Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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Covert mod-rewrite to lighttpd for lessn url shortener

I am trying to use lessn, a url shortener by Shaun Inman, on my lighttpd server and he uses a .htaccess file for the redirect. I am not very good with Mod_Rewrite isn the first place otherwise some ...
Jonathan Kratzke's user avatar
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Lighttpd: htpasswd protection

i would use an htpasswd protection for an folder of my website. I use lighttpd an i have write the following code into the lighttpd.conf # Limit access to ispgen auth.backend = "htpasswd" auth....
hazelnut's user avatar
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Force connection close lighttpd

I have a M2M project that sends out the following headers. HTTP/1.1 Accept-Language: zh-cn Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) Host: ...
jason's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How do I prevent lighttpd from caching static files, even when modified on disk?

I am using lighttpd to serve static files. I have a bunch of images in a dir that I regularly update. This will change the file content (and filesize) as well as the modification date, but not their ...
Pixelastic's user avatar
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2 answers

Return HTTP 204 with just Lighttpd

I have an app that uses lighttpd to log requests to a pixel, but the client doesn't need any response. Currently the requests map to a small static image. Is there a way to configure lighttpd to ...
yacomink's user avatar
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configuring lighttpd for large downloads

i run a web site that hosts pages that are just general scripts (php, etc) and mp3 downloads (some of which are fairly large - up to 200mb). i am running lighttpd on the servers on linux (ubuntu 64). ...
ahmedre's user avatar
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What is the overhead when redirect through mod_proxy

I have an API that used to run on Apache but now is served via lighttpd. I can easily switch the API URL in the app to the lighty port like I wonder if I should use mod_proxy instead to ...
ivoba's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Why are NginX and Lighttpd not affected by Slowloris?

I am investigating the vulnerability to Slowloris and I think I understand how and why this sort of attack works. What I don't understand is why Lighttpd and NginX are not affected (according to the ...
The Shurrican's user avatar
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lighttpd: opening errorlog failed: Permission denied

this happens when I restart the lighttpd and it backups the old log and creates new one. Is there any way so I don't have to changed permissions or ownership for that file every time the server is ...
Radek's user avatar
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Issue redirecting uri to remove "http://" in path under lighttpd

So I'm trying to do this redirect under lighttpd, but for whatever reason I just can't get it to work. I've tried looking a debug logs and all. Say I have entered ...
Samuel Parkinson's user avatar
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When restarting ligttpd, how do I get fastcgi php-cgi's to restart

I'm running lighttpd with php5-cgi. Running /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart does not cause the php-cgi processes to restart. Should I just killall them, or is there a more appropriate way to get them to ...
fratrik's user avatar
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Multiple protected locations with Nginx

I am trying to secure couple of locations using the basic HTTP authentication that comes with Nginx, but for some reason it won't work. I have: (This is accesible by user ADMIN) ...
Ivo Sabev's user avatar
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Optimizing fastcgi + php5

Running a debian system with lighttpd, php5, xcache and fastcgi. 2GB ram, 2 cores, less than 10% cpu load in 5 min averages peak time, less than 1GB of ram in use. The system runs a custom build ...
3molo's user avatar
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Need help starting lighttpd

Today I installed lighttpd on my CentOS 5.6 machine attempting to replace httpd. The things I did: yum install lighttpd nano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf I set the document root to my files service ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Should I use lightttpd or nginx for an ubuntu VPS?

I'm working on setting up a VPS, and I'm not about to go with slow apache. I'm looking into lighttpd and nginx, but I don't know which one to go with. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on an OpenVZ VPS My ...
Sam Bloomberg's user avatar
3 votes
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Is lighttpd recommended for a production webserver?

I've been using lighttpd as a development webserver for an scgi based webapp I'm building. I was very impressed with its ease of configuration and automatic load balancing between scgi processes. ...
David's user avatar
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PHP-FPM wasting CPU 100%

I ran ab -n 100 -c 10 to test the lighttpd-php-fpm performances. In this websites I have installed the last version of wordpress, the server is fast! I'm ...
Dail's user avatar
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PHP-FPM chroot mistake

I'm using lighttpd and php-fpm. The .php script are processed with with the correct user permission, I see the result on my browser. At the moment all run correctly if i comment chroot= option on ...
Damiano's user avatar
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PHP-FPM doesn't process php request

I have a strange situation, I have installed lighttpd and php5-fpm through aptitude I've created one vhost and the and the fpm pool. This is the main.conf (global FPM) [global] pid = /var/...
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LIGHTTPD - How to set the vhost's permissions

I would like to run many VHOSTS with my lighttpd webserver. I don't know how to chroot each vhost. At the moment all the vhosts can read files owned by other vhosts, I don't think it's really sure! ...
Damiano's user avatar
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LIGHTTPD - Page NOT found!

I have an index.php page but I continuing to get 404 not found if I digit This is the log: ... - [26/Apr/2011:09:56:33 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 0 "-" "Opera/...
Damiano's user avatar
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How could I manage many vhosts with PHP-FPM and LIGHTTPD?

I have installed php5-fpm and lighttpd. I want to chroot the directory of each vhost. I don't want one vhost can read other vhost's file. How to do it by FPM ? Thank you
Damiano's user avatar
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How to convert this .htaccess for LIGHTTPD?

I have this .htaccess RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^ index.php [L] How can I convert it to run my website through Lighttpd ? Thank you so much!
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9 votes
3 answers

Limit upload file size and redirect user to error page if limit exceeds

Is it possible to redirect user to file file too big page when POST request size exceeds specified limit? I am aware about max-request-size option, but it gives just static page that cannot be ...
jonny's user avatar
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Issue when moving from Apache to Lighttpd

This might not be the right place, but we think its narrowed down to a Lighttpd config issue on our end, just cannot pinpoint. Asked in Virtuemart and Lighttpd forums with no luck. We have a live ...
Brian's user avatar
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CGI Died, error log [closed]

I've been getting some 500 internal server errors on my website every so often, so I had a look at the error log. I am using lighttpd with Kloxo (lxadmin) installed. I have xcache enabled. 2011-04-...
Greatestswordsman's user avatar
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How To Sync Files Across Load Balanced PHP Cluster

I just configured lighttpd web server to pass php-fcgi request to an external application server. The application server is running PHP 5.3 and spawn-fcgi. The problem is that all the web files need ...
Justin's user avatar
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how can i tell if original requests are secure or unsecured using lighttpd infront of play framework?

My system is running the play framework through lighttpd. I need to know if the requests that are coming from Facebook are from https or http. Two questions: Is there any way that I can tell in my ...
nightograph's user avatar
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Where is Error Log in lighttpd?

I'm new to lighttpd, I just switched from Apache. How can I find the error log by SSH ? I've been getting some 500 Internal Server errors I want to troubleshoot.
Greatestswordsman's user avatar
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Set Response Header In Lighttpd Web Server

I am wondering how I send back a HTTP response of 501 (Not Implemented) in Lighttpd web server, when somebody tries to access our over non-ssl. The check we have, but don't see how ...
Justin's user avatar
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Updating .po files without restarting lighty

We are running PHP with gettext on the lighttpd web server. When we update the .po/.mo files with new translations, we have to restart lighty for the new translations to appear. Is lighty caching the ...
pthulin's user avatar
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Expire module configured to 0, but swf is allways loading from cache

I am trying to load an swf flash file from my lighttpd web server. expire.url "/static/swf" => "modification plus 0 seconds" However, when I reload from the web browser, chrome seems to load ...
vitidandu's user avatar
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Method to proxy Subversion repo in lighttpd with https to the outside world

HTTPS is HTTP over SSL. I have an Apache server running on a machine in order to publish a Subversion repository (read-only). Apparently there is no direct solution to export the repository using ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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mod_compress not writing anything to the compress folder

I'm using lighttpd with fastcgi, just enabled mod_compress but its not writing anything in the directory that i have set i.e. /tmp/lighttpdcompress/ I've given its ownership to lighttpd and also set ...
gX01's user avatar
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optimize nginx for large file downloading

Hey, I'm wondering what are some general options I should look into for optimizing an nginx server for large file downloading (typically 100mb to 6gb). I just migrated from lighttpd and I'm noticing ...
Jorge Israel Peña's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to set an environment variable for a process spawned by the webserver?

In my setup (debian etch, lighttpd), one one my websites is calling a program for some image manipulation via PHP, I think. I'd like to change the behavior of this program by setting an environment ...
Jens's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy redirection based on hostname

Here's my setup: Windows Server (2003) receives all traffic for *, which (up to now) redirects all incoming port 80 traffic to a Linux VM (using VMWare virtual network manager). I now ...
Serge Wautier's user avatar
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Need help, failed to start Lighttpd

I following this tutorial corectly : But now i got this error : [root@fedora lighttpd]# /etc/init.d/lighttpd ...
Alzea Arafat's user avatar
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Lighttpd equivalent of Apache Files directive?

I'm trying to convert some rules and settings from Apache to lighttpd but i'm stuck with this Files rule: <Directory /var/www/html/attachments> <Files ~ "\.(php\d*|cgi|pl|phtml)$"> ...
Cristian Aviles's user avatar
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How to redirect to localhost home on entering any non existing url?

I am working on an intranet application running over Lighttpd server, it is hosted on and there is nothing else on server. I want to redirect any page request made to server (e.g.: "xyz....
user avatar
9 votes
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Best sysctl.conf configuration for high load - extremely busy content streaming server

What is the best sysctl.conf configuration for a high load, extremely busy content streaming server ? The server fetches the content from remote servers like amazon, s3, etc. then uses php to ...
Daniel Johnson's user avatar
4 votes
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Apache starts automatically on Ubuntu, needs to be stopped to restart lighttpd

I've some issues with my webserver's Apache and lighttpd on Ubuntu 9.04. I use lighttpd only and I've stopped Apache on Ubuntu. For some reason, starting a few days ago, Apache starts to run and I ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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5 answers

Fastest web server for serving static content

I'm optimizing our system for some faster static content delivery, and was wondering if anyone has any proper experience with the fastest web servers out there for such a purpose. From the three main ...
Swader's user avatar
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Will using Apache's ProxyPass directive on persistent Ajax connections alleviate the connection limit error?

I've got some javascript that keeps a persistent Ajax connection open for each client, and I know that this can cause some serious issues for apache, but not for lighttpd. One thing I learned from ...
naurus's user avatar
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lighthttpd proxy reverse proxy

I have been looking for good easy to use examples for lighthttpd proxy reverse proxy. My idea is to take domain and forward/reverse proxy to ip port 80, whether it is a tomcat ...
Riaan's user avatar
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Lighttpd redirect to tomcat app

I've just set up a lighttpd server which I want to use to serve multiple applications on different domains. I've managed to make traffic to a specific domain to be redirected to an application running ...
lassejl's user avatar
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3 answers

Using logical operators in lighttpd.conf

I have two sub-domains which I want to redirect to the same directory: $HTTP["host"] =~ "sub1\.example\.com$" { server.document-root = "/home/adam/html/sub_domain" } $HTTP["host"] =~ "sub2\....
Adam Matan's user avatar
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6 answers

Which apache/mysql/php package is best for windows? [closed]

I have tried appservnetwork, was the best so far, but I haven't seen them do an update in ages, EasyPHP is just slow to load always. Wamp and Xamp, all put in their description that is not for ...
crosenblum's user avatar
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Segmentation fault lighttpd

Hey guys, I can't figure this out, when I add the fastcgi module to lighttpd when I try to connect to a php page, I get a segmentation fault error. Nothing is in the error log, and nothing else is ...
Jess's user avatar
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2 answers

Combine lighttpd configs for IPv4 and IPv6

My lighttpd.conf includes the following lines: $SERVER["socket"] == "" { ssl.engine = "enable" = "/etc/lighttpd/ssl/" ssl.pemfile = "/etc/...
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