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8 votes
4 answers

I deployed Flash Player via a Software Installation policy. How to upgrade?

I have a Windows Server 2008 machine as my DC. Earlier this year I created a Software Installation GPO to deploy Adobe Flash Player plugin MSI. I assigned the policy to the computers, about half run ...
eleven81's user avatar
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Difference between isntalling a msi using "Invoke-WmiMethod"(via a cmd file) and installing directly on the server

Ran against a server to install the msi; eventlogs were clean and all success; but the key file in bin direstory is still old. Later tried installing it directly doing a double click by RDP into the ...
Darktux's user avatar
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Installing software as an Update

My company uses SCCM 2007 and Windows 7. I have a rather complicated application deployment that I need to do. To make a long story short, I have to automatically install this while no users are ...
Little_Johnn's user avatar