Questions tagged [kolla-ansible]

Kolla is a set of ansible playbooks that eases the deployment of OpenStack environments.

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Kolla-Toolbox container doesnt deploy on a fresh Openstack install

I'm trying to do a fresh install of Openstack on a 3 physical servers (running Ubuntu 22.04) using Kolla Ansible. One controller + 2 compute nodes with an "already deployed" Ceph backend. ...
Abhijit Anand's user avatar
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Multi-node OpenStack with iSCSI storage

I’m trying to deploy a multi-node OpenStack environment using Kolla, Ansible, and Ubuntu server. I successfully added a partition to my Cinder storage using iSCSI. But I can't configure OpenStack to ...
Sofien's user avatar
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Upgrade OS Bionic to Focal which includes Openstack and Ceph cluster

So i have openstack and ceph cluster with 3 controllers and 3 computes. This is the information about my cluster : OS : ubuntu bionic Openstack kolla-ansible : Ussuri 10.4.0 Ceph ceph-ansible : ...
Adelia Nurlina's user avatar
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kolla-ansible openstack bootstrap-servers failed on enabling ceph apt repository (ubuntu 22.04)

This is to deploy the recent kolla-ansible openstack. The problem happens since last week. I retested it on a good environment successfully deployed on 7/14/2023 and got bootstrap-servers failed ...
user1039217's user avatar
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What is the step-by-step process of upgrading Openstack deployed by Kolla-Ansible?

I'm afraid of following this page's instructions for updating the OpenStack as it does not seem to consider all aspects and is not written to upgrade service-by-service. No rollback solution is also ...
Moha's user avatar
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Beginner: VM Instances Can't Access External Network And Few Other Questions

I was trying to deploy a multinode OpenStack cloud using Kolla-Ansible by following this doc and many others: I ...
Muhammad Hanis Irfan Mohd Zaid's user avatar
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openstack conatiner runtime change

I'm install openstack wallaby using kolla-ansible deployment method. (ubuntu) I want to chagne container runtime engine(running on controller and compute node) from docker to cri or containerd. is ...
daniel's user avatar
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Kolla-Ansible deployment fails on Ubuntu 22.04 while "Waiting for nova-compute services to register themselves"

Problem Statement: Kolla Ansible installation fails on "deploy" play with the below errors ('Errors' Section). About the Deployment: Lab Openstack deployment using Kolla Ansible 1 ...
Abhijit Anand's user avatar
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Kolla-Ansible fails to deploy Openstack because of MariaDB liveness step failing

I'm having issues when deploying Openstack via kolla-ansible on virtual machines that are running inside Proxmox, across three nodes. Both "kolla-ansible -i multinode bootstrap-servers" and &...
Samuel Lourenço's user avatar
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Kolla-ansible Yoga how to update with new image containers with local registry?

I am trying to update my Openstack, which was deployed using kolla-ansible, using the documentation here ( The documentaion ...
Wodel's user avatar
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Docker Is there a way to verify that a container belongs to a particular image build?

I am a newbie in the containers world. From what I have read, when you want to update your container you do this : Stop the container. Delete the container Pull the new image Recreate the container, ...
Wodel's user avatar
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kolla-ansible SSL certificate expired

My ssl certificate has expired in my openstack deployment and I can't login in and several services do not work well because of it. How can I remediate to this? I tried to find a way to disable the ...
Wodel's user avatar
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What does ping not showing any results mean?

I deployed a kolla-openstack and attached floating IP to an instance in it. Now while I am trying to ping the IP I am getting no response, but when I do ctrl+c it shows 100% loss. Now leaving this ...
Vishwa Mithra Tatta's user avatar
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How to debug timeout error during instance creation?

I've created a small OpenStack cloud consisting of 3 nodes that all contain the same services, using kolla ansible. I can start instances using the Cirros toy image no problem, and also an offical ...
Evgeniy Berezovsky's user avatar
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kolla ansible deployment stuck at Nova API bootstrap container

I am deploying openstack (for kypo cyber range) using kolla-ansible. I have followed all the steps on official guide. However I am stuck on Nova API bootstrap container for almost half a day. I have ...
aneela's user avatar
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OVN Cluster Health Command

Is there any command-line tool for the OVN Cluster Health check? Or each of its components? and a command or commands which gives stats about the cluster. For example, without a functional test, I ...
Milad Jahandideh's user avatar
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kolla-ansible openstack cloudkitty error

I'm using an All-IN-ONE kolla-ansible wallaby release machine for developing a custom ui for a public cloud. When i try to get summary in RATING admin menu in Horizon this error happens: 2021-10-14 11:...
Vahid Alimohamadi's user avatar
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Kolla-ansible deployment fails

I tried to use Kolla-ansible to deploy all-in-one OpenStack for Ubuntu 20.04LTS and the following error was reported. TASK [service-rabbitmq : nova | Ensure RabbitMQ users exist] ******************* ...
Kong Nan's user avatar
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OpenStack Nova fails to connect to libvirt (not socket issue!)

We're trying to deploy OpenStack on hardened Debian-based Linux distro via Kolla-ansible and we seem to be almost done but facing the issue with the nova_compute container which complaints: 2021-09-12 ...
Alex Vrublevskiy's user avatar
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TASK [common : Pulling common images]

I'm trying to install openstack wallaby with kolla-ansible. I followed this document and
Tùng Nguyễn's user avatar
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kolla ansible - missing sudo password

I try to precheck kolla-ansible before deploy openstack but here is the problem and I don't know how to fix it. I followed this document to setup :
Tùng Nguyễn's user avatar
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Python path error when running Kolla ansible installation

I am attempting to install kolla-ansible to a bare metal server and experiencing this issue. I have been following this guide for setup:
AsapHogFtw's user avatar
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Openstack Kolla VM not ssh or ping

I successfully installed OpenStack kolla Victoria release. After that i executed init-runonce and VM(cirros) is spinned up and running. I assigned floating IPs as per run-init. Everything is ...
khawar abbasi's user avatar
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Kolla OpenStack deployment fails with "haproxy : Waiting for virtual IP to appear"

I'm trying to deploy OpenStack Queens with kolla-ansible (7.0.0) on Ubuntu hosts, following the official guide. After successful bootstrap-servers and precheck the deploy command fails: RUNNING ...
Gerald Schneider's user avatar