Questions tagged [mod-python]

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5 answers

Why do I get error, Invalid command 'PythonHandler'?

I'm trying to deploy a Django application, but I've hit a brick wall. On Debian (latest), I've run these commands so far: apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils ...
Nick Bolton's user avatar
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5 answers

Trac with mod_python slow?

I have some Trac installations running on my Ubuntu/Apache web server and I've noticed that when I monitor the CPU usage while accessing Trac pages that it is not uncommon for the CPU to spike up to a ...
Luke's user avatar
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how to configure ISPConfig for mod_python or mod_wsgi? [closed]

how to configure ISPConfig for mod_python or mod_wsgi for django like apps deployement?
shahjapan's user avatar
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2 answers

ip_conntrack_count has way too many connections

The conntrack table on my server has over 1.2 million connections, I keep bumping up the limit but the table just continues to grow (but not monotonically -- it does go down sometimes). $ cat /proc/...
Dan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make apache to run python scripts using MOD_WSGI or MOD_PYTHON in RHEL6?

I am trying to make the apache to run python scripts. I have MOD_WSGI , Apache , Python installed on RHEL6. I even edited httpd.conf file to include these lines. <Directory /var/www/> ...
ASKN's user avatar
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4 answers

mod_python with Apache Failures

I'm having an issue with mod_python and Apache, and I'm pretty certain I know what the problem is, but I'd like a bit of reassurance. I currently have a situation where I'm working with a very small ...
f4nt's user avatar
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Python on CentOS 5.x

CentOS 5.x comes with python 2.4 preinstalled. I'd like to use a newer version, but I don't want to break anything. How should I install a newer version without causing problems? How can I force ...
monkey's user avatar
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4 answers

mod _python and Python 2.6

Is there anyway of getting mod python to run on the latest version of python, or do i have to downgrade my python installation to 2.5.5?
richzilla's user avatar
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1 answer

Python version mismatch, expected '2.6.5+', found '2.6.6'

I have this error that comes up every time I do an apache2 restart and am just wondering if anyone can shed some light on the issue. Is it something I even need to worry about at all? I have had it ...
jezhug's user avatar
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python version change

I am working on centOS 5 Server with python's version 2.4.3 Now i installed python 2.5 (got command from SF) from link as wget tar fxz Python-...
Astha's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I install newer python on CentOS with minimal effort?

I would like to install Python 2.6 and mod_python on CentOS 5 (x64). The system is delivered with old python 2.4 and I want the new one with minimal maintenance effort (compiling and having a ...
sorin's user avatar
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apache configuration for cohosting mod_python and php based apps

I have django+python+apache2+mod_python installed hosted and working on ubuntu server/ linode VPS. php5 is installed and configured. We don't have a domain name as in Just IP address. So ...
Ankur Gupta's user avatar
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syslog-ng not recognizing "python" as a parser keyword

( Yes, I've seen syslog-ng does not recognize "python" keyword . However, 1) the mentioned solution doesn't help me because I checked and mod-python is loaded, and 2) it applies to file ...
Shadur's user avatar
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Apache conf changes when migrating django project from mod_python to mod_wsgi

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I'm migrating a django project from mod_python to mod_wsgi and I want to make sure I have my apache configuration correct. The old ...
thomascirca's user avatar
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What's happening when Apache's httpd %mem climbs 20+ and the CPU's %wa is running high?

I'm encountering unfamiliar Apache symptoms and I'm curious if anyone here knows how to diagnose them. I've got a pair of app servers running mod_python and Apache, recently upgraded to Django 1.2.3. ...
palewire's user avatar
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apache2 slow responding (debian)

I'm running an apache2 2.2.9 webserver with modpython and mpm_worker_module. The current config for the mpm is ServerLimit 32 StartServers 10 MaxClients 800 MinSpareThreads 25 ...
baloo's user avatar
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2 answers

python new install showing error while loading shared libraries

i installed python2.6 before in /ust/local/bin but now i removed it and installed a new python2.6.4 in /opt/python2.6 i installed from the article but on mid way only where they say to check ...
Astha's user avatar
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Apache graceful restart, reduces the max process count

I have configured apache with "Worker" MPM module. See the worker module settings: <IfModule mpm_worker_module> StartServers 4 ServerLimit 20 MaxClients ...
Ahsan's user avatar
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How to run python script which required root privilage for execution in apache with mod_python at openbsd

I am trying to run python script in Apache 2.x with mod_python. I edited httpd.conf with publisher LoadModule python_module /usr/local/apache2/modules/ <Directory /usr/local/...
Uday Pratap Singh's user avatar
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4k views Cannot load into server: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I get the following error: when i try to restart the server: [root@lts5srv1 mod_wsgi-2.3]# service httpd restart Stopping httpd: [FAILED] Starting httpd: ...
Kreshnik's user avatar
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Python with mamp

I have a MAMP 1.9 install on Lion and would like to start using python with it. Mainly to learn and develop django sites. I am very new to python in general. In my research I found that I either need ...
applechief's user avatar
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'gcc' failed with exit status 1 - MySQL-python-1.2.3

I am installing MySQL db for python2.6. I installed it from here but when I am on the line I extracted the file and when I did python2.6 build it gives a lot of errors and warring and end ...
Astha's user avatar
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Apache + mod_python - can't configure server

I have got Ubuntu 10.04 (XEN) VPS. I want to set up Django server. I use apt-get to install django packages, apache, apache-mpm-prefork. Before using this configuration I saw "It works!" title, when I ...
Dracontis's user avatar
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mod_wsgi/3.2 mixing interpreters context with django on Apache2 using mod_rewrite .. why?

Long story tl;dr: With the configuration below Apache gets confused with Python interpreter context. I have three demo sites deployed using this setup and if you refresh them often a race condition ...
h3.'s user avatar
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Errors related to python version added to error log when I start apache2

When I start apache I am getting those errors: [Tue Jun 14 02:28:58 2011] [error] python_init: Python version mismatch, expected '2.6.5', found '2.6.6'. [Tue Jun 14 02:28:58 2011] [error] python_init:...
jnbdz's user avatar
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2 answers

segfault with mod_wsgi / mod_python after Python upgrade on Gentoo

I'm having a problem after upgrading from Python 2.5 to 2.6 I'm using Gentoo and running a Django app with Apache 2 and mod_python. After the upgrade I started getting a segfault when I try to access ...
F.C.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Django setting environment variable globally

I'm having a problem setting up Django on our CentOS server using mod_python. Site 'A' is running PHP (Codeigniter) and site 'B' is running Django. Our Django site is running perfectly. However, ...
John McCollum's user avatar
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3 answers

multiple django mod_python performance issue

I have two server with two version of django 0.9.6 and 1.0.2. both are used, for some older sites(where migration is still pending) and now ppl have started using 1.0.2. I have apache 2.2.9 and ...
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pycharm .run not showing i have been facing this issue for no matter what i do its not changing

File "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\calculator\", line 19, in <module> AttributeError: 'Calculator' object has no attribute 'run' This is the problem i have been facing if ...
Vyshnav 's user avatar
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1 answer

freeradius rlm_python tagged attributes

I've created python auth module. When trying to perform testing with radtest reply is: User-Password = "testing123" NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Port = 0 Message-Authenticator = ...
Marcus's user avatar
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1 answer

apache file permissions using mod_python

I'm running apache with mod_python, and I'm having trouble reading files from a specific directory. Previously the directory had 0777 permissions but I've decided to change it to 0770 (not quite happy ...
Benjamin K.'s user avatar
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Multiple virtual hosts support for apache with scgi quixote backend for some host

I'm trying to add a domain with quixote as its backend. I searched google and found that there are servaral choices to glue quixote and apache together. I chose scgi because it seems like the choice ...
David's user avatar
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How to set up Apache server via an FTP account

I have developed a web application in Django and would like to go online i have an FTP access to the hosting server I am a beginner to "setting up a website" i would like to know how to install apache ...
user80569's user avatar
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3 answers

Have problems installing mod_python

I seem to have some problems installing mod_python with apache. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 make make install /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start On the final line, I seem to get this ...
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Run Mod_Python with Mod_WSGI on Apache for Django -- Segmentation fault (11)

Okay, so I have to use an existing server to run my Django web app on. The server is running Mac OS 10.6 Server. It comes with Python 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 pre-installed. I have edited my http.conf file ...
ChrisJF's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Compile Mod_Python 3.3.1 for Python 2.6 and Apache 2.2 on Windows? [closed]

I have no experience compiling code, other than using Visual Studio's Build command. I am hoping we can create a step-by-step guide for compiling mod_python on windows. Please be as descriptive as ...
John's user avatar
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