Questions tagged [ingress]

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3 answers

Nginx Ingress 504 timeout - EKS with ELB connected to nginx ingress

We are using a NLB in AWS connected to our EKS cluster via a nginx ingress controller. Some of our requests get a random 504 gateway timeout. We think we debugged the problem to our nginx ingress. ...
Siva Vg's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can't delete dangling k8s load balancer due to http target proxy that doesn't exist

I'm trying to delete the forwarding rule, target proxy, url map and backend services that belong to an extinct k8s ingress. I successfully delete the forwarding rule and target proxy but then when I ...
Francis Bongiovanni's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR on otherwise working kubernetes ingress/service

I have a basic nginx deployment and an existing certificate issued by let's encrypt via cert-manager. I thought everything was in place to start using the certificate but I'm unable to connect on ...
Archonic's user avatar
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4 votes
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Achieving stickiness on kubernetes cluster with ingress-gce

I'm trying to achieve stickiness on kubernetes cluster but I am redirected to a different pod every time I access the load balancer. I have session affinity set to 'ClientIP' and also tried with '...
Daniel Barkan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Exposing simple pod using kubernetes ingress

Hi I'm learning kubernetes and I'm having trouble exposing the service. I want to route traffic to my cluster from HAProxy. I'm using my own bare-metal server. EDIT: I've also created an ingress ...
Paweł Zając's user avatar
3 votes
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Kubernetes nginx-ingress load balancer external IP pending

In my Kubernetes cluster I want to bind a nginx load balancer to the external IP of a node. However, the external IP is always shown as "pending". The cluster runs on two root-servers using weave. ...
Johannes Mittendorfer's user avatar
3 votes
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Change container ports in Kubernetes in production

I have an nginx Dockerimage listening on some port as defined int its nginx.conf. That image is deployed as a workload in Kubernetes (GKE) and an ingress points to it. The image's port is - both as ...
cis's user avatar
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How to configure client_max_body_size per a location using nginx controller

I would need to configure client_max_body_size for a specific location in my Ingress configuration file then is the default value. How it is possible to do it? I was looking into the doc but have not ...
Peter Jurkovič's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to change the default certificate chain in Kubernetes Ingress

I'm using AKS on Azure and Ingress with Let's Encrypt certificate (configured by The certificate chain defaults to DST Root CA X3 but I ...
Ondřej Míchal's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller Metrics

I've tried to find a documentation about the metrics exposed by the NGINX ingress controller in Kubernetes but so far I haven't found any reliable source about the metrics and what they mean. For ...
MysteriousPerson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Running MQTT broker in Kubernetes (nginx-ingress-controller) with TCP over SSL

I'm currently trying to setup a MQTT broker (VerneMQ) on my kubernetes cluster (GKE). At the moment I'm using nginx-ingress-controller with a Google provided L4 load balancer. The VerneMQ deployment ...
hengel28's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding a unique request header to hundreds of Ingresses with Traefik 2

we're (finally) migrating from Traefik 1 to 2. We run 400+ apps on GKE. Our one remaining challenge is this: In Traefik 1 we set an annotation on each app's Ingress that adds a header to the request ...
Martijn Heemels's user avatar
2 votes
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Kubernetes not regenerating SSL Certificate

I have tried and tried many different things, and I'm unable to land into a solution. The certificate was issued once using letsencrypt, but was never refreshed. Could you people give me a hint on ...
fceruti's user avatar
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3 answers

How to keep Authentication header with redirect using NGINX ingress annotations

I have an nginx ingress controller for my kubernetes cluster. I have a need to add a permanent redirect to an ingress which I can successfully do with "...
G. Ball's user avatar
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GCP load-balancer ssl certificate resets itself after change

So I need to change an expired SSL certificate. Unfortunately, the one responsible for this task has passed away suddenly. I have no experience with google cloud, kuberneted or ingress. If I go to ...
Dawg's user avatar
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Ingress returns 'default backend - 404' on Minikube

I'm trying to set up a very simple Kubernetes cluster with frontend, backend and db services. Here is part of the Frontend service definition file: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: ...
zmbq's user avatar
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Cloudfront infront of ELB and kubernetes is showing Default backend (nginx-ingress)

Having kubernetes cluster with nginx ingress, pointed to AWS ELB load balancer and Route 53 domain pointed to this ELB is working just fine. Now I am trying to add cloudfront, it's pointing to load ...
Tom's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

GCP Kubernetes engine - crash of nginx-ingress-controller after large file upload

I'm trying luck here to solve my problem happening on Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine. Problem in short: When I upload file via my PHP application of 15-20MB, nginx ingress controller crashes, disk IO ...
Jan Dominik's user avatar
2 votes
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Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controllers log to Stackdriver

I'm using Nginx Ingress Controller on GKE and I want to send its logs to Stackdriver with the following format At the ...
john's user avatar
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Setting up HTTP Load Balancing with Nginx Ingress Controller

Could somebody write up the steps of setting up HTTP Load Balancing with Nginx Ingress Controller for Google Kubernetes Engine? I followed this GKE tutorial for a basic Ingress. It got a Forwarding ...
lucahuy's user avatar
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How do you route to a mix of HTTP and HTTPS backends from an ALB Ingress?

I have a Kubernetes cluster running in EKS (on AWS.) In the cluster I have Elasticsearch, Kibana and various other web services. I would like to set up a single ALB loadbalancer such that: Requests ...
Zorlack's user avatar
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2 answers

Need help on loadbalancer connection to nginx ingress controller

apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: ingress-nginx namespace: ingress-nginx labels: app: ingress-nginx spec: type: LoadBalancer externalIPs: - {{ vip_address }} ports: - ...
rufus's user avatar
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1 answer

ingress nginx upstream sent no valid HTTP/1.0 header while reading response header from upstream

I'm trying to setup an nginx ingress controller for services in my namespace. One of the backend services accept HTTP traffic on port 80, the other accepts only HTTPS traffic on port 443. See the ...
bachr's user avatar
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Kubernetes - Ingress vs Nginx with Loadbalancer

AFAIK an Ingress is just an abstraction layer to a LoadBalancer service targeting Nginx (or others) Are there features only an ingress can provide? Are there any drawbacks of using LoadBalancer + ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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2 answers

Kubernetes: horizontal auto-scaling based on metrics in another namespace

I'd like to set up horizontal auto-scaling for a deployment based on the metrics of the ingress-controller deployed in another namespace. I have a deployment (petclinic) deployed in a certain ...
Volodymyr Melnyk's user avatar
1 vote
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How to block/allow a country in Nginx ingress

Hello is it possible to block or allow certain countries in Nginx Ingress (community). It seems possible on Nginx installed on servers (link) But I want to apply similarly to this on Nginx Ingress.
Tek Nath Acharya's user avatar
1 vote
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GCP - GKE: Every Ingress configuration keeps resetting automatically. How to set an HTTPS health check?

I know that Ingress requires a service in an healthy state in order to serve its contents through HTTP(S) and to do so I configured a ReadinessProbe on my workload deployment: readinessProbe: ...
sentenza's user avatar
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2 answers

ingress google compute cloud ip

I'm trying to setup Ingress to serve from a static IP that I have created with gcloud. However it seems that Ingress does not take that configured one but picks a random new one. The name of that IP ...
Matthias Huttar's user avatar
1 vote
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Ingress Nginx SSL 503 Error

Service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: grafana name: grafana spec: ports: - name: "3000" port: 3000 ...
csgeek's user avatar
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MySQL on Kubernetes with Traefik v2

I'm trying to deploy MySQL on my Kubernetes cluster. I have Traefik v2 ingress controller and I'm using IngressRouteTCP CRD. Here is my Deployment: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: ...
Gaui's user avatar
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NSX/NCP Ingress to secure (HTTPS/TLS) backend

I'm using NSX/NCP Ingress in a dedicated VMWare PKS cluster. I am attempting to stand up ingress to Elasticsearch and the backend service uses HTTPS. I can not seem to find a way to have NSX Ingress ...
ytjohn's user avatar
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cert-manager nginx-ingress SSL connection error

i successfully installed cert-manager and nginx-ingress in my kubernetes cluster. Ingress is working as expected and was tested. Certificate creation via cert-manager is also working. I created a ...
OYPS's user avatar
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strict MIME type checking is enabled issue with PGAdmin in Azure application gateway

I am trying to install pgAdmin (image: 'dpage/pgadmin4:6.21') in Azure AKS. I am able to access the application when I use a Kubernetes LoadBalancer service, but when I use an Azure Application ...
k.elgohary's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to have multiple ingress paths under the same host that point to the same backend service

I'm trying to restrict access to certain paths on my service how can I accomplish this on kubernetes? I have a service that runs a basic API but it also runs an admin service. Is it possible to use ...
James's user avatar
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Seeking advice regarding ingress versus load balancing for app in microk8s cluster

I have a seven node microk8s cluster set up on an Ubuntu server in my cellar. multipass shows me I have three IP address per VM since I created these hosts using the bridged network option. I thought ...
mr.zog's user avatar
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2 answers

kubernetes ingress replace path

I have two backend api-services: api-service-v1 api-service-v2 Both respond on "/api/" path I have this configuration running fine as a docker-compose setup where nginx service serves as a ...
Vasyl Herman's user avatar
1 vote
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How to enable ipv6 for ingress-controller services when installing using Helm nginx-ingress chart?

I have a baremetal K8 cluster setup using Kubespray (Calico as CNI) and have dual stack enabled. I can see that all the pods that get deployed get both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but when I try to ...
mickey9's user avatar
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0 answers

Kubernetes External DNS

Has anyone configured Kube's external dns project to use an IP other then that of the service or ingress it is creating the record for? I'm on bare metal and I have: (Internet) -> (HAProxy) -> (...
Greg's user avatar
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0 answers

Data Ingress to S3 from an FTP Server

I have about 1.5TB of data on an FTP server from my web hosting provider that I want to migrate into S3. From what I have read there are a number of ways to do this, including FileZilla Pro which ...
Samurai.Khan's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPass returns 400 Bad Request with HTTPS

I have an Apache server in front of a web application server (AEM) that proxies requests to another application server (Magento). When I'm using this on localhost with HTTP everything is fine, but ...
matuma's user avatar
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Axios in a Node.js container on Kubernetes is returning “ECONNREFUSED”?

Full error message: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect The axios request is running in a Node.js environment (Next.js), which is where the error occurs, strangely the ...
thatguyjono's user avatar
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Exposing application which enforces https using ingress

I've been setting up a kubernetes cluster as a PoC, but currently struggle to find a solution for my problem. A proprietary software that I need to deploy does only expose one port which is https. I ...
Timo's user avatar
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Why use ingress to expose a service when you have a LoadBalancer?

I have been researching how Kubernetes exposes services to the outside world and have found lots of articles explaining the differences between using NodePort, LoadBalancer, and Ingress. However ...
Ilsa's user avatar
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Nginx ingress to support ipv4 and ipv6 for kubernetes IPv4 cluster

I have installed K8S Cluster using 3 VMs (1 Master, 2 Workers). VM1: Eth0: IPv4-A1, Eth1: IPv4-B1, IPv6-C1 VM1: Eth0: IPv4-A2, Eth1: IPv4-B2, IPv6-C2 VM1: Eth0: IPv4-A3, Eth1: IPv4-B3, IPv6-C3 My ...
R Kaja Mohideen's user avatar
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Rancher 2.0 High Availability and Certificates

I replied to a similar question on the Rancher Forums with no luck: When following the Rancher Docs for a HA install, a ...
Brian's user avatar
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GCE NGINX Ingress does not use controller

I've installed nginx ingress using helm on Google Cloud Kubernetes. The service, controller and default backend are up and running and I can perform a GET request on the /healthz endpoint. However, ...
Marvin Blum's user avatar
1 vote
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Kube ingress and elb

I am running my (kops) kube cluster on AWS. The cluster is in the private subnet. I am not able to create an external (internet facing) load balancer because my cluster is in private space. Is there ...
sumanth's user avatar
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GCP - GKE Setup: Error during load balancer auto generation

I have a GCP Internal private IP GKE cluster that has multiple services that we support. I am attempting to setup an ingress to support these multiple services over TLS. This is based on the following ...
thxmike's user avatar
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ambassador service stays "pending"

Currently running a fresh "all in one VM" (stacked master/worker approach) kubernetes v1.21.1-00 on Ubuntu Server 20 LTS, using cri-o as container runtime interface calico for networking/...
Rob's user avatar
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Managing a single Kubernets Ingress with multiple rules

I'm using Kubernetes Ingress on GCP to route traffic to different HTTP services. TLDR: Is there a way to control a single Ingress object by adding rules to it from multiple different spec files? We ...
shevron's user avatar
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