Questions tagged [mapping]

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58 votes
4 answers

Mapping UID and GID of local user to the mounted NFS share

I have a server with NFSv4. I am mounting contents of the home folder of remote user to local host. Able to read and write contents, but when I am checking ownership of files at the mounted volume ...
Alexander's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

KVM and virtual to physical CPU mapping

I'm a relative late comer to the virtualistion party, so you'll have to forgive me if this seems like an obvious question. If I have a server with 12 cores available, does each KVM guest have access ...
Steve's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

WebDav System Error 67 in Windows XP

Issue: I'm having issues getting WebDav to work in the command line on Windows XP, both Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3. C:\>net use z: System error 67 has ...
Nixphoe's user avatar
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Mapping old to new URLs with external file - configuration invalid

I'm moving an old website to a new nginx based host. To preserve the URL (which completely changed) I have a file that lists the mapping. I want to use it with map module. Inside /etc/nginx/nginx....
stwissel's user avatar
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Google App Engine | domain name mapping | Go Daddy domain name

Right now I have no ahost records set in Godaddy. I read something that said I should set it to, but I think that's for the case of domain name forwarding, NOT mapping, and that's not ...
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NGINX: can I use a mapping of upstream servers with proxy_pass directive?

I have an NGINX server that acts as reverse proxy to a bunch of backend IIS servers. I would like to pass each incoming HTTPS request to a certain backend (upstream) server, depending on the URI ...
user202985's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

nfs4 id->user client-side not working

The situation is an nfs4 server and client using rpc.idmapd to map ids. The id mapping is working on the client for existing files served up from the server. On the server: [root@server ~]# id user1 ...
bee's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Firewall Port Mapping, Good or Bad?

Is it worth the trouble to map open ports in the firewall from some inconspicuous port number to the correct port number for a given service? Or is it simpler and similarly secure just to present ...
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2 answers

NFSv4 mapping UID and GID on Debian Stretch

I use the following setup: NFS Server (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) nfs-common 1:1.2.8-6ubuntu1.2 nfs-kernel-server 1:1.2.8-6ubuntu1.2 user: test (uid=1300) NFS Client nfs-common 1:1.3.4-2.1 user: testmf (...
Alessandro Perucchi's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Junior admin - how to discover/map the network to increase understanding?

I am a junior admin and have been tasked with gaining an understanding of the network. I know and use some of the servers on the network, so am able to tracert/ping them to see the names/addresses of ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to map public domains to sites hosted in Docker on Synology NAS?

This question is about managing/administering the software of a server in a business environment, so I hope it is not off-topic. We plan to migrate some of our websites to Docker running on our ...
Swisher Sweet's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

ID mapping with SSSD and SMB

I'm trying to get a samba share working with correct IDs on Windows (SID) and Linux (uid/gid) clients. The problem is that the uids and gids are not properly mapped back to SIDs and SIDs are not ...
Sethos II's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make nginx remap a part of the URL without sending a redirection?

I have pictures on a path looking like this: /0/1/2/3/4/01234/screenshots/1.jpg The URL to access it looks like this: /static/0/1/2/3/4/01234/screenshots/1.jpg I'd like it to look like this: /0/1/...
Bite code's user avatar
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2 answers

LANsurveyor creates perfect network maps, but very expensive, alternative?

LANsurveyor does a great job visually mapping my network because I can really understand which devices are on which switches. The map looks like my physical network. Many other apps I've tried prints ...
tobefound's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom domain mapping to web application [closed]

We are creating a SAAS base application, where every company get its own subdomain. But if the company wants to configure another domain with our application, they can do that. e.g. I am a company ...
Naveen's user avatar
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How to simplify Nginx Mapping regex rules?

I don't know if this question is allowed or not. If not, forgive me :) Anyway, I have a mapping rule for nginx redirection /hotel/xyz/abc /hotel/xyz/abc-nana; /hotel/xyz/abc/ /hotel/xyz/abc-nana; ~^...
Oscar Yuandinata's user avatar
3 votes
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glusterfs uid/gid mapping on Debian Wheezy

So I setup a glusterfs volume and it works all fine, but I can't seem to figure out how to mount it with permissions other than root. Supposedly there's options like translate-uid that can be ...
Tom's user avatar
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5 answers

How to determine what device is physically connected to network switch?

So, I've been using some port mapping software and running into a problem. We have many switches spread across the network, when I do a network scan it shows the device that is physically connected to ...
David Mackey's user avatar
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DELL switch 6248 port and mac mapping using SNMP

I have a Dell 6248 switch. I connect some of my servers to it and want to know which server nic connected to which switch port. I try using snmpwalk to get this information, but I just can get mac/ip ...
Brad's user avatar
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How do I draw a layer 2 (link layer) network map containing Cisco and *NIX boxes?

I've been tasked with drawing a layer 2 network map of our very small datacenter network. There is one 1841 cisco router, two 3560 cisco catalyst switches and 4 solaris sunfire T-1000 boxes. I have ...
gozu's user avatar
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How do I map a network in Visio?

I work for a organization which runs several servers mainly used for internet to schools and Exchange on the corporate side. One of my tasks during my training is to be able to understand the network ...
RobertPitt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

map domain to subdomain

I'm working on a project where people can sign up and have multiple shops for themselves. Let's consider that Mark signed up to our site and created a shop for himself: Now, ...
Ali Shokrollahi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Amazon AWS Ec2 instance, Elastic IP, Domain name from external domainseller, and Google Apps for Email

We are hosting our site on an Ec2 instance. Our Elastic IP is w.x.y.z and Public DNS is: We've bought a domain name from a lesser known domain-name-...
Sid's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

NFS4 w/o Kerberos : name mapping works, permissions don't

I simply want to "map by userNAME" between NFS4 client and NFS4 server, when each has different uid for a given user name, w/o having to setup Kerberos. The situation: my Linux machine (...
Dipr's user avatar
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0 answers

Why solaris doesn't see all the DIMMS installed?

This is a SPARC T4-2 Server. It has installed 128GB memory in 16 DIMMS 8GB each. The prtdiag -v output shows ======================= Physical Memory Configuration ======================== Segment ...
Tomas Delgado's user avatar
2 votes
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Tomcat 8.5 can't load @WebServlet annotations

I want to transfer my web application from tomcat7 / java7 to tomcat 8.5 / java8. My application consists of a directory with some JSP files & WEB-INF folder which contains my application's web....
Ehsan Khodarahmi's user avatar
2 votes
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Why doesn't NFS4's ID mapping give me write access?

I have installed an NFS server on an Ubuntu server system. The /etc/exports says /,sync,fsid=0,no_subtree_check,root_squash) /home/bronger,...
Torsten Bronger's user avatar
2 votes
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dhcpd.conf rule-based mapping

We have ~100 physical nodes which can host a large number of VMs apiece. We need to set up dhcpd on one machine to distribute addresses in a predictable fashion based on MAC address. We'd like to go ...
BigChief's user avatar
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UAC-account-users can't see their mounted network-drives

I wrote a few login batches in the Group Policy Management which mount specified devices to specified usergroups. The batches work as they should as long UAC is disabled. My problem is that the UAC-...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Automatic layout of manual network mapping [closed]

So I have a small business network mainly consisting of two routed layer-2 domains with a total of ca. 100 devices spread over ca. 2000m² production and office spaces. Typical problems to solve using ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get an A entry to map ports? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to use DNS to redirect domain to specific port on my server So here's the deal: I have a domain (say, that I want to create subdomains for. Specifically, I ...
Dmitri Nesteruk's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

GPO for drive mapping won't work with %LogonUser% in location field

I'm struggling with a problematic drive mapping user preference where I'm trying to use the user's %LogonUser% variable to a network location (eg. \server\folder\users\%LogonUser%), but the drive ...
CokoBWare's user avatar
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1 answer

Give exclusive AD access to Mapped Drive via GPO

I want to know how to provide a user with exclusive access to a folder, but not other folders. The folder root is located here: DC1\\UserFolders\%username% I use a GPO to map that user's folder. ...
billsecond's user avatar
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IPv6 and IPv4 mapped address

I've a box with 1 private IPv4 (192.168.0.X) and some IPv6 (let's call one Y::Z). I have an application listening on 192.168.0.X on port 1234 and an application that want to connect to that service ...
Steve81's user avatar
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2 answers

Physical Layout Mapping [closed]

I'm curious to know what kind of tools or methods, if any, you guys use for tracking and mapping physical hardware at the network drop level - things like individual NIC Cards, cables, drops, switches,...
Univ426's user avatar
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2 answers

how to configure Lighttpd to redirect page.cgi to page.php?

We have an older web-enabled device serving an info.cgi web page to a client device. We would like to have that same client device access a newer device without any changes, which runs lighttpd with ...
quadmore's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Automated Network Mapping

What tools do you suggest I use to create a network map? I prefer to do it automatically rather than go around and collect information per computer. I know spiceworks does something along those lines, ...
user79089's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

net use mapping not working in batch files but works in cmd

Ok so here's the problem : I've got users using logon script in the domain (username.bat). The script simply lists 4 or 5 (net use letter: \\SERVER\directory\). However, when they open their session, ...
Philippe's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using credential name to map network folder that has identical form

We have a network share over vpn to a windows server in a different city. each person has a username to access the folder (and only that specific folder) his/her folder is same as username. user os is ...
bogga88's user avatar
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TFS 2017/2018: Migrate local to AD users

We have (evolved historically) about 50 "local" user accounts on the old server for external users. These users add Backlog Items and see work progress on subordinate elements (like tasks). Old ...
StefanK's user avatar
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How do I add new users so the drives are mapped upon login?

In an existing Windows Server 2008 domain the users added by professional IT administrators automatically mapped drives when they logged onto any office machine. The new users I've added, however, ...
Adam Davis's user avatar
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iis Client Certificate Mapping Authentication

I have been googling this for hours. I cannot get my mapping to work on certain certificate fields. Fx this sample code: <iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication enabled="true" ...
Oliver Nilsen's user avatar
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Windows 7 network drive to Linux filesystem via PuTTY [closed]

I'm trying to establish a remote ssh connection to a Linux filesystem from Windows 7. The purpose is to be able to enable Windows programs (like OneNote) to write files to the Linux box, so they can ...
bobobobo's user avatar
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1 answer

Q: NGINX - Dynamically mapping multiple different domain names through 'map' to use as "server_name"

Looking for some advice and peer input - I'm currently trying to configure NGINX in a way so that I can configure multiple websites at the same time without having to set up individual VHost configs ...
Kārlis K.'s user avatar
1 vote
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Setting up nginx redirect map: how to handle spaces

How can you handle spaces in the original url in a redirect map? The map I have set up seems to be working properly for other redirects. However, for urls with spaces, I tried: ‘/banner ads.htm’ /...
jamminjames's user avatar
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AWS Windows Drive Letter Device Mapping and Naming

How to change assigned letter for Ephemeral drives automatically? Answers part of my question. I'm not sure how to, after assigning a drive letter in ec2config, to then rename the drive. Not re-...
Hsnopi's user avatar
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How to redirect a domain to a specific IP and port using nginx?

I have read several similar questions to this one in this forum, but not exactly the same, I tried every solution in very different ways but I am not able to manage this. I was given some data about ...
forvas's user avatar
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1 answer

cPanel server - redirect from local IP to URL [closed]

This is a very basic question. I'm running a VPS, and I can run web apps on the server to any local ip/port as I choose. How do I actually get these local ips/ports mapped to live domains registered ...
ankit's user avatar
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How to make lighttpd remap a part of the URL without sending a redirection?

Same than here, but for lighttpd. I have pictures on a path looking like this: /0/1/2/3/4/01234/screenshots/1.jpg The URL to access it looks like this: /static/0/1/2/3/4/01234/screenshots/1.jpg I'...
Bite code's user avatar
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Mapping extension for MediaWiki

I am creating a wiki that allows people to specify the geographic range in which a species is found, something like this. I would like to allow people to define these kinds of maps in some way, either ...
Chinmay Kanchi's user avatar