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2 answers

Incorrect deployment of WSGI app to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk

cross-link to AWS forums I have developed a simple Python web service using WSGI and would like to deploy it to AWS cloud using Elastic Beanstalk. My problem is I cannot make all the options I ...
Zmicier Zaleznicenka's user avatar
6 votes
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mod_wsgi "Call to 'site.addsitedir()' failed" on AWS Elastic Beanstalk Python 3.6 platform

On AWS Elastic Beanstalk, on the "64bit Amazon Linux 2017.09 v2.6.0 running Python 3.6" platform, there seems to be a problem with the mod_wsgi configuration. I see this in /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf:...
David Eyk's user avatar
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5 votes
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504s on Elastic Beanstalk app deploy (user -> ELB -> Elastic Beanstalk mod_wsgi)

I have a Python Elastic Beanstalk load-balanced app. Here is the path a user request takes on its way into the Elastic Beanstalk app: user -> Elastic Beanstalk ELB -> Elastic Beanstalk mod_wsgi ...
markplindsay's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Disable health-check logging in AWS ELB Django Application

I have a Django application running on aws-elastic-beanstalk. I try to disable the logs caused by my health-checks. The health-checks are already routed to a seperate page. Elastic-beanstalk uses ...
ohlr's user avatar
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Getting Mod_WSGI Error: Deploying Flask Application to ElasticBeanstlk

I am current trying to deploy a Flask Application (an API Application) onto Elastic Beanstalk. But I am getting mod_wsgi error. Here is the error message: [Fri Jun 01 06:10:49.314023 2018] [:...
cruise_lab's user avatar
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Apache bloodhound installation, AWS host not serving site

Following the installation instructions here I went through the entire process on an AWS instance. Everything seems to be setup correctly, I can even run BH off the development server using: tracd ./...
knishka's user avatar
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