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Do Apache + mod_wsgi httpd.conf settings for django affect mysql?

I have a django website using Apache and mod_wsgi. Since the last 4-5 days I keep getting this type of error on my admin e-mail. OperationalError: (1040, 'Too many connections') I have installed ...
xpanta's user avatar
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To know whether my Uni can run Python web applications

I am completing my first database project. I am going to set up mod_wsgi to Apache such that I can run Python webframework on my Uni's servers. I am not sure whether my Uni has those tools or not. My ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
2 votes
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django, mod_wsgi, MySQL High CPU - Problems

I am having a problem with an OSQA site. It is Django/Apache/mod_wsgi configured site. Every hour, the CPU spikes to 164% (Average) for task HTTPD. After 10 minutes, it frees back up. I have reviewed ...
Red Rover's user avatar
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Apache / mod_wsgi / Django cannot find MySQL shared library

I'm stuck on a case where the MySQL libraries won't be found on a Apache/mod_wsgi/Django deployed server, altough Python alone can import the library correctly. Here's my Apache log errors: [Tue Jul ...
gyin's user avatar
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Need Server requirement estimates for my application [duplicate]

I am a newbie to Web Development and am trying to estimate the server requirements based on my application configuration. My application will have to perform simple database look-up based on unique ...
mukesh's user avatar
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Apache django mysql very slow

I am using Django, wsgi with apache, but the server is really slow when I try to insert data into mysql server. It takes 1 second to insert 200 rows in a table. The strange thing is that only 3% of ...
Jiechao Li's user avatar