We want to run an SSL only lighttpd process. Which configuration option should be used to turn off port 80 with its unencrypted traffic ?

Lighttpd documents only provide a "redirection" to https traffic, but we want a complete silence on port 80. We want to keep lighttpd listening only on 443 for encrypted(https) traffic.

Update [Solution]

Setting only "server.port = 443" does not help. SSL config was :

$SERVER["socket"] == "" {
                  ssl.engine                  = "enable"
                  ssl.pemfile                 = "/etc/cert.pem"

That gave the error.

can't bind to port: 443 Address already in use

Removing the conditional SSL altogether solved the issue, the config became:

server.port                 = 443
ssl.engine                  = "enable"
ssl.pemfile                 = "myweb.pem"

4 Answers 4


you have to set server.port = 443 in lighttpd.conf and comment the conditional $SERVER["socket"] == "" { } in 10-ssl.conf

keep ssl.engine = "enable" and ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/server.pem" in 10-ssl.conf


How about, commenting out

# /etc/rc.d/lighttpd start

Or, you could comment out the fastcgi.server lines in


Ok, this is the reference I was looking for, are you using these things?

I think the bottom line is, if you just make the server.port 443 and
remove the port 80 config entirely instead of a redirect, the server would respond only on 443.

  • we want to disable http traffic and keep only https traffic. We are not even using fastcgi or php.
    – hayalci
    Jul 28, 2009 at 10:35
  • Ok, then does the last part I just added work on your configuration?
    – nik
    Jul 28, 2009 at 10:39
  • changing server port only with the recommended ssl config snippet didn't work. See the question for working solution. thanks for the pointer.
    – hayalci
    Jul 28, 2009 at 10:56

Not a solution but still a work around would be to install a firewall such as Iptables and completely block traffic on port 80.

  • An iptables trick should also stop incoming port-80 traffic. Unless, you want to run something else there.
    – nik
    Jul 28, 2009 at 10:37

In my case, I had to comment:

   include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/use-ipv6.pl" 

to disable additional SSL pre-configuration.

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