Questions tagged [mod-wsgi]

mod_wsgi is an easy to use Apache module that can host Python web applications which support the Python WSGI interface.

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Apache2 not loading wsgi script

I am setting up CKAN, a pylons application according to these instructions: But when I point to the server (no DNS setup yet) using IP or hostname, I ...
fccoelho's user avatar
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Which user account should be used for WSGIDaemonProcess?

I have some Django sites deployed using Apache2 and mod_wsgi. When configuring the WSGIDaemonProcess directive, most tutorials (including the official documentation) suggest running the WSGI process ...
Nathan S's user avatar
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URLs redirection problems deploying a working django app in apache (via mod_wsgi)

I've a django app that works perfectly under the django development server. I'm trying to deploying it in apache2.2 using the mod_wsgi and I have errors. In the httpd.conf file I "mounted" my app ...
green69's user avatar
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django wsgi multiple projects different url same apache server

I'm trying to get 2 separate django projects running on the same apache server with mod_wsgi that are also under the same domain but different urls. Like and
Thomas Schultz's user avatar
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Running multiple flask applications with different domain names using mod_wsgi

We are trying to run 2 different flask applications with different domain names from same server using mod_wsgi + Apache2. This is the settings configured in httpd.conf # For ...
Joel Divekar's user avatar
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Import Error on deploying a flask app on apache

I am trying to deploy a flask app on a VPS using WSGI. I am not using a virtualenv, and pandas is installed on the system: Python 2.7.15rc1 (default, Nov 12 2018, 14:31:15) [GCC 7.3.0] on linux2 ...
daltonfury42's user avatar
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Disable health-check logging in AWS ELB Django Application

I have a Django application running on aws-elastic-beanstalk. I try to disable the logs caused by my health-checks. The health-checks are already routed to a seperate page. Elastic-beanstalk uses ...
ohlr's user avatar
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Change apache MPM prefork to worker on Amazon Linux AMI

My project by default is running under Prefork MPM. Rigth now i am having some slowing issues, my web got timeout error. Searching on differents foroums i see that is recomended to use the worker ...
Omar2057's user avatar
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Which is Best way to serve multiple wsgi apps using apache2 with different python versions?

Right now I've got a python2 django app deployed in my sever using apache2 and mod-wsgi. Now I want to deploy another one, but this is written in python3. My problem is that mod-wsgi is compiled to ...
Liam's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 with mod_wsgi: 403 Forbidden, don't have permission to access /calbase on this server

So I am trying to deploy my django project on a windows server, using apache 2.4 with mod_wsgi and pythong 3.4. Before I configure httpd.conf and just try start apache with mod-wsgi installed, it ...
lhsdaniel's user avatar
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Compiling mod-wsgi - How to install python3-devel on centos-6.8

I'm trying to deploy Django-1.10 on Centos-6.8 using default apache in centos(version 2.2). I'm using python 3.4.5.I'm not able to compile mod-wsgi without python3-devel. Centos-6.8 repos doesn't have ...
sid's user avatar
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Passing LD_PRELOAD to apache 2.4 for mod_wsgi

I can't adapt this question for mod_wsgi. I have a python flask application that uses gdal. I start it up the following way: LD_PRELOAD=/opt/gdal-custom/lib/ PYTHONPATH=../somemodules/ ...
Justin Dearing's user avatar
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Installing mod_wsgi error - config.status: error: cannot find input file: [closed]

Below, I'm trying to install mod_wsgi. [root@server]# ./configure --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.7 checking for apxs2... no checking for apxs... no checking Apache version... ./configure: line ...
User's user avatar
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Ubuntu upgrade broke django mod_wsgi

I'm banging my head here and can't seem to find the answers anywhere. My server is running Ubuntu 14.04. I run several django sites using apache and mod_wsgi Today after an update, the sites will ...
Andy1212's user avatar
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How to configure Apache with mod_wsgi so that error messages come from the application?

I have deployed a WSGI application in Apache2 with mod_wsgi. The application is made so that it responds with a 400 response code if the data provided by the user in a form is invalid. The ...
manu's user avatar
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Django WSGI application in a subdirectory?

Recently, I wanted to put one of my WSGI applications into a subdirectory, so that the other directories that cointain various scripts would work as before. In order to do that, I added the following ...
d33tah's user avatar
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mod_wsgi : share daemon processes between vhosts

I have many sites each using the same 5 Django applications (with local settings), hosted on Apache. At present each site app has its own config as follows: WSGIDaemonProcess api_example threads=15 ...
rorycl's user avatar
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mod_wsgi daemon mode not working in Apache

I have problems getting mod_wsgi to run in daemon mode on my Debian / Apache 2.2.16 / Python 2.6.6 / mod_wsgi 3.3 / Django 1.3 setup. Everything works OK in embedded mode, but when I try to switch to ...
Florian Ledermann's user avatar
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only django work in presence of mod_wsgi , PHP not working

I am using PHP with apache2 and MySQL on a rackspace server, it is unmanaged cluoud hosting. I am hosting multiple sites using virtual host. Now i want to use Django on it. A site needs django so I ...
Hafiz's user avatar
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Configuring varnish and django (apache/modwsgi)

I am trying to work out why my application keeps hitting the database while I have setup varnish infront of apache. I think I am missing some vital configuration, any tips are welcome This is my curl ...
Hedde's user avatar
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"AUTHENTICATE_"environment variables missing in Apache + LDAP authentication

According to the Apache 2.2 documentation, after a successful authentication against Active Directory the LDAP attributes specified in the AuthLDAPUrl directive should be available as environment ...
alexandrul's user avatar
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Redirecting through httpd.conf with Django and mod_wsgi

I am trying to use Apache's Rewrite module to redirect users before Django catches the request. I tried the following to redirect a user from "test.php" to the "links" page <VirtualHost
James's user avatar
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Apache virtualhost - only apply script if file does not exist in document root

Sorry for the newbie apache question. I'm wondering if it's possible to set up the following non-conventional apache virtualhost (for a Django app): -- If a file exists in the DocumentRoot (/var/www)...
Brett Thomas's user avatar
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Apache showing "Python version mismatch" with mod_wsgi

I am trying to get working. I have compiled mod_wsgi to use python2.6, and configured my virtualhost correctly (at least I am pretty sure it is!). The hello, world application keeps showing up ...
Thomas Thorogood's user avatar
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mod_wsgi and mod_php running together - possible?

Is it possible to run apache with mod_wsgi and mod_php running together to serve python and php pages? If so where can I find info on doing this?
aburger's user avatar
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Centos 5 Apache 2.2 configure with mod_wsgi (missing apxs folder)

I have got a dedicated server and CENTOS 5,webmin and Apache 2.2 is already installed. They installed Apache at /usr/libexec/webmin/apache/ and it works great right now. I can restart and configure ...
brsbilgic's user avatar
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504 gateway timeout on nginx + apache + mod_wsgi

I'm running a django app with mod_wsgi and proxying with nginx. One of my views takes 2+ minutes to complete. When I visit it, I get a 504 gateway timeout. Is there a setting I can change to ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Problem deploying Django site with mod_wsgi

I'm trying to set up an apache + mod_wsgi environment for a Django site on Linux Mint. I followed the django site tutorial for this, and mod_wsgi site too. So far I got this: on my httpd.conf I have ...
Cheluis's user avatar
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django, mod_wsig , KeyError Threading ignored

I am getting this error from mod_wsgi: [Thu Feb 24 23:31:33 2011] [error] Exception KeyError: KeyError(140115471374144,) in <module 'threading'from '/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.pyc'> ignored ...
Apoo's user avatar
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mercurial updated, mod_wsgi runs old version

I have a VPS with Centos 5.5, installed Python 2.6 following Setup Python 2.5, mod_wsgi, and Django 1.0 on CentOS 5 (cPanel) tutorial and Mercurial 1.6 via easy-install. Now I wanted to update to ...
frnhr's user avatar
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wsgi, xampp and windows

I'm trying to setup wsgi on xampp in order to run python web applications. I've downloaded the appropriate binary from here and i've installed the module as described. As I'm running xampp, my module ...
richzilla's user avatar
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mod_wsgi, apache2, and load average

I've got a server running several cherrypy apps on apache2 under mod_wsgi. We're seeing constantly fluctuating load average on a box that is not serving many requests. As far as I can tell, the box is ...
Brad Baebler's user avatar
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mod-wsgi with pylons on apache with preload?

Is there a way to get this working with preload? mod-php5 requires preload.
Tim's user avatar
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Starting all mod_wsgi processes

mod_wsgi processes seems to be lazily started i.e. on request. However, I prefer to start all the processes from the beginning because the process start up time is long. Is there a configuration ...
Mark's user avatar
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Determining which Mercurial version which created a repository

I have a rather large Mercurial web server (ie. running under hgweb.wsgi) that's outgrown the distribution it was built-on... which basically means that I've already started doing upgrades of Python, ...
RVT's user avatar
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Unsuccessful flask app deployment on Amazon EC2 instance

I am trying to deploy a flask app on an Amazon EC2 instance. I have configured everything just fine but the website does not load. It remains stuck on the loading icon as follows: Website not loading ...
Pratheek Menon's user avatar
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How to debug my config file for wsgi

I am trying to install a server for inginious (a program for automatic grading). One step in the installation is configuring Apache2 to use mod_wsgi. Here is the configuration file inginious.conf: <...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Apache Server Error: ImportError: No module named site

I am trying to serve my django project over Apache using mod_wsgi. Apache will start but my project in inaccessible. When Apache launches I see ImportError: No module named site in the log. There is ...
iNeedScissors61's user avatar
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Flask app to upload an image file via Apache 2 not working

Running Apache/2.4.41 on Fedora 30 and python3-mod_wsgi-4.6.4-3.fc30.x86_64. And doing a test with: mod_wsgi-express start-server /var/www/flask/upload_pictures.wsgi --user myuser works mostly fine ...
RobbieTheK's user avatar
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Error Deploying Django web using mod_wsgi (Forbidden: You don't have permission to access / on this server.)

Hello I'm trying to deploy my first Django website using Apache inside of Centos7 Versions: Apache: 2.4.6 Django: 2.2.6 Python: 3.6.8 My Django project is located inside the /srv directory and ...
Alvaro Bataller's user avatar
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How to run more than one django sites using same virtual environment as subdirectories in apache?

I have an unmanged vps. I have 3 django sites sitename_dev, sitename_staging, sitename_live which are run using a virtual env. All 3 are default django instances with no changes made. I have ...
Tuhin's user avatar
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Getting Mod_WSGI Error: Deploying Flask Application to ElasticBeanstlk

I am current trying to deploy a Flask Application (an API Application) onto Elastic Beanstalk. But I am getting mod_wsgi error. Here is the error message: [Fri Jun 01 06:10:49.314023 2018] [:...
cruise_lab's user avatar
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Apachi httpd hangs on linux servers

In the last few months we're experiencing a major issue in our production php servers: The httpd running on our linux servers hangs and not responding to new requests (up to request timeout) until we ...
user2033370's user avatar
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Intermittent slow response & timeouts - Apache + mod_wsgi + Web2py

I've Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (i686) on a Digital Ocean droplet with 2x2.4GHzCPU & 4gb physical memory. I am running a web2py application on it with Apache and mod_wsgi. There are a few additional ...
user2436428's user avatar
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Mime Magic on files without extension on Apache/2.2.31 and mod_wsgi 3.4

Sorry in advance for the length, thanks for your patience. I have an ancient production server that no one knows how it was built. It uses apache+mod_wsgi to run a Cherry Py python application to ...
Chris Robak's user avatar
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Apache ignores WSGIScriptAlias if same directory exists in root

I notice a peculiar error when serving Django app through mod_wsgi. In my document root, I have /admin directory that is restricted to using LocationMatch directive. I also have /admin ...
Red's user avatar
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Apache with mod_wsgi - how to reject requests if all threads are busy?

We have a server that is running Apache and one of the vhosts is using mod_wsgi to run a heavy task on request. The server can handle X requests at a time and each of them will run for ~10 minutes. ...
Niko's user avatar
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Django 1.10.3 Apache wsgi - ImportError: cannot import name signals

Overnight django stopped working, possibly because of an automatic package upgrade on the server. Its wsgi script now fails to load in production, but running the development server works fine. What ...
frankster's user avatar
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Serving Flask + Apache + WSGI Behind Sonicwall

Strange problem here. I've gone through this tutorial on setting up a deployment environment for a Flask app. When I navigate to the servers local IP address it is serving everything fine. However ...
xGlorify's user avatar
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Flask with python 3.5

I'm trying to run a flask app on my aws ec2 instance. I've installed anaconda with python 3.5. In order to install mod-wsgi I run the following command: sudo yum install libapache2-mod-wsgi python-...
Nickpick's user avatar
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