Questions tagged [mod-wsgi]

mod_wsgi is an easy to use Apache module that can host Python web applications which support the Python WSGI interface.

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Apache mod_wsgi serving rest api and static website on virtualhost

So I have an ec2 instance running debian with apache and mod_wsgi to serve my flask rest api and I also have a static web page using react which makes calls to the api to abstract the database logic. ...
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How can I enable mod_wsgi in Apache2.4.57.0 on Windows?

Apache/2.4.57 (Win64) Django 2.4.2 I am new to Django and I tried to connect it with Apache through mod_wsgi but it seems new versions of Apache does not support such kind of module. I installed ...
Miroslav Ivanov's user avatar
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apache mod_wsgi error, randomly: Unable to connect to WSGI daemon process

Recently, our server shut down out of nowhere, this what Apache logs show up: [wsgi:error] [pid 8837:tid 140646648096512] (2)No such file or directory: [client] mod_wsgi (pid=8837): Unable to connect ...
Jose Luis Arrioja's user avatar
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Apache/2.4.54 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1p PHP/8.1.12 mod_wsgi/4.9.4 Python/3.11 Server at localhost Port 80 I am trying to run my django project on my windows machine.. in apache this the configuration i ...
Abhiram T N's user avatar
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Apache24 on windows returns 'It works' only instead of the virtual hosts

I have configured Apache 24 with mod_wsgi on windows 2016 server for my Django applications and deployed three websites with different IP addresses. I have also configured ssl certificates for each ...
Wogayehu's user avatar
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Why does Apache with mod_wsgi force a download of .py files instad of executing them?

Why does Apache with mod_wsgi force a download of .py files instead of executing them? I'm trying to run Django, but the first issue I have is .py files not executing. I'm following the docs here ...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar
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Running multiple flask applications with different domain names using mod_wsgi

We are trying to run 2 different flask applications with different domain names from same server using mod_wsgi + Apache2. This is the settings configured in httpd.conf # For ...
Joel Divekar's user avatar
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Determining which Mercurial version which created a repository

I have a rather large Mercurial web server (ie. running under hgweb.wsgi) that's outgrown the distribution it was built-on... which basically means that I've already started doing upgrades of Python, ...
RVT's user avatar
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Apaches virtual host config suddenly not working anymore; how to debug?

out of the blue my virtual host config doesn't work anymore. So my setup sould be quite easy: On Port 80, I want to deliver two WSGI apps, and that's the .conf file I'm using: <VirtualHost *:80> ...
Standard's user avatar
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Why is Apache2 not finding my WSGI app?

In my previous question, I asked how to make mod_wsgi use a specific Python version. Following the answer from that question, I created a Python 3.9 virtual environment and made WSGI use it. However, ...
ThatCoolCoder's user avatar
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How to make mod_wsgi use Python 3.9?

I originally had Python 3.6 installed and working well with WSGI and Apache2 on my Linux server. Then I created a Flask app that had a dependency needing Python 3.7. I've successfully (and I think) ...
ThatCoolCoder's user avatar
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Unsuccessful flask app deployment on Amazon EC2 instance

I am trying to deploy a flask app on an Amazon EC2 instance. I have configured everything just fine but the website does not load. It remains stuck on the loading icon as follows: Website not loading ...
Pratheek Menon's user avatar
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Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process. Python, Flask, Apache

I have a problem with my mod_wsgi configuration. Sometimes, I think when there is a lot of traffic on my website, the page breaks and says "Resource temporarily unavailable..." Apache logs: ...
Tony's user avatar
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Coworkers think latest Django 3.1.7 needs a mod_wsgi newer than the 3.4.18 provided by Centos 7.9

My coworkers are asking me why we are using the Centos 7.9 provided apache + mod_wsgi for the sake of Django 3.1.7 VERSUS hand assembling a custom build of either Centos 7.9's apache or a custom ...
FormerAtariUser's user avatar
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How to debug my config file for wsgi

I am trying to install a server for inginious (a program for automatic grading). One step in the installation is configuring Apache2 to use mod_wsgi. Here is the configuration file inginious.conf: <...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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AH00035: access to / denied 403 Forbidden Django mod-wsgi

I am trying to configure apache with Django using mod-wsgi. But I am getting the following error AH00035: access to / denied (filesystem path '/home/ec2-user/ezvoice') because search permissions are ...
Talha Anwar's user avatar
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service apache2 start causes error in django

On running apache2 configtest I get Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/firstweb.conf: Invalid command 'WSGIScriptAlias', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in ...
Ved Nig's user avatar
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Apache, mod-wsgi: Any URL is served by project, ServerName is ignored

I am setting up a Django project and Apache on Ubuntu 20. The below setup correctly displays the Django project, however ANY URL that points to the server's IP address is served this project. I ...
user984003's user avatar
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How to enable/load mod_wsgi in apache server in centos 8 VPS

I am not able to enable/load module mod_wgsi in apache webserver in cent os 8 VPS. It works very easily in ubuntu by running the command sudo apt install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 Please Help me getting ...
Manav Sengupta's user avatar
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How to get to modwsgi 4+ on Centos7

On Centos7, yum pulls in mod_wsgi 3.4 using a yum install. I'm having some problems and multiple resources I have looked at regard this version as ancient and ask the users to upgrade to 4+. I'm not ...
mcweens's user avatar
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Apache Server Error: ImportError: No module named site

I am trying to serve my django project over Apache using mod_wsgi. Apache will start but my project in inaccessible. When Apache launches I see ImportError: No module named site in the log. There is ...
iNeedScissors61's user avatar
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How to correctly tune Apache and mod_wsgi

I'm using Django with mod_wsgi and need to tune the httpd.conf to handle 500 requests per second at peak. Right now I have the following configuration: StartServers 3 ServerLimit 15 MinSpareThreads ...
Paul R's user avatar
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Are mod_wsgi, python3-mod_wsgi and libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 the same thing? Do i need just one for Django on RHEL 7.6?

I see a couple of tutorials mentioning the Gate Interface specific to python3.6 for Ubuntu -- libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 as opposed to just mod_wsgi in RHEL's case. Should i be worrying about looking for ...
rtviii's user avatar
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Need .py files to execute in the same directory with .html and .php files using mod_wsgi

I'm running CentOS 8.1 with Python 3.6.8, and Apache/2.4.37. I'm new to mod_wsgi. I found this "hello world" example and got it to work:
Edward_178118's user avatar
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Running two web applications on Apache 2.4

I am trying to run two applications on my Linux apache server: OpenProject pgAdmin (which is WSGI application) And, in order to connect them from remote computer, I use those httpd configuration ...
Michał Turczyn's user avatar
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How to implement multiple sites using same code on a single apache server?

I have a mod_cgi code "" which is used to serve a website. I'm running several instances of this website on a single apache server, each instance has its own config file. Currently my apache ...
mgb's user avatar
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Flask app to upload an image file via Apache 2 not working

Running Apache/2.4.41 on Fedora 30 and python3-mod_wsgi-4.6.4-3.fc30.x86_64. And doing a test with: mod_wsgi-express start-server /var/www/flask/upload_pictures.wsgi --user myuser works mostly fine ...
RobbieTheK's user avatar
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Error Deploying Django web using mod_wsgi (Forbidden: You don't have permission to access / on this server.)

Hello I'm trying to deploy my first Django website using Apache inside of Centos7 Versions: Apache: 2.4.6 Django: 2.2.6 Python: 3.6.8 My Django project is located inside the /srv directory and ...
Alvaro Bataller's user avatar
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Python module import from a WSGI script fails on RedHat server

Here is a minimal WSGI script, importing a custom python module. It runs fine on a development environment (Mint 18.1, Apache 2.4.18, libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3), but fails when deployed to a test ...
rclyde's user avatar
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Apache child process does not exit and is not terminated

I am running a web application with Debian 9, Apache 2.4, mod_wsgi 4.5, django 1.11 and python 2.7. My apache conf is ServerTokens Prod ServerSignature Off FileETag MTime Size Header set X-Frame-...
Yotam Alon's user avatar
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Too many sites on apache

I have a server with too many virtual hosts, about 500 virtual hosts, half of this with SSL. All this hosts are served with mod_wsgi for Django applications. I notice that after a certain number of ...
Gui's user avatar
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mod_wsgi LoadModule for Python3 is ignored

Trying to configure apache with mod_wsgi and Python3 mod_wsgi config LoadModule wsgi_module /etc/httpd/mod_wsgi/ Flask App config WSGIScriptAlias /...
Karthi's user avatar
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How to debug Django/WSGI/Apache errors

I have a Django 1.11.17 application deployed on Apache 2 and WSGI, Python 2.7. Apache shows an error "Truncated or oversized response headers received from daemon process" I have checked the ...
Jose Luis de la Rosa's user avatar
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Import Error on deploying a flask app on apache

I am trying to deploy a flask app on a VPS using WSGI. I am not using a virtualenv, and pandas is installed on the system: Python 2.7.15rc1 (default, Nov 12 2018, 14:31:15) [GCC 7.3.0] on linux2 ...
daltonfury42's user avatar
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Disable health-check logging in AWS ELB Django Application

I have a Django application running on aws-elastic-beanstalk. I try to disable the logs caused by my health-checks. The health-checks are already routed to a seperate page. Elastic-beanstalk uses ...
ohlr's user avatar
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Apache/httpd error: Invalid command 'WSGIPythonHome'

ISSUE: My Apache/httpd server will not launch. journalctl -xe reveals: Feb 27 01:50:12 localhost.localdomain httpd[4398]: AH00526: Syntax error on line 355 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Feb 27 01:...
Josh's user avatar
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How to run more than one django sites using same virtual environment as subdirectories in apache?

I have an unmanged vps. I have 3 django sites sitename_dev, sitename_staging, sitename_live which are run using a virtual env. All 3 are default django instances with no changes made. I have ...
Tuhin's user avatar
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How to activate the API in Pootle 2.8.2

I'm wondering does the Pootle API work the same in version 2.8.2 as in version 2.5.1? I don't see any updated docs for the API in Pootle 2.8.2, the last I see is
JohnRDOrazio's user avatar
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Apache: Truncated or oversized response headers after graceful restart

After graceful restart, some python wsgi processes fail with 500 (internal server error): [20:06:33] [mpm_prefork:notice] AH00171: Graceful restart requested, doing restart [20:06:36] [wsgi:error] ...
guettli's user avatar
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Apache2.4 + Python 3.7 + mod_wsgi not executing script

I have installed Apache 2.4 (vc15 apacheLounge) and Python 3.7. I installed the mod_wsgi using PIP and everything appears to be setup correct in the Apache server. error.log from apache: [mpm_winnt:...
luger's user avatar
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How to allow a Django application running on Apache to access a remote directory mounted with sshfs

I have a Django application that access a remote directory mounted with sshfs to upload files. The Django application has to read those files as well. The setup is running fine with the Django server (...
user2641103's user avatar
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Django 2.1 deployment on centos 7 with apache, mod_wsgi, python3 venv

I've stumbled with this seemingly most relevant deployment option because guides seem to either reference mod_wsgi with python2, or deployment on deb based systems where expected paths are different. ...
J D's user avatar
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Cannot use mod_wsgi-express to serve a site on https

I have a django site. I downloaded letsencrypt certificates for and tried to run mod_wsgi-express like this: mod_wsgi-express start-server --log-to-terminal --startup-log --https-port 443 -...
Joel G Mathew's user avatar
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Wsgi not finding python modules

Trying to get Django server running with Apache and WSGI This is my import os from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application sys.path.append('/home/rohan/Desktop/narsil/narsil') # ...
Bayko's user avatar
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Getting Mod_WSGI Error: Deploying Flask Application to ElasticBeanstlk

I am current trying to deploy a Flask Application (an API Application) onto Elastic Beanstalk. But I am getting mod_wsgi error. Here is the error message: [Fri Jun 01 06:10:49.314023 2018] [:...
cruise_lab's user avatar
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Is it all right to see thousands of "Python has shoutdown" in apache log?

As we can see in the picture, thounds of initial&delete info appeared in logs. I don't know what a good Django web site should be, but keep fork&delete seems abnormal and waste resources.
PaleNeutron's user avatar
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Apachi httpd hangs on linux servers

In the last few months we're experiencing a major issue in our production php servers: The httpd running on our linux servers hangs and not responding to new requests (up to request timeout) until we ...
user2033370's user avatar
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Error when trying install mod_wsgi using pip

When trying to install mod_wsgi using pip as follows: pip install mod_wsgi I get the following error: -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib/python3.4/config-3.4m -lpython3.4m /bin/ld: /...
Dean's user avatar
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Django site running in Apache 2.4.6 on Centos giving 503 server error

Please assist. I have a Django site that i'm trying to configure to run in apache using mod_wsgi. I have setup my virtualhost as follows: <virtualhost *:80> ServerName ...
Dean's user avatar
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Centos7 mod_wsgi python3 django timeout error 504 Gateway error

I have been using apache for a django project. I need to upload a very large file in application. But I am getting Gateway timeout error 504. I am using Centos7, httpd2.4, mos_wsgi, python3.48 #...
Abdullah Sifat's user avatar

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