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Can't locate API module structure `mod_wsgi'

I'm working on setting up Trac to use wsgi, and am running into trouble getting mod_wsgi working. I downloaded and installed mod_sgi. [box]# apachectl configtest httpd: Syntax error on line 214 ...
a coder's user avatar
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Where is the environment variable?

I have an apache2 server with active mod-wsgi, but I can't get the environment variable PYTHON_EGG_CACHE. Here the important lines out of my virtualhost.conf: DAV svn SVNParentPath /var/svn ...
CSchulz's user avatar
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Trac causes RuntimeError: instance.__dict__ not accessible in restricted mode

I have the below Apache configuration. The following services are on each port: 8022 - Apache. Testing port, in the long run it will be port 80. 8002 - XDV, a themeing proxy which sits in ...
Jon Hadley's user avatar
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Trac/Apache Displays Script Contents (WSGI)

I am struggling with a new Trac 1.0.3 install (from source after having same issue installing via easy_install). Debian 7.8 Apache 2.2.22 Python 2.7.3 Genshi 0.6 Sqlite 3.7.13 WSGI 3.3 I created the ...
user1801810's user avatar
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Trac problem: AttributeError: Cannot find an implementation of the "IRequestHandler" interface named "WikiModule"

This problem already has been described mutliple times in different mailing lists, but no solution has yet been published. My original setup is as follows (but in the mean time i have a simpler one ...
Janosch's user avatar
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Unsupported version control system "svn": No module named svn

I'm using The Trac Project with TracModWSGI – The Trac Project on RHEL7: # cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo) # rpm -q httpd mod_wsgi subversion swig httpd-2....
alexus's user avatar
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trac git repository browser not working

I am trying to setup Trac 1.0.13 on Apache with mod_wsgi. I want to be able to browse local git repos with the BrowserModule. My trac.ini has [git] cached_repository = enabled persistent_cache = ...
Agnibho Mondal's user avatar