Questions tagged [msdeploy]

MSDeploy is a tool developed by Microsoft, also known as 'Web Deploy'. It allows the simple deployment and configuration of applications being deployed to IIS.

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18 votes
5 answers

Could not connect to remote computer web deploy ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE

I am trying to configure Web Deploy 3.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with SP1 installed on it. When I try to validate connection using Visual Studio 2013 to publish a website it throws the ...
Mitul's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Can the msdeploy agent service open up an attack vector on our servers?

we're evaluating the usage of the msdeploy Web Deployment Agent Service for automatic deployments to our production servers. One thing we can't find out about are potential security impacts. For one ...
Sebastian P.R. Gingter's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

IIS7 - Web Deployment Tool - SetParam/SetParamFile to set http and https bindings + Cert

we're currently using the MS Web Deployment Tool to sync a live website and some WebServices from a staging box to two live servers. The staging box hosts the site on any IP on port 17000, whereas ...
Andras Zoltan's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

msi for Web Deploy 3.6 for Hosting Servers... where to find?

On Win2012-R2 The Web Platform Installer offers an option (that I need...): "Web Deploy 3.6 for Hosting Servers" I would like to get this into my dsc script, but cannot find the discrete msi(s) on ...
Jonesome Reinstate Monica's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

msdeploy via jenkins & service account: connected but "could not authorize"?

Background / Goal The moving parts: I have a service account, let's call it MyDomain\svcMyService. I have a remote server, let's call it MyDomain\MyServer. I have a Jenkins server, let's call it ...
SeanKilleen's user avatar
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IIS Configuration Management... Alternatives to MSDeploy and Web Farm Framework?

In my experience both IIS Web Farm Framework and MSDeploy is doing a really poor job of managing configurations between servers. While the idea behind the Web Farm Framework and MSDeploy is awesome, ...
JohannesH's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

MSDeploy fails with "an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"

The following MSDeploy string supplied to the command line results in an error. Can anyone shed any light on this? "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy\\msdeploy.exe" -source:package='D:\dev\...
52d6c6af's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does MSDEPLOY Produce a Log of its Actions for Audit Purposes?

We just had a situation where someone performed a deployment into the wrong system at the wrong time, yet nobody knows who did it, or when. I looked in the Windows Event Logs on the target web server,...
John Saunders's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Moving one website from one server to another using powershell

I've been reading about MS Deploy and writing a small script to export/import one website from one server to another server(IIS8 to IIS8). But I ran into sizing problems and some other errors and the ...
SkyeBoniwell's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Microsoft Web Deployment Service Silent Install

I am trying to script the installation of the web deployment service (WebDeploy_x64_en-US). There is a quiet flag (/quiet), however it does not install the remote management service by default. I did ...
Oscar Kuo's user avatar
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1 answer

MS Webdeploy V3 encryptPassword correct usage

I have installed MS Webdeploy (Version 3.5) on both my ("old") Server 2003/IIS6 and ("new") Server 2012/IIS8. Currently, I am following the guidelines in the article here, backing up the Target ...
buck1112's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why can't I deploy with Web Deploy 3.5?

I'm attempting to use Web Deploy 3.5 in a test environment. It fails with a 404, even though Web Deploy 3.5 is installed on the test server and the Web Management Service is started. I have even ...
Blanthor's user avatar
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How can I speed up MSDeploy?

MSDeploy is excruciatingly slow. As in, it has taken our build /deployment process from 3.8 minutes to 15. Is there anyway to speed this up? The publish method we are using is WMSVC.
NotMe's user avatar
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Unable to start IIS Web Deploy agent for missing SSL certificate

I just found that my instance of Web Deploy agent stopped working and won't restart because of a missing SSL certificate. When I try to start service IIS Manager (C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\wmsvc....
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How Do I Migrate a Single Application from IIS6 to IIS7?

I have a number of applications currently running on a Windows Server 2003 system. We'd like to migrate one of those applications to IIS7 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box. This is a new web server, has ...
John Saunders's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

MsDepSvc.exe send files/sensitive information over port 80?

I'm reading up on WebDeploy, but I'm a bit confused about the differences between the service that runs on port 80 (Remote Agent Service) and port 8172 (IIS Deployment handler?). As far as I can tell,...
Joe Zack's user avatar
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1 answer

Backup of All websites with MSDeploy

I am trying to make a command line argument that will backup all my websites to a file which I can then move periodically to offsite backup location. I would need all the content and all the settings ...
Anders's user avatar
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I am using msdeploy combined with TeamCity to deploy multiple websites to a test server. I will intermittently get an error when backing up the old deployed site. The error output is: Error Code: ...
John Rocha's user avatar
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Msdeploy, can sync but not delete

I'm trying to setup automatic deployment using msbuild. I succeeded having a msdeploy sync call to successfully publish a zip package created with msbuild. However when I try to perform a msdeploy ...
Koresh's user avatar
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MSDeploy - possible to call setAcl on multiple destinations in one go?

I'm building a nice little continuous integration environment for our development team, based on TeamCity. It's working rather nicely, as it can build a mix of .NET and PHP projects, and push them to ...
growse's user avatar
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MSDeploy Removing IIS Url Rewrite

I've noticed that when I deploy my application via msdeploy all of the url re-writes (IIS 7.5) are removed. How can I prevent this from happending or how can I build the url re-write into part of the ...
Rob White's user avatar
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0 answers

Unauthorized Access Exception using Web Deploy to Site when the site root is a UNC path

I am trying to use Web Deploy to deploy a site where the Site is rooted on a UNC path instead of a local drive. This is because I want to have a shared configuration, and have all servers point to the ...
Peter T. LaComb Jr.'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Allow domain user to publish website with mswebdeploy on IIS 7.5

I'm trying to configure an IIS 7.5 server to allow remote deployment by a domain user account. I can achieve this if I create either a local account with Administrator privileges, or use a domain ...
growse's user avatar
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1 answer

"CustomFields" error when using MSDEPLOY to export\import Website between servers

Source: Server 2012 R2 Destination: Server 2012 This is the command I use to export: C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3>msdeploy -verb:sync -source:apphos tconfig="mywebsite" -dest:...
JustAGuy's user avatar
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2 answers

How to restart the IIS application pool remotely via command line and MSDeploy

I am creating GitHub actions to automatically deploy my website. I have everything working other than the ability to remotely restart the application pool. From what I've read, I need to stop the ...
Dave's user avatar
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Msdeploy fails from time to time, stating that it is unable to delete directory

We have an MsDeploy enabled-delivery and, normally, it is working flawlessly on number of servers. But, on 3 Windows 2012 R2 servers it fails from time to time saying that it is enable to delete ...
Anton Kuryan's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Cannot use msdeploy to sync 2 websites - ERROR_FRAMEWORK_VERSIONS_DO_NOT_MATCH

I am trying to use the msdeploy v3.0 to sync an iis website. The site is using .net 4.5 and I am having trouble syncing a brand new server. Step 1) Create a backup of the website. It looks like it ...
JustEngland's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Web management service not start on reboot

Server 2012R2 with management service. Whe reboot the server, the service not start automatically. If i start it manually, it start successfull. There are these events on event viewer: Service ...
Mos242's user avatar
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How to read and save IIS configuration? (Win Server 2012 R2)

We have a set of IIS servers that were configured by hand. We lost track over the years of what we changed to machine config, etc. We now need to re deploy on Server 2016. We want to avoid the ...
Jonesome Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to see what IIS config elements are changed from default?

On Windows Server 2012, 2012-R2 and 2016 (e.g. IIS v8.0 and up) We have an IIS setup, that has evolved over the years. How do I extract its "delta to default IIS" so we can make a script to set up ...
Jonesome Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

TFS 2015 Unable to deploy to to specific server, but Visual Studio can from the Build Agent server

I'm at a bit of a loss here, having checked all the usual suspects. One of the most baffling things is that I can deploy via Visual Studio on the Build Agent server, using the same url to the same ...
Davy8's user avatar
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0 answers

Windows service control commands for non administrator user

we have two environments, staging and production, both running a windows service. we use a build server to deploy a certain windows service via MSDeploy part of the build steps is running a CMD script ...
Michal Řehout's user avatar
1 vote
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Creating a manual backup. Are applications and virtual directories supported?

Let's say I have created the following in IIS: 1. A website called 'MyMusicBlog'. 2. Added an application 'Umbraco'. 3. Added a virtual directory called 'services'. 4. Added an application 'RssService'...
mathijsuitmegen's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

msdeploy syncing issues

I have 4 Windows 2008 R2 servers. 3 are IIS 7.5 web servers and 1 is a sql server / shared file server. I configured the first web server exactly as I wanted it, then used this msdeploy command to ...
user155455's user avatar
1 vote
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Using MSDeploy to set ACLs on the system temp directory

I'm trying to grant read and write permissions to the system Temp location to the IIS_IUSRS group. There is a system variable declared %TEMP%; but unfortunately there is also a user variable by the ...
AlanEden's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Web Deploy to IIS7 fails with 401 (Unauthorized)

We have IIS7 running on Windows Web Server 2008 R2. It's set up to support Web Deploy. It worked fine when we used the default Administrator account. We recently disabled this account (for security ...
Trex's user avatar
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0 answers

Consolidate 2 IIS6 webservers into one IIS7 webserver

I'm trying to consolidate 2 webservers with different sites within into a single new IIS7 web server. I thought I would be able to do it using msdeploy tool. It doesn't seem to allow multiple sources....
Claudio Redi's user avatar
0 votes
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ERROR: The version of the .NET Framework Configuration Provider (machineConfig64) are different on the source (2.0) and destination (4.0)

First I'll start by saying that this question is similar to this question: Cannot use msdeploy to sync 2 websites - ERROR_FRAMEWORK_VERSIONS_DO_NOT_MATCH. Actually my use case is different... but ...
Redoman's user avatar
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MSDeploy with Jenkins

So I'm setting up a Jenkins job that will build and deploy an application that I have. Building it is easy, but I'm having issues deploying it. Here is my build command: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\...
Chiggins's user avatar
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msdeploy not copying files starting with a dot

Some of the files for the website I'm moving start with a dot, IE .htaccess or .hiddenFolder or anything similar to that. I'm trying to move these sites from IIS6 to IIS7 (there's hundreds of ...
LinuxGnut's user avatar
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I can access MsDeploy Agent Service without logging in!

I've installed MsDeploy Agent Service to a server. With msdeploy.exe i can dump and sync everything without entering any login or password from a client machine. I've deleted all credentials from the ...
Carl Hörberg's user avatar
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Having trouble deploying tfs artifact to iis server with msdeploy

I'm building my projects artifact on a team foundation devops server. And in the release definition I want to deploy the artifact with msdeploy, but I'm getting "ERROR_USER_ANAUTHORIZED". I build ...
Elias's user avatar
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How to update machineConfig64 .Net Framework-configuration provider

I'm trying to synchronize an IIS Site from an old Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS7.5 to a new Windows Server 2012 R2 with IIS8.5. I'm doing that with the WDeploySnapin3.0 PowerShell Snapin now I got ...
SimonS's user avatar
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Web deploy fails on Azure Pack Websites v2 rollup 7

I have setup an Azure Pack Website cloud, and almost everything is working (creating websites, publishing by git, tenant etc...). Except Web Deploy and creating an application from the marketplace. I ...
Julien Lebot's user avatar
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Website deployment to China

I'm trying to deploy a website to Azure China. I just downloaded the publish profile from my Azure China account and use Visual Studio to deploy via Web Deploy using the profile, stock standard. It ...
Sam7's user avatar
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2 answers

IIS 8 - Application Initialization and Deployment of website without downtime

I have set up App Initialization on for a large website, however there is still quite a long wait before the website is initialized before users can access it. The site in question is quote big and ...
izip's user avatar
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Web deploy (msdeploy), syncing everything but sites and pools (but include siteDefaults)

Today I do the following to sync two webservers but skip all site configuration: msdeploy -verb:sync -source:webServer -dest:webServer,computerName=web25:8080 -skip:objectName=section,...
jishi's user avatar
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Setting write permissions for folders while creating a package with MSDeploy

I'm using MSDeploy to create an artefact as a build step in NAnt. This particular build step is called on successful compilation. The artefact is then used to for deployment. Here is the step ...
bala_88's user avatar
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Migrating IIS 6 webserver to new IIS 6 server in 1 command?

In the midst of migrating one my IIS 6 web servers with 30 or so applications on it, to new hardware. Coming from a linux background, I'm very surprised as to how difficult this seems to be. Having ...
seeafish's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a remote backup of a site with MSDeploy?

I'm currently using the package dest to create a backup of a site as follows: msdeploy.exe -source:appHostConfig="Default Web Site",computerName="https://server:8172/MSDeploy.axd?site=Default Web ...
Ragesh's user avatar
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