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Multiple python versions under apache+mod_wsgi

I have several virtual hosts configured under the same apache instance on redhat: apache-2.2.15 mod_wsgi-3.5 compiled with default system python-2.6 For every virtual host WSGIScriptAlias setting ...
alecxe's user avatar
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Apache2 mod_wsgi django Named Virtual Servers

I'm trying to set up two seperate django sites using mod_wsgi on apache. The first site is working fine, but the second site is giving a 403: [Tue Feb 07 22:32:57 2012] [error] [...
dm03514's user avatar
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Restrict WSGI based on IP

So I have trac running on my debian server with the VirtualHost file looking like: ... WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/domain/trac.wsgi WSGIScriptReloading On <Directory /srv/domain/tracprojects> ...'s user avatar
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2 votes
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mod_wsgi daemon mode - WSGIDaemonProcess per virtual host configuration?

I had a fairly simple question. When mod_wsgi is run in Daemon mode, and you enable the WSGIDaemonProcess and WSGIProcessGroup directives on a per virtual host basis, are these picked up by other ...
shreddd's user avatar
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Serving arbitrary subdomains using apache2, mod_wsgi and django

I'm attempting to setup a django development server using a sandbox approach. The specific technologies in place are apache2, mod_wsgi and django. I'd like to use subdomains formatted as: {project}-{...
Adam Hobson's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache virtualhost - only apply script if file does not exist in document root

Sorry for the newbie apache question. I'm wondering if it's possible to set up the following non-conventional apache virtualhost (for a Django app): -- If a file exists in the DocumentRoot (/var/www)...
Brett Thomas's user avatar
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apache2: two virtual hosts interfere

I am a developer, not a sys-admin :) I always have been running multiple vhosts in parallel on different ports, but this time something is interfering. I have one vhost which runs a python-based ...
transient_loop's user avatar
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mod_wsgi overriding virtual hosts on Apache?

I have a working Django app hosted on my linode (Fedora 15), and I'm attempting to host a php-based site there as well. I'm using name-based virtual hosts to redirect requests based on the host name, ...
LBR's user avatar
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Using Apache to make a virtual host with the same domain name?

I'm sure there's a name for this and I'm probably just searching wrong. Anyways, is it possible to set up virtual hosts on the same domain name by using information after the '/' For example host1 =>...
user1276560's user avatar
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Deploying a Django site using apache2 and mod_wsgi

I've been trying to teach myself to create and deploy Django apps. I've created a test project and I can browse it using the Django test server. Now I want to deploy it using apache and mod_wsgi. I ...
hellsgate's user avatar
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Large number of apache virtualhosts: Python mod_wsgi vs PHP

I have a large number of low-traffic sites I'd like to host on the same Apache server, as many as 500 sites. Currently, I'm powering the pages with PHP and I have a different virtualhost set up for ...
James's user avatar
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mod_wsgi app in two different ports

I have a WSGI app working in prod and I want a staging app in the same server, So I configured two virtual hosts in different ports, 80 for prod and 9090 for stag, but every time I request port 9090 ...
gbriones.gdl's user avatar
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Apache swapping virtual host entries each request

I have the following httpd.conf. Based on the different domain, it should route the request to the appropriate entry showing a different site based on a similar code base. The problem is that it ...
petey's user avatar
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Apache and mod_wsgi prevent user from viewing source

I'm running a WSGI application written in Python with flask on Apache. I have so far configured my vhost correctly to use my application. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ErrorLog /...
Felix Scheinost's user avatar
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centos 6.4 - django deploy with apache and mod_wsgi

I'm trying to deploy on a VM with centos 6.4 a basic django project with apache and mod_wsgi. This is the project tree: myproj/ ├── ├── myapp │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── ...
Luke's user avatar
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Host multiple apps with Django, mod_wsgi

I want to host two web apps using a same Apache server, and with IP address in the URL. Two apps are differentiated by their URLs. For example, and I'm using mod_wsgi ...
Barun's user avatar
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