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Web Deploy 3.0 Installation Fails

I am having difficulty installing Microsoft Web Deploy 3.0 to a Windows Server 2008 R2 box. I have tried installing with both the Web Platform Installer and the MSI package but installation fails ...
jkarpilo's user avatar
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exception occurs during uninstalling msi

I installed my web application via an msi. When I try to unistall the application via add/remove programmes an exception occurs during the uninstall and the uninstall never completes. Is there any way ...
Amateur's user avatar
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Unexpected msi-Setup crash on server 2003

I am encountering the problem that I have an installer which works fine on other server 2003 enviroments but crashes on this one. My researches have lead me to the problem of installing IIS 6.0 - I ...
Horius's user avatar
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