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14 votes
4 answers

Deploying Django App with Nginx, Apache, mod_wsgi

I have a django app which can run locally using the standard development environment. I want to now move this to EC2 for production. The django documentation suggests running with apache and ...
JCWong's user avatar
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Enabling mod_wsgi with SELinux (Is there a way?) [closed]

I recently had a bit of problem when recently by Deploying Django with mod_wsgi due to SELinux. Usually world get a "Permission denied" error (403). This was solved by disabling SELinux. Is there a ...
Shehzad009's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Apache not serving my python app

So here's my apache config: LoadModule wsgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin ServerName ...
Marijus's user avatar
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Django Site with httpd and mod_wsgi: 403 Forbidden

I've spent the whole day trying to find an answer to my issue, yet I failed and decided to post my problem here instead. So I have develop a Django Application and now I'm having problems in deploying ...
Dudu's user avatar
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1 answer

ImportError: No module named _socket? WSGI Deployment into Apache

I am using WSGI 3.3 for python 2.7.3 (32bit) for Apache 2.2. I got the binary WSGI from I have been trying to ...
Sxkaur's user avatar
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3 answers

Problem with deploying django application on mod_wsgi

I seem to have a problem deploying django with mod_wsgi. In the past I've used mod_python but I want to make the change. I have been using Graham Dumpleton notes here
Shehzad009's user avatar
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2 answers

problem with deploying django application on mod_wsgi

I was just trying to figure out how to configure django to work in a test production environment. I'm following both the tutorial on django doc on deployment and the mod_wsgi guide to django ...
FurtiveFelon's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache + mod_wsgi: seem to be getting a 403 server error

Hello I had to recently reinstall mod_wsgi today (As our Red Hat server was curupted again). Something funny happed while deployiing with Django. I kept on getting page 403 errors You do not have ...
Shehzad009's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can't get URLs to work on Django Apache EC2

This is my first time trying to setup a webserver with Django. I've been banging my head against the wall in trying to set this up for a while now and I can't seem to find any resources that explains ...
Nai's user avatar
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