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Enabling mod_wsgi with SELinux (Is there a way?) [closed]

I recently had a bit of problem when recently by Deploying Django with mod_wsgi due to SELinux. Usually world get a "Permission denied" error (403). This was solved by disabling SELinux. Is there a ...
Shehzad009's user avatar
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Running multiple Django projects within Apache, sys.path being over written

I have been trying to research how to do a multiple Python / Django deployment using Apache VirtualHosts. The issue I am encountering seems straight forward, ImportError: Could not import settings '...
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

How to enable/load mod_wsgi in apache server in centos 8 VPS

I am not able to enable/load module mod_wgsi in apache webserver in cent os 8 VPS. It works very easily in ubuntu by running the command sudo apt install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 Please Help me getting ...
Manav Sengupta's user avatar
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Any idea of why mod_wsgi creates a coredump in Apache httpd?

I went through the troubleshooting of mod_wsgi but cannot find an answer for my case of segmentation fault. I get the following coredump when the module mod_wsgi is integrated in my Apache httpd ...
gyin's user avatar
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Django Site with httpd and mod_wsgi: 403 Forbidden

I've spent the whole day trying to find an answer to my issue, yet I failed and decided to post my problem here instead. So I have develop a Django Application and now I'm having problems in deploying ...
Dudu's user avatar
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Soccorro server does not work

I tried to configure Socorro server with apache as described here. I started httpd, but when I contact it with browser it doesn't respond. In lynx I get: HTTP request sent; waiting for response. When ...
remdezx's user avatar
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Set default number of mod_wsgi processes

I have a virtual host setup with the follow config directive. WSGIDaemonProcess myproject processes=2 threads=25 I would like to set the number of processes for each vhost using mod_wsgi to 2 ...
Kenzic's user avatar
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Centos7 mod_wsgi python3 django timeout error 504 Gateway error

I have been using apache for a django project. I need to upload a very large file in application. But I am getting Gateway timeout error 504. I am using Centos7, httpd2.4, mos_wsgi, python3.48 #...
Abdullah Sifat's user avatar
0 votes
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AIX Missing Symbols ap_cleanup_scoreboard and ap_accept_lock_mech for Apache Process. However, the symbols do exist

I am having a problem whereby apache is not able to find certain symbols referenced from a library (mod_wsgi) loaded within the apache process. When i start the apache process, i get this error. ...
user60899's user avatar
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Permission denied error while creating files from a python script using mod_wsgi on apache

I'm running a python script under mod_wsgi on apache. The script attempts to create some files under a directory. The path of that directory is defined by this variable named tmpdir in the script. ...
Omnipresent's user avatar