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2 answers

How can I run two Django versions in the same server?

i've got two web apps. One was developed using Django 1.0 and the other using Django 1.4. How can I run both apps in the same apache2 server using two versions of django? Somebody told me something ...
Liam's user avatar
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5 answers

How do I find the Python executable that my server is using?

I'm new to Linux. I'm managing a (Linux - Apache - mod_wsgi - Django) server, where there are multiple installations of Python. The site is currently working, but I want to find out which executable ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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1 answer

Find site of apache from linux process table

I am using Ubuntu server and when I run ps aux I get the following process table as we can see apache proceess are shown like this: www-data 26487 0.0 0.9 245476 14920 ?...
quarry32's user avatar
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7 answers

I'm DOSing my own Apache server, and I can't stop immediately. What can I do to make things better in the short term?

We've got a BUNCH of distributed clients that, among other things, upload log files to our Apache server. We messed up log rotation on some logs, so we're now uploading relatively large files from ...
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3 answers

WSGI cannot access a file, but permissions are correct

I am debugging a problem where MoinMoin on CentOS is throwing a permissions error, but I can't track down where the problematic file / directory is. I ran strace -vp <pid> on the apache pid; ...
Mike Pennington's user avatar
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2 answers

How may I know the amount of memory used by each one of my apache sites?

When I run ps aux I get the following process table that shows how much memory is being used by each one of the subprocess. We can see apache proceess are shown like this: ...
quarry32's user avatar
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2 answers

Too many sites on apache

I have a server with too many virtual hosts, about 500 virtual hosts, half of this with SSL. All this hosts are served with mod_wsgi for Django applications. I notice that after a certain number of ...
Gui's user avatar
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2 answers

Running two web applications on Apache 2.4

I am trying to run two applications on my Linux apache server: OpenProject pgAdmin (which is WSGI application) And, in order to connect them from remote computer, I use those httpd configuration ...
Michał Turczyn's user avatar
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1 answer

Installing mod_wsgi error - config.status: error: cannot find input file: [closed]

Below, I'm trying to install mod_wsgi. [root@server]# ./configure --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.7 checking for apxs2... no checking for apxs... no checking Apache version... ./configure: line ...
User's user avatar
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1 answer

"AUTHENTICATE_"environment variables missing in Apache + LDAP authentication

According to the Apache 2.2 documentation, after a successful authentication against Active Directory the LDAP attributes specified in the AuthLDAPUrl directive should be available as environment ...
alexandrul's user avatar
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Apachi httpd hangs on linux servers

In the last few months we're experiencing a major issue in our production php servers: The httpd running on our linux servers hangs and not responding to new requests (up to request timeout) until we ...
user2033370's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Where is WSGI installed on Centos?

I am getting a permissions issue when running django in daemon mode. Reading here I think the solution is to ...
petey's user avatar
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2 answers

Error Installing mod_wsgi on RedHat

I'm trying to install mod_wsgi on RedHat Linux. And I'm getting this error: apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536 The answer seems to be here, but I think I already have 64 bit Python so I'm not ...
Greg_the_Ant's user avatar
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1 answer

Where are my installed files on Amazon?

This sounds like a real noob question but I cannot figure this out. I'm trying to get Apache, mod_wsgi and Django playing together on my EC2 instance. So I've installed mod_wsgi using the root user ...
Nai's user avatar
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Preventing Django app from causing Linux box to run out memory

One of my Linux web servers recently ran out of memory, hung itself in an OOM kill frenzy, and had to be rebooted. This is a 512 MB VPS, but it has been running without problems since it was set up ...
Vebjorn Ljosa's user avatar
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1 answer

Deploy a Django site and a PHP site on the same server with Apache and mod_wsgi

I currently have a Django site working at , I would like to deploy an additional PHP site to the same server at My current httpd.conf (from DjangoFoo) : <...
edu222's user avatar
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1 answer

mod_wsgi only working when user is logged in

I've set up a Django application on a Linux server (Ubuntu server 12.4), using Apache (mod_wsgi) and PostgreSQL (psycopg2). I had problems with Postgres' unix authentication, so I chose a regular user ...
mgibsonbr's user avatar
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