Questions tagged [mod-wsgi]

mod_wsgi is an easy to use Apache module that can host Python web applications which support the Python WSGI interface.

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Deploying a Django application in a virtual Ubuntu Server

I have a virtualbox machine running Ubuntu Server 10.04LTS. My intention is to this machine to work like a VPS, this way I can learn and prepare for when I get a VPS service. Apache+mod_wsgi for ...
mfsaint's user avatar
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Issues with URL length in Apache/mod_wsgi

I have a python wsgi API in which I process incoming URL payloads of varied length. I believe, but am not absolutely sure, that I may have run into a limitation of URL size. For a particular payload (...
horcle_buzz's user avatar
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Apache and mod_wsgi returning 504 error when posting specific SVG string

I have a wierd 504 error occuring in Apache + mod_wsgi when I post a specific SVG string. The backend application is Python Flask, but it does not seem to get to the application at all. Here is one ...
Martin Taleski's user avatar
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0 answers

NGINX and OpenStack Horizon?

I recently update our web infrastructure to use NGINX instead of our Apache servers. Now, I'm also operating an OpenStack Infrastructure and I was wondering if there is a state of the art way to ...
Dr I's user avatar
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2 answers

Python: ImportError: No module named os [closed]

error_log ... [Fri Sep 07 16:30:14 2012] [error] import os [Fri Sep 07 16:30:14 2012] [error] ImportError: No module named os -shell- [root@lts5srv1 home]# ldd /root/epd-5.1.0/bin/python ...
Kreshnik's user avatar
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Enabling mod_wsgi with SELinux (Is there a way?) [closed]

I recently had a bit of problem when recently by Deploying Django with mod_wsgi due to SELinux. Usually world get a "Permission denied" error (403). This was solved by disabling SELinux. Is there a ...
Shehzad009's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't locate API module structure `mod_wsgi'

I'm working on setting up Trac to use wsgi, and am running into trouble getting mod_wsgi working. I downloaded and installed mod_sgi. [box]# apachectl configtest httpd: Syntax error on line 214 ...
a coder's user avatar
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5 answers

How do I find the Python executable that my server is using?

I'm new to Linux. I'm managing a (Linux - Apache - mod_wsgi - Django) server, where there are multiple installations of Python. The site is currently working, but I want to find out which executable ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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3 answers

Where is the environment variable?

I have an apache2 server with active mod-wsgi, but I can't get the environment variable PYTHON_EGG_CACHE. Here the important lines out of my virtualhost.conf: DAV svn SVNParentPath /var/svn ...
CSchulz's user avatar
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1 answer

Find site of apache from linux process table

I am using Ubuntu server and when I run ps aux I get the following process table as we can see apache proceess are shown like this: www-data 26487 0.0 0.9 245476 14920 ?...
quarry32's user avatar
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2 answers

my first "production" debian server configuration

I have been using Debian for a year, mostly as the distro for my internal company server. Now I am making a public e-commerce website and I am planning to use a dedicated Debian server at a datacenter ...
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3 answers

To know whether my Uni can run Python web applications

I am completing my first database project. I am going to set up mod_wsgi to Apache such that I can run Python webframework on my Uni's servers. I am not sure whether my Uni has those tools or not. My ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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What are the problems of setting MaxRequestsPerChild to 1 of mpm_prefork module

For my application I had to have this configuration for it works : <IfModule mpm_prefork_module> MaxRequestsPerChild 1 </IfModule> What are the problem that I can encounter with ...
Hunsu's user avatar
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Can I configure apache/mod_wsgi so that the Alias URL path is not stripped before it reaches my Django app?

I am trying to configure Apache to host a Django webservice and a PHP website. All URLs with the pattern should be directed to the Django service. All other URLs (e.g. www.mysite....
David Jones - iPushPull's user avatar
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4 answers

Setting environment variables in mod_wsgi for Django

I'm running Django on an RHEL instance under Apache/mod_wsgi, and I'm having issues setting some environment variables for the Python process. All of the components (Apache, Python, mod_wsgi, ...
Michael C. O'Connor's user avatar
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7 answers

I'm DOSing my own Apache server, and I can't stop immediately. What can I do to make things better in the short term?

We've got a BUNCH of distributed clients that, among other things, upload log files to our Apache server. We messed up log rotation on some logs, so we're now uploading relatively large files from ...
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2 answers

How to let mod_wsgi only handle certain URLs under Apache?

I have a Django app that handles "/admin/" and "/myapp/". All the other requests should be handled by Apache. I've tried using LocationMatch but then I'd have to write a negative regex. I've tried ...
Frederik's user avatar
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We have nginx proxying to apache w/mod wsgi and very high server load, how to track down cause?

We have an nginx instance sitting in front of apache 2 (nginx handles static resources, dynamic content requests get proxied to apache) which is primarily using mod_wsgi to server various python/...
Andrew Ingram's user avatar
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Does mod-wsgi automatically spin up again when apache restarts?

I was reading through here: We have a python app hosted over a wide array of load-balanced servers, and sometimes it takes a long time for ...
cbron's user avatar
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Why does httpd seem to use a different version of python with the same executable?

I am running Apache httpd 2.4.4 on a RedHat 5 machine. I am using Django and running through mod_wsgi. I have Python 2.4.3 installed in /usr/bin and Python 2.7.6 installed in /usr/local/bin and I want ...
Graeme Perrow's user avatar
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Django mutli-threading on apache/mod_wsgi/windows

I am quite new to the combination of apache and django and quite naive frankly regarding to how multi-threading is handeled. Specifically I run on a windows server, so I know the MPM is only thread-...
Ilan lewin's user avatar
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Fine tuning Django Apache mod_wsgi

First off I am looking for some help setting up my Django and Apache settings to fine tune it for my site for the best performance cost effectiveness. Server info: Django 1.3 Webfacion server, 80mb ...
pllee's user avatar
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mod_wsgi daemon mode - WSGIDaemonProcess per virtual host configuration?

I had a fairly simple question. When mod_wsgi is run in Daemon mode, and you enable the WSGIDaemonProcess and WSGIProcessGroup directives on a per virtual host basis, are these picked up by other ...
shreddd's user avatar
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What's the most effecient hosting solution for running multiple Pyramid (Python) websites?

In the past, I've written websites in two languages. PHP for smaller sites and Python for larger sites. With this setup, I would run multiple Paster instances to serve each site on a different port ...
dave's user avatar
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2 answers

mod_wsgi not working on Apache 2.4.12 64 bit on Windows 7 [closed]

I'm running Apache (Haus) 2.4.12 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit. Python 2.7.9 64 bit is installed. Apache is running flawless if I don't try to load mod_wsgi. I downloaded from this site. I ...
renatov's user avatar
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Running multiple Django projects within Apache, sys.path being over written

I have been trying to research how to do a multiple Python / Django deployment using Apache VirtualHosts. The issue I am encountering seems straight forward, ImportError: Could not import settings '...
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

Configuring mod_wsgi to use Python 2.7 [duplicate]

I am trying to configure mod_wsgi to use Python 2.7. I downloaded and unpacked the source and ran ./configure --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.7 After this and ...
chernevik's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache - mod rewrite with virtual host question

I have Apache 2.0 set up with a virtual host like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName wackystore ServerAlias wackyprojects Alias /media/admin /opt/python/lib/python2.7/site-...
Greg_the_Ant's user avatar
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4 answers

How to check if mod_wsgl has correcly installed in apache

I have been trying to install mod_wsgl and django but iwas unsuccessful. I am thinking of going step by step. LEaving django aside how can i make sure that i have mod_wsgl installed correctly so ...
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django mod_wsgi memory problem

I have my django application on a VPS server (128mb ram) When i start it with python runserver, it works perfectly, but if I try to use it over apache/mod_wsgi it causes major slowdown very ...
dabrorius's user avatar
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3 answers

How to debug slow queries in Django+Postgres

My database queries from Django are starting to take 1-2 seconds and I'm having trouble figuring out why. Not too big a site, about 1-2 requests per second (that hit Django; static files are just ...
lacker's user avatar
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mod_wsgi, .htaccess and rewriterule

I'm using several django projects running on the same apache instance through mod_wsgi, configured with virtualhost for each site, see the httpd.conf here. For one of the sites I want to use static-...
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Deploying django website only for local network?

I developed a website with Django and I am deploying it with apache and mod-wsgi (as explained here). The catch is that I want to make sure that this website is accessible only on my local network. ...
a06e's user avatar
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virtualenv Failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied

When SELinx is in permissive the Django webapp runs fine with no alerts. The below error appears in the Apache error log, once SELinux is set to enforcing, but no alerts are logged to audit.log. [...
Kevin's user avatar
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1 answer

Causes of crash doing matrix multiply in Python/mod_wsgi/apache app

I am building a web app using Python 2.7, its bottle micro framework, and apache (via mod_wsgi). This app has some RESTish endpoints, one of which results in a connection error in the browser (Firefox ...
Josh Hemann's user avatar
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2 answers

Location Directive overrides mod_wsgi script alias mount

So I'm stymied. I have a webapp that uses Django and I'm using mod_wsgi to integrate it with apache. However, another person has a directive on the same machine that proxies to another server. The ...
Rokujolady's user avatar
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Apache, mod_wsgi, Django Error When Not SSH'd In To Server

I'm getting some strange errors that I've worked through to this point. I have an Ubuntu server setup with Apache + mod_wsgi + Django. When I'm SSH'd into the server, I can access the website fine ...
tehdiplomat's user avatar
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apache+mod_wsgi configuration for django project(s) on a quad core

I've been experiment quite some time with a "typical" django setting upon nginx+apache2+mod_wsgi+memcached(+postgresql) (reading the doc and some questions on SO and SF, see comments) Since I'm still ...
Stefano's user avatar
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2 answers

Deploying Django with mod_wsgi

/etc/apache2/site-available/ <VirtualHost my_ip_here:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName ServerAlias WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/www/...
Fred Collins's user avatar
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2 answers

Django Apache WSGI - very slow production server

I'm scratching my head on this one. Django is installed on my production and dev servers but the live server under not ver heavy load is running extremely slow. Every page is taking more than 30 ...
Derek Organ's user avatar
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How to configure ReviewBoard with mod_wsgi and Apache in non-root location

I'm trying to configure ReviewBoard on a Mac running OS X Leopard (10.5.8) with Python 2.5 and mod_wsgi 3.3 installed. I'm using sqlite and the standard Apache 2 that comes with OS X; the document ...
Quinn Taylor's user avatar
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Django Deploy Reccomendations

I have a Web application provided in SaaS way... (each client has his own sub-domain and his own database). My app uses Django Python and Postgresql. Right now is hosted on a linux shared hosting ...
quarry32's user avatar
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3 answers

apache 'The specified module could not be found. ' error

I got this message when I started the Apache service The Apache service named reported the following error: httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 128 of C:/data/apache/conf/httpd.conf: ...
Weiwei's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache MaxClients setting when KeepAlive is Off

with apache, is it reasonable to reduce MaxClients when KeepAlive is Off? currently, MaxClients is set to 150, which is the default for mpm-worker. nginx serves static files and reverse-proxies to ...
matt 's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is Apache2 not finding my WSGI app?

In my previous question, I asked how to make mod_wsgi use a specific Python version. Following the answer from that question, I created a Python 3.9 virtual environment and made WSGI use it. However, ...
ThatCoolCoder's user avatar
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Wsgi not finding python modules

Trying to get Django server running with Apache and WSGI This is my import os from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application sys.path.append('/home/rohan/Desktop/narsil/narsil') # ...
Bayko's user avatar
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Deploying Django application as Wordpress subpage (at sub url), mod-wsgi

I have a Wordpress blog, let's say that it's address is like and it is a Wordpress blog installed on Ubuntu 12.04 server. Now, I would like to run a Django application as one of the sub ...
yak's user avatar
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2 answers

Setup Apache + mod_wsgi: incorrect function

I'm trying to setup an apache http server with mod_wsgi on a windows machine, but when I start the service, it fails to launch. In the Windows Event Log I get the following message: The Apache2 ...
TiagoOliveira's user avatar
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apache pointing to the wrong version of python on ubuntu how do I change?

I am setting up a flask application on and Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS EC2 instance and everything seemed to be working well (i.e. I could get to the webpage via the publicly available url) until I tried to ...
one's user avatar
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2 answers

Kernel 3.8, Apache2 with WSGI : INFO: task apache2 blocked for more than 120 seconds

We have upgraded our Kernel from 2.6.32 to 3.8.7 on a Debian system. We have a sharing with NFS to get the data for Apache2. And Nginx serves only static files as a proxy. Since we have installed the ...
Acti67's user avatar
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