We have an Angular app and a Back-end web API on .NET core. Both sites should be served over HTTPS. I currently have one Linux server.

Currently I'm planning to host my Angular app on a domain (for example: https:// example.com) in nginx, all API calls are made using same domain with /api endpoint (for example: https:// example.com/api), and from nginx server I'm redirecting to .NET core Kestrel server.

Is this deployment good for a real production environment? If anyone has better ideas, please let me know. Thanks.

PS: obtaining another public IP isn't a problem.


2 Answers 2


According to Krestel official documentation is a good practice to use a reverse proxy. The implementation doc is good and it goes into more details about it: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/servers/kestrel?view=aspnetcore-5.0

If only one frontend server is powerful enough to maintain your workload I don't see any problem with that.


It's most of the time a good idea to reverse proxy applications and it's default behaviour in the most setup. It gives you flexibility, maintainability and security as well.

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