Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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Lighttpd mod_auth authentication difficulties on Safari (iPad and iPhone)

I've set up lighttpd on my embedded device and configured the modules in the lighttpd.conf When accessing the web pages from Chrome or Firefox from the PC I get asked for the username and password and ...
trenki's user avatar
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Varnish proxy redirects from to

I got Varnish on port 80 before lighttpd on port 8080 as a cache. Sometimes when I go to page I'm being redirected to How to prevent this ?
Spacedust's user avatar
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4 answers

web servers & php [closed]

I usually code in PHP, and always used apache. I have started my own website but I soon realised that apache is not the best solution to have: it uses 15MB of memory per page, making a small server ...
Enrico Tuttobene's user avatar
2 votes
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Multiple authentication backends in lighttpd

I have some users in a LDAP directory and I'd like to have another user in a plain or htpasswd file that can login although the connection with the LDAP server is not available. Is it possible to ...
Jaime Soriano's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to serve a wget --mirror'ed directory of files with questionmarks in them

I'm trying to create a static mirror of a php application (an old php Gallery installation, specifically). The app produces URLs such as: view_album.php?set_albumName=MyAlbum wget downloads these ...
user67641's user avatar
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5 answers

Firefox does not load certificate chain

I'm running lighttpd/1.4.28 (ssl) on Debian Squeeze. I just created a certificate, I runs fine at all of my Browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera), but my users are reporting ...
TimWolla's user avatar
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2 answers

Using multiple FCGI binaries on one lighttpd instance - possible?

It seems to me that it will be more maintainable to keep separate functions of my site in separate FCGI binaries. What I want is for requests like these: http://mysite....
ACK_stoverflow's user avatar
5 votes
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Bash-Scripting - Munin Plugin don't work

i have written a munin-plugin to count the http-statuscodes of lighttpd. The script: #!/bin/bash ###################################### # Munin-Script: Lighttpd-Statuscodes # ########################...
Arny80Hexa's user avatar
0 votes
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How to setup Tomcat 6 with Lighttpd so that Tomcat6 forwards requests to Lighttpd

I have run into this scenario where I have a Rackspace VPS server running Ubuntu 10.10 with Tomcat 6 serving a moderately complex JAVA WebApp using a fixed domain. The problem is that I would like to ...
DeeTewari's user avatar
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FTP permissions issue: files uploaded won't display in web browser

I've configured a ftp server on my Ubuntu box, and added a user to it. Now when I upload files to /var/www, the files aren't viewable on the web. I'm using lighttpd as my webserver, which runs as ...
Squrler's user avatar
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How to setup Python with Lighttpd and FastCGI (like PHP)

Running Lighttpd on Linux, I would like to be able to execute Python scripts just the way I execute PHP scripts. The goal is to be able to execute arbitrary script files stored in the WWW directory, ...
johndir's user avatar
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What's best today lighthttpd or Apache with Tomcat? [closed]

lighthttpd was hot some time ago with Tomcat. Is it still the case ? I heard apache 6 and Tomcat 6 is lightning fast ?
user46250's user avatar
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SELinux causes "Permission denied" when starting lighttpd+fastcgi via upstart

I'm have trouble launching a lighttpd fastcgi python app via upstart. I can launch the app successfully using sudo lighttpd -D -f /path/to/lighttpd.conf and via su -c "lighttpd -f /path/to/lighttpd....
bfallik-bamboom's user avatar
2 votes
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Lighttpd: Redirect specific location and sub-locations from HTTP to HTTPS (without using domain name)

I would like to redirect a specific section of a website from HTTP:// to HTTPS:// using Lighttpd. I've been looking at this Lighttpd wiki entry, but the examples don't work the way I want. I have ...
johndir's user avatar
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lighttpd + php-cgi: Memory increase crazily if there's syntax error in the php file

I use lighttpd as the webserver, and module mod_fastcgi is on. So I can fetch php file with lighttpd. Here is a segment of my configure file. fastcgi.server =( ".php"=> ( ( "bin-...
Miaonster's user avatar
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Install and configure lighttpd on diferent port than apache on ubuntu server

I have ubuntu server and installed Apache and PHP. All my web works fine. I want images, from the web, to work with lighttpd server on different port than apache, for example 8080. So, in html I will ...
tasmaniski's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Lighttpd's memory leaks, a myth or true? If true, does it apply to static content? [closed]

[First, please read it all before marking it as being subjective, or irrelevant as of ServerFault's community guidelines.] EDIT: I should have mentioned that the site I am building serves video files....
user avatar
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Measure duration of a php web request on lighttpd

I'd like to get time (ms) from php request to response for each hit on a page. Can this be done through lighttpd, or should it be done in php? How? If done in php, what would be the best performing ...
Professional Sounding Name's user avatar
-2 votes
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One http request takes 200% CPU [closed]

Going to one of my websites produces this; top; Seconds later all goes back to normal again..... do I maybe have some sort of aggressive http logger or something installed? rcconf;
natli's user avatar
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lighttpd redirect https to http

After two days of searching, I decided to ask this question here: I have extremely limited lighttpd installed on my iDevice, and I need to redirect all received https traffic to http. I don't have ...
smaslennikov's user avatar
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lighttpd reverse proxy rewrite

I am trying to configure lighttpd (v1.5) as a reverse proxy. Gollum is running on port 8080 and I've setup lighttpd.conf as per the following: $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/wiki.*" { proxy-core.protocol = "...
tlvince's user avatar
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Are there any way to check client certificate issuer in lighttpd?

I have to check client certificate issuer in the Lighttpd but can't find any variable for that. Here is part of my config, related to ssl_mod: $SERVER["socket"] == ":443" { ssl.engine ...
Alexander Artemenko's user avatar
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Lighttpd doesn't read mime-type from files without an extension

I have a folder with images that I need to be lightweight hosted. So I decided to go for lighttpd. So I read that I had to add the following option in the config file: mimetype.use-xattr = "enable" ...
Zequez's user avatar
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Make Lighttpd treat .CSS files as .PHP files

I want files with a .CSS extension to be treated as PHP, and parsed/executed as if they were .PHP files (in addition to retaining the default behavior of parsing .PHP files as PHP). Is there an easy ...
Keith Palmer Jr.'s user avatar
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Lighttpd: Subdomains give an 404 Error

Since the last days, all my subdomains doesn't work anymore. I get only an 404 Error/Placeholder page. I have not make any changes on my Lighttpd.conf or on the 10-simple-vhost.conf. Does have anyone ...
hazelnut's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to filter/edit web content using Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd?

Is it possible to use any of the following HTTP servers: Apache, Nginx or Lighttpd as a proxy to make the following: Disallow certain HTTP bodies (web pages) based on their content (e. g., words) ...
user444214's user avatar
47 votes
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Curl POST - 411 Length Required

We have a RestFUL API we build in PHP. If we make the request: curl -u api-key:api-passphrase -X POST We get back: 411 - Length Required Though if we simply add -...
Justin's user avatar
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lighttpd configuration for virtual host and fastcgi

I am trying to set-up a virtual host configuration so that requests that go to /cgi-bin/iipsrv.fci are processed by fastcgi all other requests are processed by a proxy configuration So far tough, I ...
Manuel Bernhardt's user avatar
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Lighttpd proxy module - use with hostname

I have to proxy a site which is hosted on an external webspace through my lighty on My config so far: $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/webmail" { proxy.server = ("/webmail/" => ( # ...
gorootde's user avatar
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Enable SSI for Lighty2Go

Lighty2Go is the portable version of the Lighttpd server. I'm required to use it for a project I am doing. I need to use SSI (Server Side Includes). I know SSI is old and slow, that is OK for this ...
Freesnöw's user avatar
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lighttpd auth-require on a per host base

Is it possible to use auth.require directives with host entries like the one below? $HTTP["host"] =~ "db\.example\.com$" { server.document-root = "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" server.errorlog = "/...
user avatar
7 votes
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keep-alive or not keep-alive

My company is launching a new website with potentially large waves of visitors in very short windows (estimate is around 14k visitors in a 2 minutes window). So, I'm reviewing our configuration, and ...
Julien Vehent's user avatar
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how to configure Lighttpd to redirect page.cgi to page.php?

We have an older web-enabled device serving an info.cgi web page to a client device. We would like to have that same client device access a newer device without any changes, which runs lighttpd with ...
quadmore's user avatar
6 votes
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Is nginx good for dynamic content?

I want an alternative for apache, lighthttpd has memory leaks problems so i can't go for it, i keep reading that nginx is good for static content but is it good for php-mysql dynamic video sharing ...
user's user avatar
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Lighttpd sending wrong headers for UTF-8 content

Ubuntu/Lighttpd is not serving my UTF-8 encoded files with the correct Content-Type header. It's sending Content-Type: text/html rather than Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8. How do I configure ...
sourcenouveau's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get rid of TCP or lighttpd 4KB buffering on CGI output?

I have a stock lighttpd install on a Amazon Linux AMI running on EC2. The only config changes I did is to enable CGI support. Then there is a custom CGI tool (written in C) put in /cgi-bin/ that is ...
Pol's user avatar
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Why are my long videos longer to start playing than short ones using jwplayer and lighttpd?

I have a video streaming site with the following lighttpd configuration: server.modules = ( "mod_compress", "mod_access", "mod_alias", "mod_rewrite", "mod_redirect", "...
Bite code's user avatar
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Centos 5.6 switching/migration from apache to lighttpd

I'm currently running Apache 2 with PHP 5.1.6 running as mod_php on a Centos 5.6 box. I use .htaccess for mostly redirection. I already have latest APC running I also have MySQL, etc. Until ...
Sir Lojik's user avatar
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Will there be a performance gain by using Apache's mod_proxy to proxy off static file requests to Lighttpd/nginx?

I know there are lot of tutorials out there which suggest the use either nginx or lighttpd on port 80 and proxy dynamic requests to apache running on a different port. I am not ready to take that leap ...
freethinker's user avatar
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installing control panel on vps query [closed]

Bit of a rookie question here(possibly stupid), something I'm just not fully sure off. I have recently acquired my first VPS(ubuntu) and am looking to install a control panel(webmin). I'm just ...
Phil's user avatar
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Setting umask 002 for the apache, lighttpd, ... didn't work?

I'm trying to make the files that created by webserver (Apache, lighttpd, ...) can be writable by the ftp users. Adding apache to nobody group and the vise versa. umask 002 for ftp works fine. But the ...
quanta's user avatar
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Force www subdomain in lighttpd and preserve path

I would like to setup my lighttpd powered website to redirect users to the www subdomain when browsing the site without the subdomain. I would also like it to preserve the trailing URL and serve the ...
Thomas Hunter's user avatar
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Lighttpd Rewrite Rules - ignore a directory recursively?

[Asked this on StackOverflow but this might be a better place] I'm playing around with some new experimental software - and trying to use it on something other than Apache (cause I light lighty). I ...
George's user avatar
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Apache only for certain things, rest lighttpd

right now the script I'm running isn't fully functional with lighttpd, and some processes still need to be run by apache. therfore, i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to use apache to handle ...
Belgin Fish's user avatar
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How to make lighttpd remap a part of the URL without sending a redirection?

Same than here, but for lighttpd. I have pictures on a path looking like this: /0/1/2/3/4/01234/screenshots/1.jpg The URL to access it looks like this: /static/0/1/2/3/4/01234/screenshots/1.jpg I'...
Bite code's user avatar
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Why is Nginx so slow at serving static files with this configuration, and not lighttpd?

We wanted to switch all our servers from lighttpd to nginx but while the Web server migration went fine, the static files server migration was disastrous. We ended up with up to 10 seconds of latency ...
Bite code's user avatar
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Webserver vhost configuration in database?

I know it's possible with lighttpd, but is there a way to achieve the same thing with Apache or better yet, nginx?
Matty's user avatar
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How do you set up a server that will proxy traffic based on hostname?

I'm trying to setup a corollary to how google asks people to point their subdomains to which then presumably directs traffic to the right servers based on hostname. My setup differs in ...
Bill Edwards's user avatar
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3 answers

PHP 5.3 and Lighttpd?

I currently have a couple of servers, running CentOS: Lighttpd/MySQL/Php5.1.x - because that's the PHP version that installs with Yum. The problem is that 5.1.x is out of date (by a long time) and in ...
user avatar
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An Amazon EC2 "Micro" (smallest) linux instance can reliably serve a dynamic website to how many users?

How "large" of a website can one reliably host on Amazon EC2's micro instance? Running apache, nginx, lighty, I don't care. Just curious how far that $5.20/month would get you and why I should or ...
darkAsPitch's user avatar
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