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URLs redirection problems deploying a working django app in apache (via mod_wsgi)

I've a django app that works perfectly under the django development server. I'm trying to deploying it in apache2.2 using the mod_wsgi and I have errors. In the httpd.conf file I "mounted" my app ...
green69's user avatar
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Loading Module Into Apache - mod_wsgi

Loading Module Into Apache Once the Apache module has been installed into your Apache installation's module directory, it is still necessary to configure Apache to actually load the module. ...
Jeff Eisley's user avatar
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WAMP Server not working when I add a directory directive

I am attempting to put WSGI (python) on a WAMP server (Apache 2.2.21, Python 2.7, WAMP 2.2a). Unfortunately, when i add just a simple directory directive and restart, Apache won't start. here is the ...
invisible bob's user avatar
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Apache + mod_wsgi: seem to be getting a 403 server error

Hello I had to recently reinstall mod_wsgi today (As our Red Hat server was curupted again). Something funny happed while deployiing with Django. I kept on getting page 403 errors You do not have ...
Shehzad009's user avatar
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Apache swapping virtual host entries each request

I have the following httpd.conf. Based on the different domain, it should route the request to the appropriate entry showing a different site based on a similar code base. The problem is that it ...
petey's user avatar
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Reference the matched directory inside an Apache DirectoryMatch directive

I am attempting to configure Apache to host multiple django sites via mod_wsgi. The mod_wsgi setup tutorial gives an example configuration for this scenario where each app is in the same directory: ...
Mark Roddy's user avatar