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4 answers

Is it possible to disable msiexec help GUI?

I'm automating unattended retrieval & installation of specified .msi packages with a powershell script but if the command is invoked with syntax errors the msiexec will wait indefinitely for an OK ...
snoweagle's user avatar
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Scripted check for a specific feature from an msi installer

I need to be able to check for the installation of a particular feature from an msi installer. For context, I need to check whether the "Powershell Cmdlets" feature (TFPS from Feature table in Orca) ...
bwerks's user avatar
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Remote installing an msi on citrix servers using WMI

OK, I'm a C# programmer that is trying to streamline the deployment of a custom windows form app I inherited and built an installer for with WiX (this app will need to be reinstalled regularly as I'm ...
capn's user avatar
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Difference between isntalling a msi using "Invoke-WmiMethod"(via a cmd file) and installing directly on the server

Ran against a server to install the msi; eventlogs were clean and all success; but the key file in bin direstory is still old. Later tried installing it directly doing a double click by RDP into the ...
Darktux's user avatar
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How to call msiexec from powershell with parameters

I am trying to execute the following line from a powershell script: msiexec /qb /i ps-pulse-win-5.2r5.1-b897-64bitinstaller.msi CONFIGFILE="ALS GSLB.jnprpreconfig" This works when called from a DOS ...
dragonspeed's user avatar
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Installing msi applications silently with arguments using PowerShell script fails

I'm trying to install an msi application silently with a Powershell script with some arguments but it fails. The logs that I get from msiexec is not help full at all. I believe this is a fault in the ...
user2034859's user avatar
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Trend Micro Anti-Virus / Deep Security Unattended Installation

I would greatly appreciate if someone with operational knowledge about Trend Micro Deep Security, could verify or debunk the following statement: The software cannot be installed unattended client-...
Casper Leon Nielsen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

error in msiexec for mariadb

This fails (and wont let me add /L for logging) and displays the help popup: Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, "C:\app\install\mariadb-10.0.14-winx64.msi", INSTALLDIR="C:\ipw\bin\...
FelixHJ's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Deploy MSI via GPO to specific users "Admin right issue"

I'm trying to deploy an MSI via GPO to specific users (120 users) from different departments and sites, the problem is that they don't have admin rights so the application cannot be installed due to ...
Ali GHALEB IBRAHIM's user avatar