Questions tagged [htop]

htop is an interactive process viewer for Linux. It is a text-mode application (for console or X terminals) and requires ncurses.

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Multiple instances of app in htop

Why does htop show two instances of my GUI app TradeClient? while I started only one instance? System: Ubuntu 22.04 VPS with X11 (I connect with VNC) What is its CPU usage? EDIT1 htop -t EDIT2 ...
Alexey Starinsky's user avatar
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How can I get the query string, starting by the process id associated to the Postgres connection running it (output of htop)?

I have a machine, let's call it DB_server, which is connected to two application machines, let's call them application_server_1 and application_server_2. DB_server hosts 3 postgres databases on it, ...
Tms91's user avatar
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how much data does htop transfer from remote?

If I am connected by ssh to a machine running htop, how do I calculate how much data the htop process is sending from the remote to the machine with ssh terminal? For example having htop open for a ...
art vanderlay's user avatar
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Linux: 100 Mi RAM free but no processes with high-memory usage

A Debian Bullseye server is using almost 100% RAM quantity (7.65G / 7.79 G): But there are no processes with more than 0.0% memory usage DEV root@postgres2 ~# free -h total used ...
Mat's user avatar
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Bridge interface causes high CPU utilization

We are facing a weird issue with a server we have on our laboratory. Specifically, the server shows high CPU utilization from low priority processes (blue color in htop) with 50% of the cores ...
Dimos Masouros's user avatar
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Pink in memory htop

What does the pink color in memory htop means and how can I reset it? You can see example here: htop preview
Maor Bari's user avatar
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Automate logging in to separate cluster nodes for monitoring (htop)

I login to the cluster and login to say N=3 nodes. Then, I laboriously open the N panes in eg tmux or kitty, ssh onto the login node to each, then ssh onto the specific node for each of the N nodes, ...
georg's user avatar
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ubuntu htop half of cores in blue 100%

I had try to reboot my server with two e5-2637v3 cpu. does blue mean nothing to do?
user13102's user avatar
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Memory usage: big difference in `free -m` and htop as well calculation of used memory in htop compared from /proc/meminfo

I'm aware of this question Answer seems outdated regarding memory usage and this question ...
Hannes's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

100% CPU usage reported, but no processes using the CPU

I am running Debian 10 (kernel 4.19.0-18-amd64) on bare metal and I have recently noticed strange CPU usage. Screenshot of htop, sorted by CPU% Screenshot of top, sorted by CPU% As you can see, 100% ...
tomf's user avatar
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Multiple core overload on Ubuntu

I have a really strange behavior of the server. I run Apache, MySQL, WordPress on it. And recently, it has had a lot of freezes. MySQL/Apache shows high CPU usage (out of 24 cores - 2400% cpu% ...
a b's user avatar
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Load average explanation for multi-core systems

I'm trying to understand the Load average in my Debian system. I've read some explanations of the displayed values and I came to understand that the number represents how "overloaded" my ...
Get Schwifty's user avatar
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Where is my memory being consumed? [duplicate]

I have a Ubuntu 20.04 server which is reporting relatively low free RAM: top - 11:28:31 up 5 days, 20:12, 3 users, load average: 0.18, 0.26, 0.27 Tasks: 268 total, 1 running, 267 sleeping, 0 ...
Huskie69's user avatar
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Messagebus is using more than 4 GB RAM

I have just checked my Server and it is running relativly low on RAM. There are currently no users on anyone of the Services Installed (Jitsi, Rocket.Chat, OnlyOffice Workspace) as they're all still ...
Nicolas Mierbach's user avatar
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Memory usage doesn't add up: most of the RAM gone mysteriously

I have a Fedora 30 [5.6.13-100.fc30.x86_64] machine with 32GB of RAM onboard. Right after boot both free -h and htop indicate that 21-22GB is used: [ andriim@dev-r-vrt-007 ~/work ] $ free -h ...
Andy Mac's user avatar
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Tightvnc Server using only 1 core?

I have a server setup with 8 cores and 32gb of RAM. I am using it to launch as many java applications as I can and hope to make the most efficient use of my resources. Upon launching I notice the ...
Plee's user avatar
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Why htop shows 48 sleeping processes while "show processlist" shows none? (MySQL 8.0.21-0ubuntu0.20.04.4)

SHOW PROSSESLIST shows exactly no sleeping processes. But Htop does: I got about 48 sleeping /usr/sbin/mysqld processes with high values of VIRT 15.2G and RES 6199M. What's going on there? Why these ...
jbcologne's user avatar
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Why do EC2 instances sometimes end up giving a very high IRQ load in htop?

We have a couple of t3.small instances. This is what the CPU utilization graph ends up looking like for both of them (running similar programs). Both seem to end up stabilizing at 20% CPU utilization....
wireman's user avatar
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Tomcat process which is listed several times

I have a Tomcat 9 server running on my Centos 7. When I issue the htop command I have a tomcat process which is listed several times and I would like to understand why it appears several times PID ...
Aaron Guilbot's user avatar
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Where is my bottleneck: RAM, CPU or disk?

I have a 32 core, 64 thread, 128GB RAM system with internal SSD. I'm running 64 data mining/simulation jobs in parallel that each load 1GB from disk and run for about 5-10 minutes . I want to know ...
JacksonCounty's user avatar
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new admin wondering why htop and top show different numbers on scientific linux VM [duplicate]

I am trying to figure out if I am using htop correctly. A top on this VM reveals: top - 17:52:39 up 98 days, 23:05, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.01, 0.00 Tasks: 178 total, 1 running, 177 ...
Codejoy's user avatar
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free and htop report totally different numbers

See the following screenshot: The "total" amount of memory is reported at 8GB by both htop and free, but while free reports that only 2.7GB is "used", htop reports that 7.53GB is used. free reports ...
Fela Maslen's user avatar
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Why is the memory consumption in htop not shown proportionally?

Based on this question the colours have the following meaning: Green = Used memory Blue = Buffers Yellow/Orange = Cache Now looking at my htop, I see only 878MB is taken, which includes a large ...
Houman's user avatar
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Why is htop only available in EPEL on CentOS/RHEL?

I'm just honestly curious why htop isn't available in the base, extras or even centosplus repos. To me it seems innocent and useful, but maybe I've overlooked some aspect of it, such as licensing, and ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to record and replay htop?

TL;DR Is there an option to run htop in a way that will generate some report and the load it using htop later? Similar to perf record and perf report. I'm a big fan of htop. I use it quite a lot when ...
kfir's user avatar
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3 answers

Interpretation of server HTOP - is server Overloaded?

I have a server, which has 12 Cores, and usage is 42. What does it mean? As far as I know 1 i 100% of one core. So 42 is 100% of 42 cores?
Gacek's user avatar
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docker stats memory lower than top's rss

I created a container, in which I've created ~10 processes. I want to analyze how much memory they're consuming. To achieve that, I ran top inside the container, and docker stats outside. In top, I ...
speller's user avatar
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why doesn't htop display the same process start time than ps

Ubuntu, htop 2.0.1 and 2.2.0 compiled from source. Showing the STARTTIME column in htop, displays Jan25 but ps -o lstart displays Sat Dec 15 20:58:46 2018 By looking at the pid it seems ...
erny's user avatar
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Invalid cpu values in top for EC2 AWS instances

We are seeing what appear to be invalid values in top on more than one of our AWS instances: top - 08:44:56 up 259 days, 17:31, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.01 Tasks: 78 total, 1 running, ...
user1167223's user avatar
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Why is my tasks's CPU usage not showing in the graph in htop?

CPU is holding at a steady 200% (task is CPU-bound), but it is not showing in the graph. Why not?
fredley's user avatar
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Cannot explain memory occupancy in linux

I'm working on a debian 9.3, the free command return total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 131940516 100433176 29189576 33940 ...
mox's user avatar
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Why do free -m and htop show different amounts of total memory?

When I run free -m, I get different data from when I use htop. free -m: total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 992 396 149 ...
APixel Visuals's user avatar
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Displaying multiple terminals in a single window

I'm trying to setup a dedicated computer for displaying server statuses, and I'd like to showing the output of htop for about 5 servers simultaneously in a grid of terminals. What's the most ...
Cerin's user avatar
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htop shows 33% memory usage, but its Mem bar is full

When I run htop on a remote computer its Mem bar shows that memory is full and even swap shares 2.3G(also I can see the system works very slow). But htop's MEM% column shows about 33% memory usage. ...
i.kiarazm's user avatar
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how to read ram usage from new versions of free and htop?

before I switched to Ubuntu 16.04 64bit server on my VSPes (based on OpenVZ), I used to read the output from free and htop to analyze the actual RAM usage. Now with 16.04 that comes with the new free ...
Sandro Antonucci's user avatar
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Multliple core overload above 100% on Centos7 Supermicro Server

I am running Centos 7 (3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64) on a supermicro H8QG6 board with 4 AMD 6276 cpus (16 cores), for a total of 64 cores. I use it for scientific computing, and usually everything runs ...
ehyG's user avatar
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htop: the CPU load of individual process is higher than the CPU load according to the CPU bar

I run a python network client (it actively downloads video through TCP) inside of VirtualBox (5.1.26) and the CPU load of this process is much higher (20%) than the CPU load according to the CPU bar ...
alr's user avatar
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how to find Linux processes started at a certain time

I am trying to debug Linux vnc session that is not responding. I think I clicked the KDE konsole icon and that is when the vnc session became frozen. I can see the windows and menu in KDE but nothing ...
user2979872's user avatar
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SNMPD reporting conflicting CPU usage to top/htop

I've got a bit of an issue with reporting discrepancies. I've currently got a server running Ubuntu 14.04.1 trusty and am receiving SNMP alerts saying that 2 of my cores are at 100% usage. When I ...
BlackoutWNCT's user avatar
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Why does htop show 430% CPU?

I'm confused by the CPU% values of this multi-threaded program. Is 430% the sum of all threads? If so, how do I find out the CPU% of the main thread itself (1776)? PID USER PRI NI VIRT RES ...
XTF's user avatar
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htop - show I/O wait percentage

Is there a way to show I/O wait percentage in htop? I can't find a way how to enable this. On the following link there is an example of the functionality I need (the "Avg:" row): http://www.concept47....
CyberMuz's user avatar
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Equivalent to the htop command on Windows

I installed an nginx server on Windows, then ran it and tested it by accessing it on the local host. However I want to see more details which I can see on a Linux environment when running the htop ...
Ashwani Tiwari's user avatar
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What does a red swap bar mean, in htop?

In htop, there appear bars that show CPU, MEMORY and SWAP. In What exactly do the colors in htop status bars mean? , I saw the meaning of the colors for the CPU bar and the MEMORY bar. What do the ...
josinalvo's user avatar
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ubuntu server 14.04 LTS unusual outgoing traffic

I have virtual private host with ubuntu server 14.04 LTS. On this server, we serve web service. We run apache2 and tomcat as web server. apache2 + django1.8 and tomcat8 recently, I observed the server ...
mahmoud's user avatar
7 votes
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htop cgroup column widen

How can I see full length of text CGROUP column in htop? I cannot enlarge it.
plaidshirt's user avatar
11 votes
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htop res & virt colors

I did some googling about htop, I found this and this. But I couldn't seem to find what the red color of virt and res means. As you can see in the screenshot, some are whitish and other are red. Does ...
jorne's user avatar
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htop 100% fake CPU load

Recently my VPS show 100% CPU usage of all cores in htop and observium, but there is no process that uses > 5% CPU. In fact, the statistics of my VPS host shows there is no activity at all. Is this a ...
Maarten Oosting's user avatar
-3 votes
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Child proc in highload

I need to know why this child proc is using 208% of my CPU. I think it would be a good idea to find the pathname of it. Do you have any idea how to find it? 4910 root 20 0 9691M 2006M 7924 R 208. 12....
user307747's user avatar
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understanding htop on ubuntu machine and debugging performance bottleneck

I have the following stats when I do a htop: I don't understand although it says that I have 7450MB memory the graph goes towards the end. Why is this?
user79356's user avatar
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htop CPU usage information does not look consistent

Please have a look at htop screenshot below You can see there that current host has two CPU cores (or CPUs). All processes are ordered by CPU usage descending. So how is it possible that with two ...
humkins's user avatar
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