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4 votes
3 answers

MSI package for reg deployment

What is the best way to create MSI package to deploy a registry key over a network, rather than using GPO.
Eddy's user avatar
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HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT does not contain contents of HKEY_CURRENT_USER

I have an MSI installer which registers an ActiveX component. The registration info is written to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, and all works fine and dandy. For one user, however, IE is behaving as ...
RB.'s user avatar
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0 votes
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WinZip Courier automatically zipping email attachments

I am trying to create a pre-configured MSI file for WinZip Courier 6 (latest version) within a CMD script (eventually deploying on SCCM). The main MSI property to turn off automatic zipping is "...
Doug's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

MSI on Windows 10 won't register OCX (even when run as admin)

Got an MSI built using a Visual Studio Installer project. The resulting MSI was developed on Windows 7 some years back, and works fine there. There is a merge module (MSM) that is supposed to dump ...
Zach Blocker's user avatar