Questions tagged [mod-cache]

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7 votes
2 answers

Apache cache serving partial content 206 responses to requests for the full content

We're running Plone 3.3.6 behind Apache 2.2.19 with mod_cache. We've recently noticed that Apache is caching the 206 response to a range request and then serving that partial response when a request ...
scarba05's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Apache no-cache on specific files

I have an application that has the following rewrite rule: RewriteCond /tmp/maintenance.html -f RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /tmp/maintenance.html [L] ...
brad's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Apache/mod_cache: "Error 103 Software caused connection abort"

We keep getting the following error popping up in the apache error log: [error] (103)Software caused connection abort: cache: error returned while trying to return disk cached data This error occurs ...
Rick Westera's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

mod_cache not working

I have a PHP site that has many dynamically generated pages. I'm trying to turn to mod_cache to help boost performance, because in most cases, content does not change in a given day. I have ...
Pistos's user avatar
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Confused about caching solution: MemCache, Varnished, mod_cache, else?

I have a very heavy site in my server. The load of the server is always about 30-50 and sometimes it become even 150 and server work really hard. I'm looking for a caching solution that can increase ...
bman's user avatar
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4 votes
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Varnish + Tomcat vs Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat

Does anyone have some performance metrics for Varnish in front of 1) Tomcat or 2) Apache with mod_jk (connected to Tomcat). I know that the AJP connector is supposedly faster than HTTP, but I was ...
Adrian Ber's user avatar
4 votes
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How mod_cache working with "must-revalidate" and "max-age"?

Quick question before I will explain my flow: Сan mod_cache perform revalidate with if-none-match only if max-age is expired in case if it configured in reverse proxy mode? My goal is to reduce a ...
Dmitriy Sosunov's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

set cache control header based on content type in apache

We are trying to set Cache-Control header: max-age=300, public to all our public site pages. To use Filesmatch, my applciation pages do not have any extensions. ExpiresByType is available, but it has ...
skonka's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Apache caching of static content (jpg, png, js, ...) on the apache proxy server using mod_jk

I'm using an apache as frontend webserver that load balance users between 3 nodes of tomcat web servers. I use mod_jk to do that. What I want is how can I configure apache on this presentation server ...
tamere22's user avatar
3 votes
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Apache caching based on cookie

I'm trying to put mod_cache in front of my application server to cache "public" requests but not requests from logged-in users. For various reasons using alternate subdomains or paths isn't a viable ...
SpliFF's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Apache mod_disk_cache working for small files but not big files

I have enabled the mod_cache and mod_disk_cache Apache modules, to enable caching of dynamically generated images form a PHP script (based on width and height parameters). Everything works fine (...
quentinadam's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Apache mod_cache: Strip/ignore (only) Google Analytics cookies

Varnish has the possibility to strip certain cookies from the request before deciding if a request is non-cachable because it contains cookies. Is there such a thing for Apache's mod_cache? Consider ...
Paul's user avatar
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Apache mod_cache and mod_deflate?

We have a Apache 2.2 with mod_cache and mod_deflate among other modules. The problem is that if we append Vary header as in Apache documentation... # Make sure proxies don't deliver the wrong content ...
Petteri H's user avatar
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Monitoring apache's caching

I'm running mod_mem_cache with mod_cache, but I don't seem to have any way of telling whether images are served from the cache or not, so I can't tell how well it's working. Is there some way of ...
Synchro's user avatar
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How to optimize Lighttpd to host really small, static image files that do not change over time?

This Lighttpd server will need to very quickly serve different image files (say about 500 requests per second). Each image file is about 50-70kb and there's only going to be about 1000 or so of them. ...
Henrique's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to turn on mod_cache with mod_proxy or mod_jk

I'm trying to setup apache+mod_jk/mod_proxy with mod_cache. But it looks like all proxied requests are ignored by mod_cache. May be it is related to module handling order or something else? Apache 2....
Sirex's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

apache mod_cache in v2.2 - enable cache based on url

We are using apache2.2 as a front-end server with application servers as reverse proxies behind apache. We are using mod_cache for some images and enabled it like this: <IfModule mod_disk_cache.c&...
Janning's user avatar
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How to automatically purge cache with nginx using the http-cache-purge module (

I am running an Ubuntu 20.04 LEMP server with wordpress installed on it. I am using the repository for nginx, but I compiled the cache-purge module ( from ...
DanRan's user avatar
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Disable mod_cache if Authorization header is present

My website serves the same pages to both logged in and logged out users. Requests from logged in users have an Authorization header. I want to use Apache's mod_cache to serve cached pages only to ...
moolagain's user avatar
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Apache mod_proxy + mod_cache (socache and disk)

I have here a three node apache mod_proxy load balancing cluster. now i want enable mod_cache to get more load from the backend to the frontend. So thats my config for the cache: <IfModule ...
RAPS's user avatar
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How to tell apache to look for last modified date before serving an old modified HTML file?

On certain requests my Django application updates static HTML files. However apache is serving them old copy from its cache... How can I configure Apache to make sure serve latest file changes.. ...
shahjapan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Apache when to use mod_cache? disk_cache vs memory_cache?

I'm making use of Apache 2.4.10 on Ubuntu 15.04 and my entire server runs on a SSD and is virtualised in Hyper-V. When should I enable mod cache in Apache 2.4? Currently I have pretty good TTFB for ...
gijs007's user avatar
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1 answer

http response shows Expires in 1981 when using mod_cache

I'm setting up Apache caching on CentOS using mod_cache and mod_cache_disk with the configuration at the bottom of this post but the page is not cached. I included CacheDetailHeader on to get some ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

What is best practice for updating an entire website?

I have a site that is a complete redo of an existing one that is ready to go live. I can't find enough information to make a successful transition to the new site. I have the new site accessible from ...
Justin's user avatar
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3 answers

mod_cache serving the wrong content

I'm trying to use mod_disk_cache to speed up a web site that is running on WordPress. Whenever I enable it with CacheEnable disk / and the rest being the stock Ubuntu configuration I start to get ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache mod_cache cache misses

Somehow I can't get Apache's mod-cache to work as I want. I want it to cache a proxy call to my tomcat server which is a jsp file. The jsp file displays the current time so I can notice if I get a ...
user2908112's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Forcing Apache 2.4 to cache files with query string using mod_cache without expires

I need to get mod_cache_disk to cache a site containing query strings. The issue is that it's a vendor product on IIS that we're trying to cache through mod_proxy and it does not contain expires ...
Lucas Holt's user avatar
1 vote
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Cache Control Max Age Question

I am trying to understand the Cache-Control: max-age=0 configuration from below: This is a snipet from HTTP Live Headers for a static image on our landing page after hitting refresh: If-Modified-Since:...
roacha's user avatar
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0 answers

Purge cached data from Apache mod_cache

How to force purge cached response from Apache mod_cache (mod_cache_disk)?
mahnunchik's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use mod_cache with mod_proxy in Apache 2.4

The problem is getting proxied content to be cached by Apache 2.4. This problem was solved for Apache 2.2 (i.e. use mod_mem_cache). But in Apache 2.4 mod_mem_cache was removed. My upstream content ...
John Elliot V's user avatar
1 vote
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Apache httpd: mod_cache CacheStaleOnError vs. ErrorDocument

We have a Apache httpd with mod_cache/mod_disk_cache enabled. By default the directive CacheStaleOnError is activated. The documentatn states: When the CacheStaleOnError directive is switched on, ...
ahaertig's user avatar
1 vote
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apache reverse proxy - make static content cachable

I have an apache web server (reverse proxy with mod_proxy) in a front of a tomcat java application. to improve performance, i would like to make static content (css, javascript and images) cachable ...
Moam's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache mod cache mem/disk saves the cache for 10 seconds and than re-cache

I have this set up in my 000-default: <VirtualHost> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/ SetOutputFilter INFLATE;proxy-html;DEFLATE ...
yos mishan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache2 mod_proxy, mod_rewrite and mod_cache

I have frontend apache2 and backend tomcat6 with apache lenya. Proxy works fine but I want to cache images. Here is my simple config: ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / http://...
MNK_real's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

how to configure apache with mod_cache and mod_proxybalance for massive virtual hosting

I have a farm of IIS servers which provides something akin to domain parking sites, with thousands of domains assigned to the system, and content generated dynamically. I need a load balancing and ...
Erik Funkenbusch's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Force caching of handler output which actively resists caching

I'm trying to force caching of a very obnoxious piece of PHP script which actively tries to resist caching for no good reason by actively setting all the anti-cache headers: Cache-Control: no-store, ...
deceze's user avatar
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1 answer

See requests to real server with mod_proxy

My setup involves using apache with mod_cache and mod_proxy to proxy and cache xml data between my iOS app and a web service. Right now I'm using awstats to see how many requests my iOS app is making ...
edc1591's user avatar
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2 answers

Configuring mod_mem_cache to only cache certain content types and finding out what is cached

I've installed Apache's mod_mem_cache on a server that serves multiple websites. I needed to install it in a hurry as I had a massive traffic spike and was firefighting. It has improved performance ...
Steve Claridge's user avatar
0 votes
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.htaccess to match paramaterized URLS

I am trying to set a cache control header when a browser requsets the following url: As even though getData.php is a dynamic page, when the ...
Aly's user avatar
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Apache's mod_cache not caching FCGI PHP output

I have a very simple PHP script to test my mod_cache setup. However, it's not working -- I can tell by both the 5 second delay when waiting for the page to load as well as the date printed. <?...
Josh's user avatar
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Apache Caching disabled when client sends If-Modified-Since header

I'm trying to get Apache to cache the results from running an expensive PHP script (it accesses a third party server which has rate limiting) but it seems if the client sends an If-Modified-Since ...
Alan Birtles's user avatar
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mod_cache not storing cache

I used this config in my virtual host in Apache 2.4 on Ubuntu 16: <VirtualHost> ... CacheQuickHandler on CacheLock on CacheLockPath /tmp/mod_cache-lock ...
user2908112's user avatar
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cache-control when using mod_cache and mod_pagespeed

I'm using mod_pagespeed with mod_cache. When mod_pagespeed is off and mod_cache is off I see the following header: cache-control:public,max-age=7200,must-revalidate When mod_pagespeed is on and ...
DD.'s user avatar
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Strip Tomcat Headers With Apache, then Cache Resources To Disk?

I've got mod_disk_cache working great in Apache. It's caching some of the requests coming out of Tomcat. But for various reasons I won't go into, we can't get Tomcat to drop the Expires and Cache-...
yetimoner's user avatar
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2 answers

Mod_cache is not logging or caching

Apache 2.2 on RedHat 6.3. I have a virtual host that is setup like so: <VirtualHost> ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /home/xxxxx/Sites/ ServerName ...
user1663896's user avatar
0 votes
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Disable mod_cache to fix website

I am working on a website that runs on WordPress. The an error occurs when accessing the blog page that it displays the RSS feed (in XML) rather than the posts. After some research I found out the ...
Zach Russell's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Caching query strings in an Apache proxy

I had problems getting disk_cache to work, and I was not able to see why. This was the relevant section from my config # Caching CacheRoot "/var/cache/apache2/" CacheEnable disk / I was timing a ...
oligofren's user avatar
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Apache 2.2 on linux too slow when showing 2,50,000 files from one directory

Using the web browser, I have a requirement to access a directory on a Linux server hosting around 2,00,000 files in it. I am using the 'Alias' directive in apache to achieve this requirement. ...
mwgeek's user avatar
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