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Lighttpd Proxy -> Apache SVN mod_dav_svn - Stuck via command line but works in browser

I have a confusing problem. I have installed a long time ago Apache 2.4 with mod_dav_svn to be able to access my repos via https urls. It all works fine with Apache only. Now i switched to lighttpd ...
Brain Foo Long's user avatar
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Cannot redirect/proxy from Apache to lighttpd server

I have a home server that is accessible from outside with a static IP and port http://<homeip>:10001. This is a Lighttpd server. I also own a website with Apache, I've ...
TheUnexpected's user avatar
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How to convert RewriteCond rules so they work in Lighttpd?

How can I convert this Apache rewrite rules so they work on Lighttpd? This is in fact a .htaccess file, and I need to put those in a lighttpd.conf file. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on ...
user3126896's user avatar
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Mumble Django via Nginx - config file infinitely loops in rewrite

I am having a bit of problem of configuring Nginx in place of Apache, so that it served Mumble Django to clients. I have vhosts configs for both Apache and Lighttpd - let me put them here side by side,...
Gelmir's user avatar
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Issue when moving from Apache to Lighttpd

This might not be the right place, but we think its narrowed down to a Lighttpd config issue on our end, just cannot pinpoint. Asked in Virtuemart and Lighttpd forums with no luck. We have a live ...
Brian's user avatar
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apache + lighttpd on debian, the both should use ssl, port 443 already used

I installed apache and lighttpd in debian 7, apache used port 80 and lighttpd 88, now I install ssl for apache (443) and when i tried to do the same for lighttpd, I got error because 443 is already ...
deb2014's user avatar
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Lighttpd rewrite rule for Flight PHP microframework

I'm using the Flight PHP microframework, and it includes its' own router, and needs the server to rewrite requests to the index.php file. It features rewrite-rules for both Apache and Nginx but ...
Henrik's user avatar
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HAProxy: ACL to forward to different webservers based on directory

basically I have a raspberry pi with multiple webserver daemons on different ports, to be specific lighttpd, apache, and the ADAFruit WebIDE. Basically here are the ways i need it to work[how would ...
user205211's user avatar
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lighttpd: SMP workers causing performance degrade

I am trying to increase the performance of my lighttpd system by using SMP workers for multiple cores.It turns out that instead of improving the performance it is degrading it. I dont seem to ...
auny's user avatar
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How do you set up a server that will proxy traffic based on hostname?

I'm trying to setup a corollary to how google asks people to point their subdomains to which then presumably directs traffic to the right servers based on hostname. My setup differs in ...
Bill Edwards's user avatar
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Expire module configured to 0, but swf is allways loading from cache

I am trying to load an swf flash file from my lighttpd web server. expire.url "/static/swf" => "modification plus 0 seconds" However, when I reload from the web browser, chrome seems to load ...
vitidandu's user avatar
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lighttpd can't access same files and apache can't

I having a issue with lighttpd, It can't access any of my files in ../media/* but apache can. It's the very same files it have been running for a very long time, until for 4 -> 6 hours ago, where it ...
user355906's user avatar