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How can I make apache give the config file path and line number for a 403 error

I'm running Apache 2.4.7 on debian unstable. I'm getting 403 errors when I try to run supysonic using the mod_wsgi module. I turned the LogLevel for wsgi and authz_core up to trace6, but I'm still ...
Brian Minton's user avatar
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Restrict WSGI based on IP

So I have trac running on my debian server with the VirtualHost file looking like: ... WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/domain/trac.wsgi WSGIScriptReloading On <Directory /srv/domain/tracprojects> ...'s user avatar
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my first "production" debian server configuration

I have been using Debian for a year, mostly as the distro for my internal company server. Now I am making a public e-commerce website and I am planning to use a dedicated Debian server at a datacenter ...
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Kernel 3.8, Apache2 with WSGI : INFO: task apache2 blocked for more than 120 seconds

We have upgraded our Kernel from 2.6.32 to 3.8.7 on a Debian system. We have a sharing with NFS to get the data for Apache2. And Nginx serves only static files as a proxy. Since we have installed the ...
Acti67's user avatar
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Apache ignores WSGIScriptAlias if same directory exists in root

I notice a peculiar error when serving Django app through mod_wsgi. In my document root, I have /admin directory that is restricted to using LocationMatch directive. I also have /admin ...
Red's user avatar
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Apache mod_wsgi serving rest api and static website on virtualhost

So I have an ec2 instance running debian with apache and mod_wsgi to serve my flask rest api and I also have a static web page using react which makes calls to the api to abstract the database logic. ...
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