I'm developing a custom panel for my openstack home lab via rest api. I've investigated Hetzner cloud ip (v4) addressing mechanism and i found it is like this:

enter image description here

It is assigning /32 valid ip v4 address and routing via invalid ip for preventing ip wasting. Is this possible to implement using neutron? I've read about dhcp options in ovn but i'm not sure.

( the valid ip address in the picture is not assigned to any server )

1 Answer 1


It's possible to set dhcp-options on each port using neutron

neutron port-update p1 --extra-dhcp-opt opt_name=netmask,opt_value=
neutron port-update p1 --extra-dhcp-opt opt_name=classless-static-route,opt_value=""

And for Windows machines:

neutron port-update p1 --extra-dhcp-opt opt_name=ms-classless-static-route,opt_value=""

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