Questions tagged [mod-wsgi]

mod_wsgi is an easy to use Apache module that can host Python web applications which support the Python WSGI interface.

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Django Site with httpd and mod_wsgi: 403 Forbidden

I've spent the whole day trying to find an answer to my issue, yet I failed and decided to post my problem here instead. So I have develop a Django Application and now I'm having problems in deploying ...
Dudu's user avatar
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urllib3 failure through Apache/WSGI; successful from python commandline

I have a webserver serving Django through Apache 2.4 with mod_wsgi and Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 14.04. When first setup, outgoing connections from this webserver using the Python library urllib3 were ...
garromark's user avatar
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Unable to diagnose downtime / memory issues with Apache and mod_wsgi

I have an Ubuntu EC2 instance (t1.micro, 600mb of RAM) running mod_wsgi on Apache, to serve a Django app. This is all behind a load balancer. The problem I keep running into is that I can only seem ...
kayeight's user avatar
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Where is WSGI installed on Centos?

I am getting a permissions issue when running django in daemon mode. Reading here I think the solution is to ...
petey's user avatar
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Is it possible to run two instances of mod_wsgi?

I have two python apps I'd like to run on the same server. One requires Python 2.7, the other requires Python 3.3. I'm running CentOS 6.6 with httpd 2.4 and the python 2.7 and 3.3 SCLs. The Python 2.7 ...
Justin Dearing's user avatar
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Trac/Apache Displays Script Contents (WSGI)

I am struggling with a new Trac 1.0.3 install (from source after having same issue installing via easy_install). Debian 7.8 Apache 2.2.22 Python 2.7.3 Genshi 0.6 Sqlite 3.7.13 WSGI 3.3 I created the ...
user1801810's user avatar
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strange strace output of httpd process of apache running django with mod_wsgi

I have about 12 httpd processes running for an RHEL aws box that no one is hitting in the browser (shared team dev box). These processes together are consuming over 1.8 GB on the dev box, and I have ...
Sam Hammamy's user avatar
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Is there an automated installer/manager for mod_wsgi 3.4?

# yum --showduplicates list mod_wsgi | expand Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Determining fastest mirrors * base: * epel: * extras:
User's user avatar
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MOD_WSGI Daemon Mode multiple hanging httpd processes

As a python developer I had some understanding of how mod_wsgi works, which is that it launches a new python process with each request. That is not to say a new httpd process, rather a single httpd ...
Sam Hammamy's user avatar
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apache fails to load mod_wsgi: complains of 'missing symbol'

When I run apachectl configtest after installing mod_wsgi I get the following error message: httpd: Syntax error on line 117 of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/libexec/apache2/...
AndrewE's user avatar
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Django, mod_wsgi, pyvenv-3.4 - configuration

I'm trying to deploy my first, simple django website. I have an VPS with Ubuntu 14.07 Server, Apache 2.4.7 with mod_wsgi. So, i added this vhost: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ...
brylcio16's user avatar
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Apache periodically shutting down once per week

I'm using apache (with mod_wsgi and django), and everything works fine, except rather strangely once per week apache seems to shutdown, and I have to login to the server to restart it to get my sites ...
fpghost's user avatar
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Apache bloodhound installation, AWS host not serving site

Following the installation instructions here I went through the entire process on an AWS instance. Everything seems to be setup correctly, I can even run BH off the development server using: tracd ./...
knishka's user avatar
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mod_wsgi ImportError with a flask app

I'm trying to deploy a Flask app using apache and mod_wsgi. I've been following the directions here. The simple hello-world example that is on that site works perfectly. When I try to substitute my ...
bgschiller's user avatar
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Soccorro server does not work

I tried to configure Socorro server with apache as described here. I started httpd, but when I contact it with browser it doesn't respond. In lynx I get: HTTP request sent; waiting for response. When ...
remdezx's user avatar
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Apache2/mod_wsgi mod_headers issue

I'm running mod_wsgi on Ubuntu Server 12.04 with Django, but I can't seem to get mod_headers working. I've run a2enmod headers, and got the response that I need to restart apache for it to work, which ...
RTF's user avatar
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django + apache2, each user takes up a lot of memory

I'm running my django app on apache2 (with mpm prefork) with a mysql database. It works fine, except when multiple users use it, and it takes around 40-45m RES for each user. httpd.conf: ...
user_2000's user avatar
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Closing open descriptors in apache2 prefork

I am running mod_wsgi and Django on apache2 httpd 2.2.12. I do quite a few os.system() and subprocess.Popen() calls, and was wondering: is there any option/directive to configure apache2 so that the ...
Matthew Miling's user avatar
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ImportError: No module named _socket? WSGI Deployment into Apache

I am using WSGI 3.3 for python 2.7.3 (32bit) for Apache 2.2. I got the binary WSGI from I have been trying to ...
Sxkaur's user avatar
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Restarting or stopping apache results in waiting forever

I have two simple WSGI apps running on top of mod_wsgi and apache2 (worker) on a test development server. There is no mod_python on this machine. The WSGI configuration is as follows ...
steko's user avatar
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Modifying httpd.conf to adjust for mod_wsgi and django install then cannot connect via sftp

I modified my httpd.conf file to point to a .wsgi file that I made directing apache to different document root. The server works fine, I see my application live on the net and I am still connected via ...
Ty Bailey's user avatar
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Apache will not start with mod_wsgi enabled

I'm trying to run Apache with mod_wsgi to run Python scripts. The server is running Ubuntu 12.04 with Zend Server installed, but when I enable the wsgi module Apache will not start. I get an error ...
Rox45's user avatar
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268 views application times out on mod_wsgi and uwsgi but works in dev mode

I have a application that performs well in dev mode. However, a function that has a larger database query is causing the app to time out when run in either uwsgi or the browser to time out ...
Don Albrecht's user avatar
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hosting static files with mod_wsgi

I've followed Graham's simple configuration instructions for hosting static files along with a wsgi application mounted at the domain root. And in fact, my site is working. However, requests for ...
jmilloy's user avatar
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Apache / mod_wsgi / Django cannot find MySQL shared library

I'm stuck on a case where the MySQL libraries won't be found on a Apache/mod_wsgi/Django deployed server, altough Python alone can import the library correctly. Here's my Apache log errors: [Tue Jul ...
gyin's user avatar
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Apache conf changes when migrating django project from mod_python to mod_wsgi

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I'm migrating a django project from mod_python to mod_wsgi and I want to make sure I have my apache configuration correct. The old ...
thomascirca's user avatar
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Enabling mod_wsgi in Apache for a Django app on Gentoo

I installed Apache, Django, and mod_wsgi on Gentoo using emerge (on Amazon EC2). I know that the mod_wsgi is configured in /etc/apache2/modules.d/70_mod_wsgi.conf: <IfDefine WSGI> LoadModule ...
hobbes3's user avatar
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Server returning response for previous requests

It's a really strange problem. I believe it to be a server issue, but it's so strange and hard to reproduce that I'm not entirely sure. Just as the title says I'm receiving responses for earlier ...
modfrq's user avatar
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How do you implement mod_wsgi on web servers?

All of the documentation I've seen outlines the process for self-managed Apache configuration. I currently have my site hosted through Media Temple. Is it possible to configure WSGI for these types of ...
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Django - can't get production web server running

I'm trying to deploy a Django app in production, on an apache server, using mod-wsgi. mod-wsgi is installed and working fine. When I run the Django server, it launches fine, but I can't access it on ...
ankit's user avatar
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Set default number of mod_wsgi processes

I have a virtual host setup with the follow config directive. WSGIDaemonProcess myproject processes=2 threads=25 I would like to set the number of processes for each vhost using mod_wsgi to 2 ...
Kenzic's user avatar
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Django and WSGI and Apache2-- site is perfect in test server, won't load with Apache

OK I don't what I'm doing wrong here. I have a Linode VPS running Ubuntu. I installed Django 1.3, Apache2, and mod-WSGI. I created my (extermely simple) website, slapped in some images, have a CSS ...
Garfonzo's user avatar
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Django's unpredictable behaviour

I've been trying to make a simple app in Django for a while now and I noticed the following behaviours: Everytime I make changes to in my project folder, changes are not reflected until I ...
Ram's user avatar
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Apache fails to work/hangs when including

I am running Centos 5 on 64 with apache 2.2. When I include wsgi_module apache restarts ok with no errors, but it fails to serve any requests. It just says waiting in the browser when I access an URL....
Gabriel Solomon's user avatar
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Trac problem: AttributeError: Cannot find an implementation of the "IRequestHandler" interface named "WikiModule"

This problem already has been described mutliple times in different mailing lists, but no solution has yet been published. My original setup is as follows (but in the mean time i have a simpler one ...
Janosch's user avatar
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Mod_WSGI 6X Slower Than Django Development Server

I've been trying to figure why my Django Development Server is running 6-10x faster than mod_wsgi (which is supposed to be faster). I believe it must be restarting the Django process between requests, ...
bundini's user avatar
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wsgi - narrow user permissions

I have following Apache configuration and my application is working fine: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName WSGIScriptAlias / /home/ig-test/src/repository/django.wsgi ...
Tomasz Wysocki's user avatar
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Authorisation in mod_wsgi

I have the following setup, WSGIScriptAlias /i C:/Project/Scripts/hello.wsgi WSGIScriptAlias /hello C:/Project/Scripts/hello.wsgi <Directory "C:/Project/Scripts"> Order deny,allow Allow from ...
Filipe Pinheiro's user avatar
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How to install mod_wsgi 3.1 on Ubuntu 9.10

I have a Python 3 web app so mod_wsgi < 3.1 doesn't cut it for me. However, on my Ubuntu 9.10 installation there doesn't seem to be a package for mod_wsgi 3.1. Is there an alternative repository ...
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Why does Apache with mod_wsgi force a download of .py files instad of executing them?

Why does Apache with mod_wsgi force a download of .py files instead of executing them? I'm trying to run Django, but the first issue I have is .py files not executing. I'm following the docs here ...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar
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Problem with deploying django application on mod_wsgi

I seem to have a problem deploying django with mod_wsgi. In the past I've used mod_python but I want to make the change. I have been using Graham Dumpleton notes here
Shehzad009's user avatar
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mod_wsgi+Django with a different Python version

My server runs Python 2.4 by default, and I've used make altinstall to get an alternate Python 2.6 installation, for my Django webapp. However, mod_wsgi seems to be defaulting to using /usr/bin/...
BobMarley's user avatar
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Cannot run mod_wsgi on Apache 2.4 x64 Windows

I have a Apache 2.2 installation with a site on Django. I load module in my Apache config. Now I'm trying to migrate onto Apache 2.4 and have difficulties with WSGI. First of all: my ...
Shrike's user avatar
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Apache Django Mod_Wsgi - reload application automatically

My mod_wsgi is running in daemon mode but it won't reload my django app whenever I make changes to files. Each time I have to reload apache's configuration. I tried to us this tutorial, but it didn'...
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Apache/httpd error: Invalid command 'WSGIPythonHome'

ISSUE: My Apache/httpd server will not launch. journalctl -xe reveals: Feb 27 01:50:12 localhost.localdomain httpd[4398]: AH00526: Syntax error on line 355 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Feb 27 01:...
Josh's user avatar
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Enabling SPDY for nginx as reverse proxy to Apache

I am running nginx as a reverse proxy to apache (with mod_wsgi for a django app). nginx also serves static files. If I enable spdy on nginx, do I need to enable spdy on apache too to get maximum ...
ustun's user avatar
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How to choose a web server for a Python application? [closed]

Information and prerequisites: I have a project which is, at its core, a basic CRUD application. It doesn't have long running background processes which it forks at the beginning and talks to later ...
Phil's user avatar
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Troubleshooting mod-wsgi thread dying

A WSGI daemon on our public-facing web server died and required reloading apache configuration to start it again. All the error.log says is: Script timed out before returning headers: (and ...
Jan Hudec's user avatar
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Django hosting on linux - what's the most memory-efficient technique?

I've got a VPS (Ubuntu 10.04, 512MB) on which I host 10-15 django sites, most of which have intermittent traffic. I'm wondering what the best hosting technique is in this situation, where the ...
Greg's user avatar
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Apache, mod_wsgi, Django - strange 500 errors

I have a Django site which works well most of the time, memory usage is stable and I wouldn't have to worry if not some strange problems, which were occasional until yesterday and cause site to go ...
Tomasz Zieliński's user avatar

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