Questions tagged [mod-wsgi]

mod_wsgi is an easy to use Apache module that can host Python web applications which support the Python WSGI interface.

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scrapping not working Django+Apache+wsgi Production server

I developed a django app which uses beautifulsoup4 and urllib2 to parse the data from webpages.It was working well on my development server but when I put the same on Apache+wsgi server, the scrapping ...
Ashish Gupta's user avatar
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Cent OS + Apache2 + mod_wsgi error

I have a development server for my Django application running Cent OS 6. I'm serving the application using Apache and mod_wsgi. I read a lot about the default Python that comes with Cent and so I ...
user1289167's user avatar
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mod wsgi picks up wrong

I've compiled python 2.7.8 with: mkdir -p /usr/local/python2p7/lib ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python2p7 --with-threads --enable-shared LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath /usr/local/python2p7/lib" make make ...
brian's user avatar
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Serving static files through apache

I am new to the whole mod_wsgi and serving files through apache. I am really comfortable with flask but this is something i can't get my head around. I did the hello-world program and successfully ...
Aarushi's user avatar
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configured apache to host pyramid app, but restarts dont show changes

I have a pyramid application that I want to host using Apache. I started off by sucessfully getting a blank application to run - I used pyramid's starter scaffold to create a basic app then I ...
Sheena's user avatar
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Configuring Apache with Django

I'm trying to configure Apache with Django. Everything is working except the admin panel. It's static files are not loading. The documentation talks about different ways of doing it but none are ...
maahd's user avatar
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Django, Ubuntu, Apache, mod_wsgi

I'm trying to configure apache with django on Ubuntu 12.04. I'm using mod_wsgi. I used a couple of different tutorials but none of them fully worked for me. Frustrated, I installed nginx without ...
maahd's user avatar
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Apache and mod_wsgi, worker process stuck to W state, request never dies. How to diagnose?

I am running Apache 2.2 with mod_wsgi, Python 2.7 and mpm_worker. Occassionally, one of the worker processes gets stuck and all of it threads stop in writing state (as demostrated in the screenshot ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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How do I tell what request a mod_wsgi process is serving?

Occasionally, I get an apache process running at 100% CPU. I've tried letting it run it's course, but I've seen it go more than half an hour without giving up. My running hypothesis is there is an ...
Marc Hughes's user avatar
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Need Server requirement estimates for my application [duplicate]

I am a newbie to Web Development and am trying to estimate the server requirements based on my application configuration. My application will have to perform simple database look-up based on unique ...
mukesh's user avatar
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How to have PHP and mod_wsgi python app on the same domain?

I am using apache with mod_wsgi (python3) on ubuntu 12.04. I have a python app (bottle) which is at In my python app I have routes like I would like a ...
Lazik's user avatar
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Configure mod_wsgi WSGIScriptAlias with mod_rewrite

I want to redirect to but I still want to point to my app.wsgi without it showing up in the url. When I use the conf below and I go to, I get a 404 error saying ...
Lazik's user avatar
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Apache and mod_wsgi prevent user from viewing source

I'm running a WSGI application written in Python with flask on Apache. I have so far configured my vhost correctly to use my application. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ErrorLog /...
Felix Scheinost's user avatar
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Issue configuring Apache virtualHost with modwsgi

Hello i have a problem configuring apache with Virtualhosts and ModWSGI, see i want to run a Python Script when i access to the domain, but it keeps showing me the content of my folder instead ...
hidura's user avatar
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centos 6.4 - django deploy with apache and mod_wsgi

I'm trying to deploy on a VM with centos 6.4 a basic django project with apache and mod_wsgi. This is the project tree: myproj/ ├── ├── myapp │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── ...
Luke's user avatar
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mod_wsgi Causing httpd to Segmentation Fault

I have just installed python2.6 and mod_wsgi on my MediaTemple CentOS5.8 server. I had to install python2.6 along side the default python version of 2.4. I then compiled mod_wsgi telling it to use ...
OpIvy's user avatar
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Upgrading from Django 1.3 (Python 2.6) to Django 1.5 + Python 2.7 CentOS

We currently have a server running python2.6 + apache and mod_wsgi that runs with Django 1.3. I plan to use the following guide to install python 2.7
Jeff_Hd's user avatar
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Deploy a Django site and a PHP site on the same server with Apache and mod_wsgi

I currently have a Django site working at , I would like to deploy an additional PHP site to the same server at My current httpd.conf (from DjangoFoo) : <...
edu222's user avatar
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Apache django mysql very slow

I am using Django, wsgi with apache, but the server is really slow when I try to insert data into mysql server. It takes 1 second to insert 200 rows in a table. The strange thing is that only 3% of ...
Jiechao Li's user avatar
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How to get apache to use python 2 with mod_wsgi?

I have an Arch Linux server that used to use Python 2.7.3 just fine with Apache and mod_wsgi-3.4-2. I have both Python 2.7.3 and 3.3.0 installed on the server, and both executables are located in /usr/...
Nathan Jones's user avatar
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apache, mod_wsgi: cannot open shared object file

$ /etc/init.d/httpd restart Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 205 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server: /etc/httpd/modules/ ...
Kreshnik's user avatar
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Apache stops serving request

I am running django with mod_wsgi and every thing works fine most of the time but at times I observe that all of sudden Apache stops serving any requests, monitoring service on server says httpd is ...
vishy's user avatar
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mod_wsgi woes on x64 windows 7 running Apache 2.2

64-bit Win7 Apache 2.2.19, mod_wsgi/3.4-BRANCH Python/2.7.3 No errors visible in logs: [Wed Aug 01 17:44:48 2012] [notice] Apache/2.2.19 (Win64) mod_wsgi/3.4-BRANCH Python/2.7.3 configured -- ...
rickL's user avatar
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mod_wsgi only working when user is logged in

I've set up a Django application on a Linux server (Ubuntu server 12.4), using Apache (mod_wsgi) and PostgreSQL (psycopg2). I had problems with Postgres' unix authentication, so I chose a regular user ...
mgibsonbr's user avatar
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centos default apache log location for virtualhost

may i know what is the default location for the error logs for inidividual sites/virtualhost in apache + centos? Also, if I want to customize the location of the log file, do I define errorLog under ...
amateur's user avatar
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mod_wsgi on Plesk server [closed]

I've installed mod_wsgi on my Plesk server, but I can't get it to behave the way I'd like. If I add WSGIScriptAlias /python /var/www/vhosts/ To my config file, ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Django + Apache + mod_wsgi problems

I have spent the last 2 days attempting to deploy a Django application I've built and tested using the development server built into I've read countless tutorials and snippets, and cannot ...
patrickn's user avatar
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Problem getting mod_wsgi running with apache

Not had any problems implementing this set up before, got a new server set up at home and wanted to work on some django projects. Im using virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper, mod_wsgi module seems to ...
Mike Waites's user avatar
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mod_wsgi + Apache 2 -- not able to access wsgi file

I have installed libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 from the synaptic package manager ( Ubuntu 11.04) and because I had used package manager, it automatically kept the wsgi.load and wsgi.conf files at the right ...
crazyaboutliv's user avatar
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Apache, Django with mod_wsgi, and large request buffering

In my setup of Apache 2.2 MPM worker and Django 1.3 with mod_wsgi 2.8, I need to support large POST request payloads. The problem is that when there are many such simultaneous requests, Apache uses up ...
Mukul's user avatar
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Installing mod_wsgi in addition to PHP

I would like to use some python scripts with my PHP-based application. I don't want to install Django; just mod_wsgi, so Apache can execute my python scripts as well as the rest of my PHP site. How do ...
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Apache mod_wsgi error

I have followed this guide to setup django on a cpanel server (CentOS 5.2) I get a 500 ...
Benbob's user avatar
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AIX Missing Symbols ap_cleanup_scoreboard and ap_accept_lock_mech for Apache Process. However, the symbols do exist

I am having a problem whereby apache is not able to find certain symbols referenced from a library (mod_wsgi) loaded within the apache process. When i start the apache process, i get this error. ...
user60899's user avatar
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Host multiple apps with Django, mod_wsgi

I want to host two web apps using a same Apache server, and with IP address in the URL. Two apps are differentiated by their URLs. For example, and I'm using mod_wsgi ...
Barun's user avatar
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Django, modwsgi and apache virtualhosts

I have gotten virtual hosts to work, but somehow this setup of mine is behaving strangely. NameVirtualHost * <VirtualHost *> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName ...
rdrey's user avatar
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mod_wsgi with dynamically allocated UIDs

I have a system where users upload wsgi applications and we serve them using apache/mod_wsgi. For scaling reasons, we're simply using the WSGIDaemonProcess directive and setting them to dynamically ...
dave paola's user avatar
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How to debug a broken site config on Apache2

I am currently trying to run a simple BottlePY site on Apache2 but am getting an Internal Server Error. Here is the config file for the site <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin removed@removed....
Shane Reustle's user avatar
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Run Mod_Python with Mod_WSGI on Apache for Django -- Segmentation fault (11)

Okay, so I have to use an existing server to run my Django web app on. The server is running Mac OS 10.6 Server. It comes with Python 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 pre-installed. I have edited my http.conf file ...
ChrisJF's user avatar
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Recent apache + mod_wsgi + django install instructions?

I've been hunting 'round google and the web to get a django setup running with apache and mod_wsgi under ubuntu 10.04, but with no success. Does anyone know of any recent instructions on how to ...
Wayne Werner's user avatar
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Django not running on CentOS but simple wsgi example works

my django.wsgi import os import sys sys.path.append('/var/www/django') os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'myapp.settings' os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/var/www/django/myapp/.python-eggs' ...
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Redhat | error in mod_swgi installation

I'm getting the following error when I try to install mod_wsgi ./configure checking for apxs2... no checking for apxs... /usr/sbin/apxs checking Apache version... 2.2.3 configure: creating ./config....
Switch's user avatar
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Reference the matched directory inside an Apache DirectoryMatch directive

I am attempting to configure Apache to host multiple django sites via mod_wsgi. The mod_wsgi setup tutorial gives an example configuration for this scenario where each app is in the same directory: ...
Mark Roddy's user avatar
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django script causing 500 error however nothing clear in error log

i'm really struggling to locate an error caused in a django script, here is the pastie i had a working copy in svn, i updated some code which didn't work and when i rolled back to to the previous ...
Neil Hickman's user avatar
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trouble deploying django under apache on centos with mod_wsgi

EDIT 2: I got this running mostly! It was indeed a SELinux issue. So most things work, I get a cannot write to a read only database error. And some of my things that seem like static are not found,...
Codejoy's user avatar
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setting up django on a shared server

I would like to learn how to use django, but I have no experience with servers (don't know how to use apache..) and am having trouble getting started. If I only have access to my home directory on a ...
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Can I optimize this mod_wsgi / apache file better?

I am new to Django/Python/ mod_wsgi, and I was wondering if I could optimize this file to reduce memory usage: ServerRoot "/home/<foo>/webapps/django_wsgi/apache2" LoadModule dir_module ...
tomwolber's user avatar
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Apache Error (AH01276), Cannot serve directory /var/www/project/:

I am trying to deploy a Django web app on a newly installed centos7 server. for this i am using apache2.4 with mod_wsgi. i am stuck at serving the static files and because i am new to this, this is so ...
Soufiaane's user avatar
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virtualhost not working properly, site only displays with www prefix

I'm configuring my first Apache server with mod_wsgi and it isn't working properly. The script runs fine if the browser navigates to :, but navigating to only displays ...
Gucci_Thane's user avatar
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Permission denied error while creating files from a python script using mod_wsgi on apache

I'm running a python script under mod_wsgi on apache. The script attempts to create some files under a directory. The path of that directory is defined by this variable named tmpdir in the script. ...
Omnipresent's user avatar

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