices and we do a full backup every 24 hours. The bucket we save ...
Sgoettschkes's user avatar
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Not able to use mysql in google app engine - Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named _mysql. I am using cloudSQL

I am using googleAppEngineLauncher to try mysql connection. It gives the log File "/Users/kakshilshah/Desktop/hope/skeduleBackend/django/utils/", line 40, in import_module ...
Kakshil Shah's user avatar
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App Engine: Redirecting domain (not google apps) to appengine without Host records

I would like to redirect a domain to app engine, but my Domain provider only allows me to set information for Primary DNS and Secondary DNS. It means that there is no possibilities to set host records ...
coto's user avatar
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Forward my domain and hide the original

I have registered a domain with godaddy. This points to a sub domain on app spot (google app engine). When i visit my domain I see the rather than Can I hide the app ...
t123's user avatar
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4 answers

Sending emails from PHP - email providers vs GAE

I need to send emails from my social service (this is continuation of I got strong feeling that it's better to ...
nrph's user avatar
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Cloud SQL MySQL 8.0.26 Intermittent "Got timeout reading communication packets" error in App engine flex + Node.js app

We're running node.js servers on App engine flexible that are connecting to mysql using a shared private network. (app engine instances are deployed into the same vpc subnetwork that mysql lives in). ...
Tudor Sandu's user avatar
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gcloud apps logs tail returns Internal Error. Logs GUI returns unknown error

I'm working on a project on Google App Engine and gcloud app logs tail stopped returning logs several hours ago. Currently, when I enter the command, I get Waiting for new log entries... for about a ...
symtek's user avatar
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Having problems with timezone attribute on cron.yaml file in APP Engine Cron

I have a problem with the timezone attribute. It throws an error as below. "ERROR: ( An error occurred while parsing file: [/xxxxxxx/cron.yaml] Unable to assign value 'America/...
Julio Urbina Araya's user avatar
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Flush DNS cache in Google App Engine

We recently had a Google App Engine application fail to properly fail over during scheduled maintenance of our database server (hosted in Aiven). During scheduled maintenance, the DB server will fail ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
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Appengine app.yaml HTTPS redirect with secure flag isn't working

My application is deployed in Google AppEngine and my DNS is in GoDaddy. My app.yaml is like such: handlers: - url: /.* http_headers: X-Forwarded-Proto: https script: auto secure:...
Sonal's user avatar
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Global variables in Google App Engine

Is there any problems when it comes to using global variables in a code that runs on Google App Engine ? Let's say that we have : const ws = []; function newUser(){ ws.push({name:"user"}); } I ...
maysara's user avatar
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