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11 votes
8 answers

Batch file to uninstall all Sun Java versions?

I'm setting up a system to keep Java in our office up to date. Everyone has all different versions of Java, many of them old and insecure, and some dating back as far as 1.4. I have a System Center ...
Ricket's user avatar
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Java MSI install error 3: -2147287037

We want to silent install Java 8 update 60 via its msi. The installation stops with a vague error which isn't very helpful at finding a solution. This is the MSI log: === Verbose logging started: 10....
globus243's user avatar
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Java group policy install succeeds but not fully installing

I am attempting to deploy java over group policy and am running into a few issues. Sometimes when the msi installs, the installer reports that it succeeded in the event viewer, but when I go to the ...
ptsoccer's user avatar