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Configuring apache to run pyramid with mod_wsgi on EC2

I'm trying to setup my server with apache on an amazon EC2 server, but right now it isn't working. In the configuration files, In /etc/apache2, I have: httpd.conf: LoadModule wsgi_module modules/...
Wiz's user avatar
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Change apache MPM prefork to worker on Amazon Linux AMI

My project by default is running under Prefork MPM. Rigth now i am having some slowing issues, my web got timeout error. Searching on differents foroums i see that is recomended to use the worker ...
Omar2057's user avatar
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Unsuccessful flask app deployment on Amazon EC2 instance

I am trying to deploy a flask app on an Amazon EC2 instance. I have configured everything just fine but the website does not load. It remains stuck on the loading icon as follows: Website not loading ...
Pratheek Menon's user avatar
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Unable to diagnose downtime / memory issues with Apache and mod_wsgi

I have an Ubuntu EC2 instance (t1.micro, 600mb of RAM) running mod_wsgi on Apache, to serve a Django app. This is all behind a load balancer. The problem I keep running into is that I can only seem ...
kayeight's user avatar
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Apache bloodhound installation, AWS host not serving site

Following the installation instructions here I went through the entire process on an AWS instance. Everything seems to be setup correctly, I can even run BH off the development server using: tracd ./...
knishka's user avatar
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Modifying httpd.conf to adjust for mod_wsgi and django install then cannot connect via sftp

I modified my httpd.conf file to point to a .wsgi file that I made directing apache to different document root. The server works fine, I see my application live on the net and I am still connected via ...
Ty Bailey's user avatar
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Can't get URLs to work on Django Apache EC2

This is my first time trying to setup a webserver with Django. I've been banging my head against the wall in trying to set this up for a while now and I can't seem to find any resources that explains ...
Nai's user avatar
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Where are my installed files on Amazon?

This sounds like a real noob question but I cannot figure this out. I'm trying to get Apache, mod_wsgi and Django playing together on my EC2 instance. So I've installed mod_wsgi using the root user ...
Nai's user avatar
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Apache mod_wsgi serving rest api and static website on virtualhost

So I have an ec2 instance running debian with apache and mod_wsgi to serve my flask rest api and I also have a static web page using react which makes calls to the api to abstract the database logic. ...
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