Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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2 answers

Lighttpd with FastCGI won't create /tmp/fcgi.sock on startup?

I'm running lighttpd-1.4.19 on a debian 5 box and try to run web2py with fastcgi. The problem with that is, that lighttpd does not create the socket file /tmp/fcgi.sock. If I'm creating the file by ...
Marlon's user avatar
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Reverse proxy server that lets you explicitly define mapping based on request URI?

I'm looking for a reverse proxy solution which either: a) Let's me explicitly define which requests go to which servers based on a regex (or some other similar way of defining that certain URL ...
Keith Palmer Jr.'s user avatar
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High request time

I've got high execution time of HTTP request (ex. 42KB in 13s). I'm using haproxy to load balance traffic. Static files are server by lighttpd behind varnish accelerator. So... it should be served ...
csgwro's user avatar
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Lighttpd: redirect any request to index.html

I'm trying to send any request to the index.html with lighttpd in order to prevent 404 but I'm not smart enough because either the redirect matches itself or, for calls to subdirs, although the index....
None's user avatar
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lighttpd: Does it still have memory leak and CPU consumption issues?

This page here compares nginx and lighttpd: There are numerous reports of memory leaks unfixed for years as well as severely worse CPU consumption (2% ...
user41356's user avatar
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500 Internal Server Error with PHP application

I have written a PHP application using Windows and XAMPP. I've been trying to run it on Ubuntu 10.10 with Lighttpd 1.4.26. Parts of the application work fine, but whenever I try to log in, I get a 500 ...
James's user avatar
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Lighttpd broken when serving from Virtualbox shared folder [closed]

I've got a lighttpd web server set up on a Debian 6 guest in Virtualbox 4. I've got the www directory in a virtualbox shared folder, so that I can develop a website in the Windows host. My problem is ...
KJ Tsanaktsidis's user avatar
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Lighttpd, PHP, WordPress and permissions

I'm wondering why WordPress isn't able to install or update themes and plugins. I can upload files thought. This is a permissions problem, even when I CHMOD 0777 on the wp-content/themes and wp-...
Ahmed Nuaman's user avatar
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Lighttpd 403 Errors on HTML and PHP pages

I installed lighttpd on CentOS 5.5 64-bit. Everything seems fine and running except I cannot get past 403 errors on both HTML and PHP pages. I have used CHMOD and CHOWN, changed ownership in the ...
Brian's user avatar
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How can I enable http auth in lighttpd for all directories except one?

I am trying to authenticate access to everything in webroot (/) except anything that resides in a particular directory (/directory/) and I've tried both of these options to no avail: $HTTP["url"] =~ "...
Nuri Hodges's user avatar
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lighttpd + FastCGI + Mono not working with evhost enabled

I've started the migration of a Windows VPS to, choosing lighttpd over nginx and apache to host some sites built on mvc, and I'm stuck with what I think is a "document-root" ...
rodrigoi's user avatar
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Only enable SSL if equal to x remote ip

Is it possible to only enable SSL on lighttpd by checking if the remoteip requesting a page is x or x or x ip? I know this can be done in nginx, but I am trying lightTPD at the moment.
Mint's user avatar
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Lighttpd not starting - no error

I recently installed Lighttpd on Ubuntu Server 10.04 x86_64 and created several websites. What I do is include /etc/lighttpd/vhost.d/*.conf and put a configuration file for each website in that ...
Astaar's user avatar
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Allow only certain files to be exposed to the web on Lighttpd?

Just installed it on my linux desktop, and I only want 1 or 2 files accessible to the outside world. Everything else should only be accessibly via http://localhost/ for various privacy/security ...
darkAsPitch's user avatar
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Apache MPMs - Worker vs Prefork

I'm trying to figure out what which is the best Apache MPM I can install on my VPS. I saw some benchmarks and MPM Worker seems to perform better than the Prefork one but for some reason everyone seems ...
Alix Axel's user avatar
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lighttpd fails while enabling mod_proxy

i am trying to set up an server with lighttpd and tomcat my conf is below server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_alias", "mod_accesslog", "...
lal's user avatar
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phpmyadmin on lighttpd gives me a 403 forbidden need help

Whats the problem: When I goto //localhost/phpmyadmin I get what I would get if I did //localhost/, I'm using both http: and https:. What did I do, that changed it: I simply reinstalled lighttpd. ...
JamesM-SiteGen's user avatar
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Lighttpd Rewrite

I have an issue with Lighttpd Rewrite and static files. Here is my rewrite syntax: url.rewrite = ( "^/(.*)\.(php|css|js|jpg|png)$" => "$0", "^/(.+)$" => "/router.php?url=$1" ) All ....
Lark's user avatar
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How to host a fossil repository with lighttpd?

I have a fossil project and want to host it in a server of mine. I'm using lighttpd to serve the git interface for some other projects so using apache or nginx is out of the question. I have ...
lfborjas's user avatar
23 votes
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Python CGI on Amazon AWS EC2 micro-instance -- a how-to!

How can you make an EC2 micro instance serve CGI scripts from lighthttpd? For instance Python CGI? Well, it took half a day, but I have gotten Python cgi running on a free Amazon AWS EC2 micro-...
0 votes
1 answer

Add minType on specific folder?

I installed lighttpd-1.4.28 to serve static files,but I want to add mintype (html) on specific folder not all document root how, can do it ?
jalal allam's user avatar
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lighttpd and mod_proxy with PHP

I am trying to create a rather complex setup using a combination of lighttpd, some custom Ruby proxies, rails/ramaze (running on Thin), and PHP. Currently it is setup like this: A browser issues the ...
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lighttpd: modifying / adding content to response?

for nginx there's a very nice module available to filter a response and search/replace content in it: i wonder, if there's a similar possibility for lighttpd ...
harald's user avatar
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lighttpd with multiple IPs, each with a UCC certificate and many hostnames

I'd like to get lighttpd working with UCC certificates, but I can't seem to figure out the correct syntax. Essentially, for each IP address, I have one UCC certificate and a bunch of hostnames. $...
David's user avatar
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Using Lighttpd: apache proxy or direct connection?

I'm optimizing a site by using lighttpd for the static media. I've found that a recommended solution is to use Apache Proxy to point to the lighttpd server. But, does that use up an Apache thread/...
Halfgaar's user avatar
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What would be better in my case - apache, nginx or lighttpd?

I'm writing a PHP site that's expected to get about 200-300 concurrent users browsing it. When initializing the application will load about 30 PHP classes, some 10 maybe 15 images and a couple of css ...
tftd's user avatar
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Webserver logs: "Morfeus F***ing Scanner"

I've just found these accesses in my web server log files: ::ffff: - [10/Jan/2011:02:54:12 +0100] "GET /user/ HTTP/1.1" 404 345 "-" "Morfeus Fucking Scanner" ::...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Lighttpd Rewrites & Blank page

I have configured some lighttpd rewrites, of which one does not work. This is the line that does not work as it should and causes a white (blank) page to be thrown: url.rewrite-once = ( ... "^/...
Stathis's user avatar
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Why is lighttpd and fastcgi keeping sending me the *.scgi file instead of the website content?

I have the following config: server.modules = ( "mod_compress", "mod_access", "mod_alias", "mod_rewrite", "mod_redirect", "mod_secdownload", "mod_h264_streaming", "...
Bite code's user avatar
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SVN on Ubuntu with Lighttpd web server?

I need to install svn on Ubuntu 10.03 and Ubuntu 9.04. On both servers I use lighttpd. I found some tutorials on internet explaining which packages to install with Apache, but i actually need ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Installing APC on a server with little ram

I'm going to install APC on my server to enhance Drupal performances, however I've read on internet that if I have little ram it might be a risk, and performances could get worse. I have 256MB ram, ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Drupal + Lighttpd: enabling clean urls (rewriting)

I'm emulating Ubuntu on my mac, and I use it as a server. I've installed lighttpd + Drupal and the following configuration section requires a domain name in order to make clean urls to work. Since I'...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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How can I set clean urls (enable rewrite) if I don't have a domain?

In order to enable clean urls in Drupal, I add the lines below to the lighttpd configuration file. However I'm now working on a local server and I don't have a domain available. So I need to work ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Serving static web files off a non-standard port

I'm close to deploying a Django project to production. I'm looking over some infrastructure decisions. Something that came up was serving static files with a different server such as lighttpd. ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
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best http server application as webdav?

what is the best http server to be used as webdav for getting and posting files (big files) to from server? is it apache or lighttpd ? I will use the system as online file storage (for backup) ...
Data-Base's user avatar
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How to get rid of webmin environment variables in PHP [closed]

I installed lighttpd with fast-cgi. Then I installed webmin. It appears webmin has taken over the lighttpd install and changed the PHP configuration to add a bunch of their own environment variables ...
John P's user avatar
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Lighttpd passing url as argument to perl cgi script instead of trying to find file

So I am running lighttpd and am in the process of hacking together a simple pastebin-like scipt. I have set up pb.domain.blah to run a perl cgi script (it is set in index-file.names) and was ...
cjh's user avatar
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lighttpd folder/site specific config files

I've been researching what I'm sure is a very simple task. Coming from .htaccess to lighttpd.conf, I'm sure I am still missing some important concepts. I am using lighttpd for a number of virtual ...
Jonathan Kratzke's user avatar
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php curl extension problem, ubuntu

i've installed (as root) aptitude install curl php5-curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev and added to my php.ini (i assumed this wasn't done automatically because i'm using Lighty and not ...
Juddling's user avatar
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Handling http and https requests using a single port with lihgttpd

At the moment I am using http and https as different port. And based on request uri, I made a redirection rule from http to https switch and vice versa. But If I can use only a single port for https ...
agfe2's user avatar
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Why does everybody mentions Apache/NGINX/Lighttpd... but not YAWS [closed]

I see a lot of comparisons between Apache, NGINX, Lighttpd, Cherokee ... but never a comparison with the YAWS webserver written in Erlang. Maybe there is a reason for this? Or maybe YAWS deservers ...
PieterB's user avatar
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Lighttpd: What are these multiple log files?

I went into the log folder of my lighttpd server and I found several files: access.log access.log.4.gz error.log error.log.2.gz access.log.1 deluxeorganics error.log.1 I was ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Errorlog, accesslog, slow query log, execution time log, traffic and req per sec into one tool?

I'm searching for a tool designed for LAMP server that combines server Error log, Access log, slow query log, takes time of execution of PHP scripts,traffic and req per sec statistics (for example ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
6 votes
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How to comment multiple lines in Lighttpd config file?

In lighttpd.conf usually comment 1 line with # How was wondering how to comment multiple lines without adding # in front of each line. thanks
aneuryzm's user avatar
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SSL certificate doesn't work. Cannot connect to

I've setup a SSL certificate on lighttpd, on Ubuntu 10. The issue is that when I try to access to I get "impossible to connect". If I use, it works perfectly. ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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How can I assign a dedicated ip to a specific path on my server?

I'm using Lighttpd and it works great. I need to point the dedicated ip provided by my hosting service to a specific website on my VPS . 1) If I browse to the dedicated ip, I currently get an error ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can I set multiple SSL certificates for virtual hosts with Lighttpd?

Can I set multiple SSL certificates for virtual hosts using Lighttpd web server? I have several webshops on my server (each webshop has its own domain) and I need to setup a SSL certificate for each ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Lighttpd: PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN correct value

I'm running Lighttpd on 256MB RAM VPS (with low estimated traffic). In order to optimize my server performances I decided to change these settings: "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN" => "1", ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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real-time server connections monitor

Is there any way to see in real-time the connections to my server and through which domains ? Without having to inspect the access.log file, I would like to run a monitor in the shell instead. ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Are these multiple php-cgi processes normal to have?

I'm trying to understand why my server is so slow. I've run ps -ef and I found out this: www-data 29185 29184 0 11:11 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/php-cgi www-data 29188 29185 0 11:11 ? 00:00:...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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